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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disappointing
Review: Very disappointing, specially coming from the guys at EA who created the Medal of Honor series. The original Battlefield was original and fun to play, but very low quality graphics and play control. Battlefield Vietnam is no better, just different weapons and maps, they may have updated the engine a bit, but the game runs slow and is prone to bugs. I bought Battlefield Vietnam hoping that it would be much better then the original, but I was disappointed. There is another one coming out, but I think I will wait awhile before buying that one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 5 stars to Best war game I ever seen
Review: This battlefield has very high quality of graphics so buy it if u like battlefield.

a-good music b-blood c-best multiplayer c-new vehicles & new weapons d-very sharp graphics than any battlefields e-good single player f-new weapons effects.

a-it needs high system b-3.5stars to single player mode.
I am a battlefield fan & I like this battlefield Vietnam.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: sadness
Review: should have been called- battlefield vietnam totally sucks so bad and was rushed to market with no quatlity control that you can not even sort the server by ping...? Did they even test this game? You know you are having fun when your screen freezes every three seconds, for three seconds. The weapon balance was well thought out though (just kidding). anyhow, go play the Unreal 2004 demo which is way better than this (or buy that game if you like) until the patch(es) comes out (maybe that will help).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The game is full of bugs.
Review: I just installed Battlefield Vietnam and spent about two hours playing it. I really enjoyed 1942, but Vietnam is a huge disappointment. It has some very annoying bugs that make the game play extremely poor, like invisible walls that you cannot move or shoot through and usually gets you stuck and/or killed. Floating medical cabinets that you can't get to. Flags that remains white because the timer is stuck (even with no enemies around).

If you really want this game, at least wait till the price comes down and definitely wait till they have a couple of patches out before buying the game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Could have been better!
Review: I can only say Battlefield: Vietnam is 3.5 stars. Sadly enough, the aircraft sims from the main designers are falling behind. What about the SR-75 that replaced the SR-71 Blackbird? And what about other black program aircraft that have been spotted and written about? I've flown them all on my computer and am a Vietnam era veteran. I also worked FOT&E and R&D on the F-15, F-16, A-10, B1, and SR-?? (can't talk about it) from 1973 to 1978 at Edwards AFB, California.

Tell you what, I've found a freeware sim that is just awesome and incredible by any standards. Fly the number one freeware aircraft simulator on the Internet - The TR-3B Flying Triangle. I flew fighters for the Air Force in late Vietnam, specifically the F-111 and am rated commercial also. The TR-3B Flight Simulator for Microsoft's Flight Sim, is based on the writings, lectures, and TV interviews of Edgar Fouche who wrote "Alien Rapture." (See amazon)

Why? This is what the genius who developed it wrote: "For the experienced flight simmer on FS2002 PRO, I have developed this complete exotic amphibian TR-3B package, which is now available as freeware for download. It includes 3 models - the purple Astra, blue Locust and white Hellas - and as an extra 4th model the TR-3X with its own speedy attacker flight dynamics. The package includes TR-3B panel & gauges, noise cancellation sounds, fsuipc and special lights effects.

This TR-3B is a heavy tactical reconnaissance aircraft equipped with a magnetic field disruptor that reduces the weight by 89 percent (it is not the same as anti-gravity, though). It has been created for Microsoft Flight Simulator. All gauges are included.

The TR-3B can float like a speedboat at Mach 1.5 over water, fly like a heavy helicopter, like a bush plane, a business jet, like a military jet and lift like a rocket. Cruise speed is approx Mach 4.7 at FL340 and above, and approx Mach 2 at sea level. Service ceiling approx 69,000 feet ASL. Super stable. FSFREEWARE, SURCLARO, FSPLANET aircraft simulator sites have reported as many as 5000 downloads in one week!

I searched and read many many web pages about his book and the author, Edgar Fouche including; startfinish(put in the dot com.)biz/wise Click on links for Fouche and Flying Triangle. You will find his full presentation, and the download links for the TR-3B. Get the Great TR-3B Top Secret aircraft simulator and X-Plane, which I highly recommend.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Complete Waste of Money
Review: I've been playing computer games for almost 15 years and this one ranks as a tremendous disappointment. I have several problems with this game. First, the AI is ridiculous--completely unbelievable. Second, I lived through this time period (joined the Air Force at the tail end of the fighting), and this game doesn't capture the feel of it. I've spent a great deal of time studying the war and found many details of this game so historically inaccurate as to be laughable. Also, even on my high-end machine the graphics looked cheesy. The bottom line is I uninstalled this game after one week. If you're looking for a game with a high immersion factor that keeps you coming back for more, save your money and look elsewhere!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: same old game
Review: I had big hopes for this one. I started getting a little bored with 1942 and Desert Combat (AFTER 1 YEAR). They were awesome and hold the record for most time on my PC. This game did not renew any of the previous enjoyment. I am sure those that didnt play 1942 will be satisfied. Basically, I was looking for something new...look, feel, sound, gameplay...something. I just didnt find it with BF Vietnam.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I like it...
Review: My system:
1.2 Ghz AMD Athlon
512 MB RAM
GeForce2 64 MB video card
SB 512 sound card

I updated my audio and video drivers and installed the latest version of directx before installing BFV. It installed and runs fine. I've been using the defaults that it selected for my machine, low video settings, 16 bots, etc. The game plays fine and the video is still good at low res (comparable or better than BF1942). I think it's a good game with some good maps. Haven't tried multiplayer yet. The only bug I've seen is the artillery sound loop. you just need to exit the current game and start a new one to fix it (and don't use fixed artillery). I'm sure that will be fixed in a future patch.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: EA Games Fan SERIOUSLY Disappointed!
Review: I have been a huge Electronic Arts fan for years, and my gaming collection includes a vast amount of their products including NFS: Underground (5 stars), NFS: Hot Pursuit 2 (3 stars), NFS: Porsche Unleashed (5 stars), Battlefield 1942 (5 stars), and, now, Battlefield Vietnam. My opinion of Battlefield 1942 can be read by clicking on my name above this review -- you can see how highly I thought of that game in comparison to this one!

Currently, I am running Vietnam on a Pentium 2.8ghz 800mhz FSB w/ HT technology chipset, 1gb of dual channel DDR400 memory, 80gb serial ata 7200rpm hard drive, GeForce 5600 256mb video card, a Nokia 21" monitor, and Windows XP Professional. This set up makes all my other games FLY w/ absolute maximum graphics settings, but it barely handles Vietnam!!! Even in 1024x768x16 graphics mode w/ the _second highest_ graphics quality setting, the game is extremely choppy and laggy. Often so much so that it's extremely difficult to aim the sight where I intend! I ran 1942 in 1600x1200x32 w/ all maximum graphics settings (including visibility) and the game ran flawlessly. I am so disappointed with Vietnam! In order to run the game without lag, I have to run it in 800x600x16 graphics mode with all graphics settings set to medium or less. This is TOTALLY unacceptable! I tried running it on 1600x1200x32 w/ all maximum settings just to see what it looked like, and the graphics are not even as good as 1942 in my opinion, which brings up the question -- why the heck are the graphics worse than 1942, but the game runs 20 times slower?!

The poor graphics quality/performance is my main complaint with this game, but I have several others. One being that all the different options menus have minimum settings listed. Even in the graphics section, you can't increase/decrease visibility or texture quality, or anything like that. You only get a few options to play with. Another complaint I have with this game, is that the AI seem to cheat a lot! In 1942, you could sneak up on people and stab them to death with your knife or shoot them in the back of the head execution style if you were careful enough. In Vietnam, the enemy even almost seems to see you if you are on the other side of a hill! I don't like feeling like I'm being cheated, it's the worst feeling in the world in my opinion. The other complaint I have with the game, is the single player mode. I was disappointed to see that the missions were not arranged in a campaign mode! You only get about a dozen missions, and several of them are the same maps repeated over with different checkpoints. Yuck! If I had known all this in advance, I would have waited for the price to come down to about twenty dollars before I bought this game!

Despite its extreme disappointments, this game does provide a good amount of fun, and has many wonderful aspects to it. You are able to customize your guy a little better in Vietnam, as opposed to 1942. In 1942, you could select whether you wanted to play as a scout, assault, anti-tank, medic, or engineer. In Vietnam, you can pick scout, assault, anti-tank, or engineer. The cool thing is that you get two weapons arrangements to choose from for each class, and they vary slightly from mission to mission. Also, engineers can have mortar launchers, blow torches (dismantle vehicles), shovels (move spawn points), booby traps (for vehicles), bouncing bettys, claymores, and some other interesting items unique to this game! My favorite set up is an anti tank soldier, with a LAW launcher and an m60. You can lay down on one side of a hill, and mow the enemy soldiers down as they pop over with 100 rapid fire m60 rounds! The m16 and car15 are also nice weapons. I own an ar-15, and the sound, recoil, and accuracy in the game is almost like the real thing. I'm not very fond of playing as the North Vietnamese Army, however. The action and power of their weapons really seem to suck (I own an ak-47 as well, which is a nice firearm for close quarters combat or cycling 1,000 rounds through it in a farm field, but this game really does reproduce the not-so-great accuracy and massive recoil of a real ak-47). The NVA soldiers also don't seem to hold nearly as much ammo as the Americans. Another cool feature of this game is that you get to fly fighter jets and helicopters, though I find the helicopters to be extremely difficult to fly with a joystick! I have better luck with a keyboard and a mouse as far as that goes. I haven't tried the multiplayer yet (only have dial up, and haven't yet had a chance to cart my computer to my brother's house in the next state over), so I can't give my own opinion of it -- but I have heard that it is a good bit better than the singleplayer mode. However, with the graphics being so choppy, I can imagine how difficult it would be to play against human opponents!

All in all, this game gets a 3 out of 5 rating from me. It's still a fun game to play, but I look to be extremely bored with it in the next month or two, unless EA hurries up and comes out with a patch that improves the graphics quality and performance, adds some maps, and tones down the supernaturally aware state of the AI a bit! I give the graphics quality a 3.5 out of 5 rating (I do like the bushes and other ground texturing), the graphics performance a 2 out of 5 rating, game play a 4 out of 5 rating, the fun factor a 3.5 out of 5 rating, and the sound a 5 out of 5 rating. I believe this game is worth about half the price I paid for it (bought it around the time it first came out, so I paid top dollar), but it is still a decent way to pass a few hours out of a boring day!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Game but With Problems
Review: This is a great game. I only have a BF 1942 Demo with only one map but this game is much better. EA does have a patch for the laggy gameplay but you have to enter the code yourself (it isnt really that hard, you do it with notepad)but that only clears up only 75% of the lag. NOTE: I am running this on a system with 2.6 P4 HT Technology, 1 GB RAM, and a 9600 video card. It is a souped up Gateway 500 XL for which I paid $3000 for in the summer of 2003. This game also has minor multiplayer problmes like it is very hard to chsnge from the NVA to the US Army. Sometimes it gets annoying. It is also very hard to find a server that a friend created with its own built in server lobby. I have to use Gamespy. I would recomend waiting a month or so to get this game when most of the bugs are fixed. (I bought this game the day it came out---bad idea). Overall though this is a great game.

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