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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I am scared
Review: Well from these reviews that bash it, about how it takes a high end chip to play them. I have a 2.8Ghz pentium 4 proccsesor. But I only have 256 on my RAM and my graphics I think are 128. If this game sucks at the beginning and it doesnt play I am gonna be so let down because I am a fan of the Battelfield games. Can someone comfort me about if it will run or not or if these guys are just have really bad machines.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: UPGRADE!!!!!
Review: If you do not have a good system it is not the gaming company's fault. Upgrade your pc so that you can play it. The technology these days is so much more advanced than it was a few years ago or even 1 year ago, that you need to upgrade your video card and possibly your memory. I have had my pc for 7 months(heres my stats)
Athlon XP 3000+
512 mem
radeon 9200 128MB
Those are my stats which are good, except for my awful video card wich i am planning on upgrading to a 9800 pro soon. The thing is, if you want to keep up with the gaming world, your computer also has to be able to keep up with the gaming world. If you are looking for an amzing first person war game then look no further because this is the best one on the market right now. There are also few games that have better graphics than this game (the main one being UT 2004)....so if you ask me...its probably time for an upgrade to a better video card and a maybe some more memory anyway, so buy this game and play the S**T out of it because it rocks!!!!!!!!1

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: You have a Geforce 3 or equivalent? Then forget it
Review: This game looks amazing... as long as you stand still and watch all the fun go by while you wait for someone to come up and kill you. The geforce 3 does NOT meet min specs and it seems I must upgrade. Just as I'm sure they hope gamers like me will do. Thereby validating the "alliance" that Nvidia has with EA. If you are a sucker like me and you upgrade just to play a game, despite the fact your current card is fine, you fall victum to there ploy. And there isn't a thing you can really do unless sitting on your keister reliving the gloried Quake days gets your goat. Nope, if you're like me you bow to the man and suck eggs all the way to the bank. :(

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game!
Review: When I first ran this game I had a problem with textures flipping out and things like that but all I had to do was change a couple of settings and it ran fine. My friend couldn't run the game for a while after he got it but then he found out it was due to some weird DX9 debug settings he had turned on for development work. Anyway, after we got the game working I have to say that it is one of the most fun games I have ever played!! The vehicle work is pretty much perfect! There's nothing quite as fun as doing a strafing run in a helicopter and taking out a couple of dudes with rockets. Or airlifting a buddy in a tank and having him shoot at airplanes with the main gun while flying him around. This game is sweet! Thanks a lot EA and Dice!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: awesome game
Review: It amazes me that some of these people are actually buying these new high end games to play on their 'old' systems......P 1.8; 512 RAm and GE Force 3 64, and then blame the game saying it does not work. The technology is vastly improving that you need to keep up on the latest upgrades and updates if you want to keep up with the new games. I have a P4 3.0....512......GeForce5200....BFV runs fine on it.....with the exception of a few highly congested battle scenes. My system is only 6 months old, and I am already planning on upgrading. if you want better games, you will have to pay to keep up with them.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: DAMN GOOD
Review: If you were going to buy a game, you should buy this game. This game has some of the best graphics in the world (I know, not as good as UT2004, but good), and it has a very good MP engine whitch you never find these days...

In other words, if you let a vietnam war vetran to play this game, he would think he was in the war agian.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BF: 1942 fans, this IS YOUR GAME
Review: OMG i played this at a friends house for just over 8 hours, and i have to say, this game was FUN!! Especially for those who were big fans of the original BF: 1942. But even if you havnt played those games, then i would STILL suggest this game as my pick for best game of the year (with ut2k4 a close second). For anyone looking for good army style action, with great music and awesome firefight style combat, this game is for YOU.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Battlefield Vietnam
Review: I have played battlefield 1942 over a year now, and have played the user created mod "Desert Combat" for the better part of that year. Naturally I coudn't wait to get the new game, bfv, because of the imporvements to graphic quality and such; however, the game is awful. By no means is my machine the fastest there is, but it is faster than most, so the problems that I am having with the game is simply the games fault. Firstly, the game is incredibly choppy, the game doesn't recognize when a bot has been hit, there are "invisible walls." Now, these are just a few of the programming problems that the game has; however, the gameplay also suffers significantly. Now, one of the things that I loved about DesertCombat was the realism and the fact that not everyone could operate all vehicles equally. It seems that bfv was created so that just about anyone could simply hop in vehicle and go, ie helicopters will automatically hover when you let go of all controls...well thats no good. In addition, in an attempt to give the game better graphics, the size of the maps have reduced significantly. when flying jets, it seems as though I'm always turning inorder to stay within bounds. In short, do not buy this game now, it needs much much much improvemnt. I really think bfv's predecessor bf1942 is a much better game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SICK
Review: Battlefield 1942(+expansions) were the most amazing games i have ever seen!!!! Now this is out and it is even better!!!!I have decent stats (athlon XP 3000+, 512 ram, radeon 9600xt) and i can run this game on full graphics with awesome speed (no lag) and everything is crystal clear...the only reason some people had trouble with playing this game on good graphics is because it requires a good computer and an good, 128 MB video card. That is just what this game was made for. So if you ask me, this game is amazing and probably the best 1st person long-distance war game out there now.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Need Lots of Power
Review: If you liked BF1942, you'll love BF Vietnam. Cool soundtrack and great graphics. I helps that I have an Nvidia 5950. Without it FPS would be horrible. 5 stars (with latest haardware)

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