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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: *Sigh*
Review: I owned all of the BF1942 games, and I loved them! I bought this game and was so disapointed! First of all, it runs like crap on my computer. I have a p4 2.8 ghz, 512 ram, and raedon 9700! Should this game run bad on my computer? NO! This is rediculous that a computer of my speed cannot handle a game like this! BF1942 ran fine, this doesn't even work! I was sick to my stomach playing this game because it was so jerky, and if I turned down the graphics, they were horrible! Other games, such as Call of Duty, I can run at 1280x970 and top off all the graphics and runs perfectly smooth, this on the other hand is worthless! Save your money and buy bf1942 and download some mods, this was a complete waste of money....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic!
Review: I was a little hesitant about buying this game after buying the Team Saber Addon for Delta Force, but the era pulled me in. I managed to find it BRAND NEW for 34.95 on here at Amazon and it was well worth the money!!! Again, if you don't have a good system, don't bother. It runs really well on my computer though and I am very happy! I noticed some have said that BF Vietnam should have been an addon to BF1942, I disagree.. This is a whole new product. Would have liked to have seen better control of the aircraft though..

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Real good works OK
Review: Battlefield Vietnam is a real fun game. If you played Battlefield 1942 its a must have. If you have not played Battlefield 1942 you may not know Battlefield Vietnam is a sequil if you will. Do NOT buy this game if you dont have internet(but who doesnt now adays!, and how would you be reading this!) This game is not about single player. Its just there for training for online play. Well anyway even if you are on dial-up internet the game is still playable, just find a nice low ping server. So if you don't have DSL or Cable don't shy away. This game has great graphics, and it doesnt take a super PC to run. It plays much like Battlefield 1942 with some changes for the better!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EA does it again...Nam style...
Review: As a gamer, I have found that the best games are those that have good fun action, true multiplayer interaction and have an edge over the competition - BF Vietnam does it with spades. If you are new to the gaming world and want a team-oriented shooter-style game, BFVietnam will fulfill your needs and have you coming back for more. There are two teams - NVA/VC (Red) and the US/ARVN (blue). Everyone can operate all the equipment from helos to the tanks, and its is easy to do so. There is a balancing issue now with the M-60 kit, but should be fixed very soon. For now, there are 4 types of infantry to pick from and all have +s and -s. If you are a returning BF gamer and think that the EVE mod is better, you are mistaken. The Graphics engine is upgraded and the 3D maps are so much better..Even the radio (Use Zero, then a letter) gives BFVietnam its flavor over the original. Overall, you will find your self singing Surfin Bird as you drive to work or school.. Just get the game and go multiplayer!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This time we win.......
Review: I just got my copy of Battlefield Vietnam (BFV) and installed it on a Sony Vaio (2 GHz, 512K RAM, InVidia GeForce4 card.)
After my initial frustration with the GeFoce4 drivers, I managed to update using the new GeForce4 drivers that came on the BFV CD. Viola! Works like a champ.....now on to the game.
BFV takes BF1942 and kicks it up a notch with new graphics, new weapons, new vehicles, etc.
The jungle and buildings are superbly rendered.
The songs (nostalgia at its best) are well chosen for the load screens.
The weapons are terrific with each soldier able to make sub-selections (i.e. two types of sniper rifles.)
The interactive play is almost exactly as BF1942 (which is the best FPS game around!) with one new improvement, a 3D map option that lets you know how close to the enemy flag you are.
Flying the helicopters takes some practice. I managed to shoot down a MiG-17 from a F-4 Phantom....yeah, I'm an ace....
This game is really great, especially for a first version release. I expected to see more bugs! Great job EA Games! It was worth the wait!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hey, keeps me entertained......
Review: Before I started Playing this game, I read some of the reviews in here, and I was a little skeptical to buy the game. But when I did, I was plesantly surprised. I don't think the gameplay is all THAT bad. Heck, I have a 2.0 P4, with 256 MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 128MB, and Cable Modem. Overall, my gameplay isn't much different than with BF1942 or Forgotten Hope .61. In fact, I think that the new maps, weapons and forces are kind of refreshing. If you are thinking about downloading Desert Combat Mod for BF 1942, I suggest you try the Forgotten Hope Mod instead, there is just something very large that is missing off of DC. FH is much more realistic.

But I don't think that BFV blows the original out of the water, but I think it has it's plus's. The new 3D map is nice additionally, and the soundtrack is cool. You can even add your own MP3's for customized tunes.

If you are new to the Battlefield, This game is cool. If you are a BF1942 die hard, I can see how you could be dissappointed. Frag on!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: War Game of the Year
Review: Ok, all these World war II games, and these Tom Clancy swat games. They don't have anything on vietnam. This game is so well planned. With Music, sounds, and areas historically accurate, to the massive arsenal of weapons and vehicles, I believe that EA Games has truly made a game of the year. The only bad part is you definately need a cable modem, because the AI in this game is horrible. But who was gonna play bots anyways, get your butt online and pawn some people across teh globe!.

and you don't need a top end computer. My system is an athlonxp 2000+ , 512 meg of ram, Radeon 9600 All In Wonder. I did have a Geforce 3 which worked fine, but I do video editting and needed an AIW.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: rough takeoff...but they'll release patches
Review: first off..... the game engine needs some work.

i just hosted a lan and was able to see the game in action on about a dozen pc's. performance and visual quality were much lower than that of UT2k4 which we also played at the lan. not only that, but some of the PC's could run it, or had graphics errors. The game did run fine on my pc but has some strange lag issues, for instance... i get 40FPS with everything on highest, but when i zoom in with a weapon, it drops to 10FPS. I decided to switch everything to high/medium instead of highest and that fixed the lag. however the framerate/quality of this engine is poor compared to other game engines of today and slightly worse that BF1942. To the person with the GF3 who couldnt get it to work. On of the PC's at my lan has a GF3 classic 64mb and it ran the game perfect. You need the most recent drivers from nvidia.com or the 53 series. (i use the 53).

And then there's bots...... the bot's are worse in this game than in BF1942, simple as that. Someone missed the ball there but i imagine it will be patched soon.

Some of the cool points are that the helicopters are awesome and so is the interface for flying them; not too hard, not too easy. The aura of the maps is pretty nice too. Tall, thick grass make for some interesting tactics (as long as u arnt playing with bots). The music is a nice touch as well.

The good news is that this publisher/company has a history of releasing fairly solid patchs/updates for free and im sure there are some coming for this game that will add that final polish and tune up to the game. Buy it now or buy it later after its tweaked.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ....be patient!
Review: you people who think that the game sucks because you have low end specs are idiots. Battlefield 1942 was the exact same way when it first came out. As soon as Dice releases a patch, this game should run as smooth as the original. I have an ati radeon 9800 graphics card so my game runs smooth, but i have seen the lag issues with less advanced chips. DONT WORRY, there will be a patch soon and then everything will be back up to 1942 status....(also the RA console will be better) all together THIS GAME IS AWSOME.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: awesome game even with a 2 yr old machine
Review: Most of the people are saying this game takes way too much power from the computer, but im running a 2.0 ghz 512 ram and a 64 mb card and its running absolutely perfect for me. Sure, its not terrible, but its far from the top fo the line. Game runs extremely smooth for me even though my computer doesnt run smoothly on most other programs. awesome to blast your own mp3s in jeeps while headin into battle or listenin to ride of the valkryies in a huey gunship. Absolutely awesome game and although all these other people say so, you wont need anything that costs you an arm and a leg to play it well.

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