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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Liberals
Review: There's a patch you can download to play as John Kerry. Yeah, but all you do is stand in a boat for 4 months getting hit by debris and at the end of the game you get a lot of medals for nothing. The add on kit in the next year will be called "Battlefield VVAW: Hanoi John 007".

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Crash to Desktop
Review: Just like BF42, this game still has the same issue with random crash to desktop issues.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Game is Awesome
Review: The graphics are incredible almost photo realistic. It is so much fun cause u can fly and drive 24 different vechicles. There are tons of weapons and the levels are real big. It is cool cause u can do real stuff that waz in Vietnam.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Potentially good but many problems
Review: Another big fan of BF1942 and mods is perplexed by the unfinished release.

P4 2.8 GHz
GeForce 4600 Ti 128 MB (ASUS)
512MB DDR 2700 RAM
Intel 845 PE chipset M/B (ASUS)
SB Audigy
Windows XP

My problems are these:

a) Sound is extremely buggy. Surround doesn't work properly. Some vehicles and actions are silent (eg. can't hear tanks sometimes) and some sounds keep going after the action is finished. EAX causes lag until you change the soundbuffer variable in config file. I simply turned off everything and used rudimentary 2D sound driver to get it working for now.

b) Graphics are laggy. The game consumes huge graphics resources but doesn't look good enough to justify it. I can only play it smoothly on low settings. Badly in need of optimisation. Even on low, play is a bit jerky.

c) Internetworking is in need of revision. Commonly on some servers, everyone will suddenly start to lag and will have to leave to find another server. It happens to everyone at the same time.

There are many other graphics issues as well, especially for those with ATI cards.

I am very disappointed that the game was so unfinished. It seems like we will have to go through the same process again with DICE that we did with BF1942. Why ? Didn't they learn anything from the first game ? Were all the programmers new ?

The poor quality of the release aside, once I got the game running I had fun. I love the authentic 1960s Vietnam feel of the game which is very well done and I often feel like I am in a movie like Platoon or Full Metal Jacket. The gameply is good (but not balanced) and the game has real potential.

My advice. Wait for the patches before buying it. Everyone is assuming patches will come from the BF1942 experience which finally became a great game. If they fix the sound bugs and my graphics card still won't cut it, I will buy another one because I feel the game will be good. If they don't fix the sound glitches, I will not worry about the game and uninstall it.

I really hope they fix it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: battlefield vietnam
Review: as a single person shooter this game is a joke compared to vietcong or call of duty this game is going back

Rating: 4 stars
Review: CPU: AMD 2100 XP
MEM: 768 Ram PC 2100
3d: ATI RADEON 9600 PRO 128 MB
OS: Windows XP
Internet: Cable Modem

First I would like to thank those who write helpful comments and secondly I would like to recommend PC game reviewers to list their system's stats so your comments can be evaluated accordingly. That being said, I was very concerned about being able to run this game after reading some reviews, since I had pre-ordered it through Amazon thinking that if BF42 works this will work as well. I loaded it up last night and spent about 4 hours playing it on three different servers. Two of the servers were almost lag free and my fears were alleviated. When the game loaded it left the video settings at low, but the graphics are still beautiful and better than BF-42. I played on some maps with significant foilage and detail and my moderate computer chugged along fine. Maps loaded in less than a minute. (Note, the more memory you have the quicker maps will load.) Thus even if you only have a 1.2 GHZ processer but a recent graphics card and a good chunk of memory you can play this game fine. When upgrading it is always best (and cheaper) to start with the memory, followed by the video card if you don't get the performance leap you need. One annoyance I found was a possible audio bug- while I could hear my weapons fire fine, it seemed as though the weapons fire of enemies was very faint or non-existent at times, but tell tale because of visible tracer fire. This will likely be addressed by a patch if it is an actual bug. However, it didn't help when I first started playing and found myself being killed when it looked like no one was around. It didn't take long to realize that the dense foilage and grass in this game makes hiding and crawling much more useful than in BF42. If you had difficulty flying a plane with deadly accuracy in BF42 (even using a joystick) your hopes of being able to easily master a helicopter will probably be dashed. At least they are easier to blow out of the sky and the foilage makes getting killed from above, only after you have spent two minutes walking across the map, less of a likelihood than it was in BF42! That was one of the reasons I stopped playing BF42 and began playing Call of Duty multiplayer, which has no planes and is excellent by the way. Compared to Call of Duty the action is more lumbering but the learning curve can be steep for newbies. This game will probably favor hard core gamers who play every day rather than casual gamers. If you are the latter, Call of Duty is a much better choice. The bottom line is that the game is worth the money and there is enough new stuff here to keep it interesting.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good but laggy at times
Review: People who complain about lag and compare it to BF42 must be blind as to the fact that it has at least 50x the vegetation of bf42, and much better quality of graphics. The lag i experienced in the game (note: i have barely the recommended comp) was usually connected to certain weapons, like the NVA m19/30 sniper rifle. it lags so bad i cant move, then i switch to my pistol or look through the scope and lag stops.As in BF42 the offline play is a joke.

The rest of the game is excellent. The graphics are great, in urban levels a good 80% of the buildings are enterable, the vegetation is very thick in some areas allowing for sniper/ mortar fire to remain covered, you can customize your soldier to a degree (8 choices at most), movable spawn points, and a great number of new vehicles such as jets, HELICOPTERS, MOPEDS, and amphibious vehicles. The creators averted one of the biggest fears of the gamers pregame, the concern that the helicopter winch to pick up vehicles would be used involuntarily, by allowing the driver to cancel by moving.

The only other real problem i have with the game is that people that cant fly the helicopters just LOVE to take them and flip them trying to pick up random things that dont need to be airlifted. If you try to take the helicopters to airbus people the people who were in the helos complain and throw a fit. Leave it to the people who learned to fly the helicopters in the Desert Combat mod! Hopefully in the next patch they will either make the helicopters easier or harder to fly to prevent that.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Rightous Baby
Review: I'm a huge fan of the series. The fact that I've worn off the w, a, s, d, and z keys of several keyboards should tell you something.

I'm glad I bought the game and would do so again. Still, I must admit I was a tad disappointed.

Here's my take:


Compelling music
Diversity of maps
Slew of new weapons
More realistic physics in some areas, such assault weapons (you REALLY need to use short controlled bursts)
Some elements of the graphics are impressive
Fact-filled historical info
The navigation and intro screen capture the era and set the mood for the game.


Resource intense game that will tax even high-end systems
Color palette is somewhat drab and flat.
While the graphics are more complex, I found the overall effect less realistic that the original game.
The pyrotechnics for the firing and hits of artillery and tank main guns sucks when compared with the original.

I'm hopeful things will improve in a future expansion.

After playing for several weeks, I take it all back. This is one awesome game. Getting the right drivers makes a big difference.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply Amazing
Review: Battlefield Vietnam is as stunning as was the original Battlefield 1942 when it came out. It makes leaps beyond the original battlefield however, and therefore requires a more powerful computer to run effectively. If you have the equiptment you are in the position to enter a simulation of the vietnam war unlike any ever made. This game blows the original Battlefield, and its mods, away. The terrain -- whether it be in jungle or city -- is more complicated and realistic, offering endless strategic possibilities. The weapons are sick, from the heavy machine guns to the helicopters and jet airplanes. The action is just more realistic all around, from the graphics, to the sounds, to the gameplay.
I bought this game expecting a mod of the original game -- something on par with Secret Weapons of WWII. But this game goes waaaay beyond a mod. It is, in short, state of the art. There is a bit of bugginess that can cause it to be a heavy load on some servers, producing lag. And, again, it does have high demands in terms of your computer, but if you have the right equiptment these problems will seem trivial in light of the greatness of the game.

My computer has an AMD Athlon 64 3k+ processor with a radeon 9800 pro video card, 1 gig ram.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I wish that I hadn't wasted my time or money. They orginal 1942 with its 3 expansions run great, this however does not. VERY VERY POOR QUAILTY. AND 3 CDS??????? WTF?????

I wish I had not wasted my money nor my time driving to get this item.

Download a mod like Desert Combat for a good add - on for BF1942..

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