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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The personal Critics of this game have NO idea
Review: The people that have problems with there copy not working is only because they are willing to spend a little money on a state of the art game, are the people that just want something for free. If you buy the finest graphical game that is made at this moment, you must be willing to keep your computer at the same level There are cheap places with a white and blue sign that sell games for $9.99 everyday to serve your needs just fine, but if you want to hang with the big boys. Then be willing to keep up with a computer that is not purchased for $499.99. Study and find a computer that is capable of being UPGRADABLE, The most important thing to look for is can you upgrade the Memory, AGP slot for upgrading Video Car, and capable of upgrading the CPU (Processor). Then you will not have a problem PLAYING THE REAL GAMES of Technology.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Single-Player!
Review: OK, first off, I'd like to say, if you think i've been smoking something because i said it has good single-player, you've been smoking something. I love the Battlefield series, I played this game at a friend's house and he has no net, and I loved the game, even without that online crud.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't bother. Wait for the patched, Gold Edition.
Review: This *looks* like it would be a wonderful game. Really.

Unfortunately, the hardware this game needs to run on is not so much 'top of the line', as other reviews claim, as it is just plain limited.

EA simply hasn't gotten this one ready yet. I suppose it's another indication of the pressure to release games, instead of taking the time to get it right. For example, the sound hardware supported is SoundBlaster or nothing. Have an nforce2 board? Forget 5.1 sounds. Have a Quadro4, or FireGL graphics card? Sorry, we didn't test them.

In short, if you don't have a Dell Dimension Desktop, this game will underperform, and currently has a number of hideous bugs which make the game unplayable. Extremely disappointing, I was really looking forward to this one. Save your money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BF-1942 die-hard now a convert to BF Vietnam
Review: First of all, if your computer is LESS than a 2GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, SB Live, Nvidia Geforce4 4200Ti w/128MB, then don't bother with this game -- you WILL be disappointed. It will be too slow for you and look bad. This game is EXTREMELY hardware intensive and you REALLY need the 128MB or more on your high-end video card. Also, don't bother if you don't play multiplayer. The single-player mode is worthless. If you think this game sucks, chances are your PC does.
All that aside, this game ROCKS! If you have an up-to-date system, and a cable or DSL connection, then you will love this game. This game IS NOT Battlefield 1942. It is completely different game. The graphics and textures look great. The sounds effects are terrific! You can here the bullets wizzing through the cover and brush. The cover is great, this game is a sniper's dream. For once I actually enjoy playing a sniper. The jets are really not used to their full potential (maps too small, jets too fast). I would have been happy without them. The helicopters are well implemented. As a die-hard BF-1942 fan, it took a while for me to get used to it. But once I did, I'm now a convert. I HIGHLY recommend this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Doesn't live the hype
Review: Has great load time (slower than 1942, yet faster than DC), graphics are supurb (even on the lowest settings), and playing choices are numerous. It is better than its predecesor in gameplay. The only things that keep it from a 5 star, are the lack of a campaign, a few graphical errors (with shadows on all units have about 10 shadows surrounding them), and the extremely short instructional booklet helps very little.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Game built for Power machines
Review: Pentium III 1GHZ
384 Ram
Windows XP PRO
Nvidia GEFORCE 4ti 4200 64 MB AGP
Soundblaster Live

Well I think this is a 4 star game with a power computer. But with my current box it is a 3 star game and online play with my current box is a 2 star game.


The game engine is not streamlined for backwards computers. It is built for new tech and future tech. They knew this with 1942, which is why the maps are small and low on foliage. I love 1942. The feel and gameplay were second to none. 1942 is why I bought this game.

Am I satisfied with vietnam? No. It requires a better computer than what I have. I am running bare minimum to operate the game and it runs like it. The worst vehicle to operate is the tanks. The movement of these vehicles while driving them is choppy and sometimes dont move at all. My computer has more problems running them than the choppers.

I will have to upgrade.

Is the game fun? Yes, it can be once I upgrade. It has all the makings of a great sequel. My biggest complaint other than my own computer, is that the maps are LARGE! Sometimes you find yourself moving all over with nothing happening.

Overall, my opinion is that my computer SUCKS. The game is good. 1942 was better for genuine feeling and fun.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Game doesn't work
Review: Don't buy this unless they fix the problems! Can't even start a game. it just freezes. Obviously, released before it was finished. Piece of junk.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Game Ever..................
Review: This game shows many improvements over the good old BF1942. I've seen alot of people complaining about it though. Poor graphics, hard to control vehicles, overpowering, blah blah blah. Let me tell you that you do need a fairly good graphics car dot play it and a rather good computer. Basically an Alienware Computer. Even on low graphics tho this game still rocks.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Decent, but not as elegant as BF1942
Review: I'm a fairly expert BF1942 player and was highly anticipating BFV. After putting in 15+ hours in multiplayer (the only real way to play this game - single player is still a joke) I have found myself disappointed and discouraged.

First, the Goods. Graphics and character animations are excellent, the sound is amazing, and the atmosphere is spot on. Weapon modeling and vehicle physics are great, right on par with the fine line between realism and arcade-ish aspects of this genre. It's easy to find a game to play and online anti-cheating capabilities are built in. Vehicles are fun to drive, teamwork is rewarded by capping flags faster, and the quick F-key interaction is simplified and elegant.

Now, the Bads. Weapons and vehicles are VERY overpowered in this game compared to BF1942, and you'll find yourself dying and waiting for a spawn far more than in BF1942. It's very easy to camp your own base with heavy machinegunners and just tear anyone who comes close to shreds. On many maps you'll frequently spawn and die within seconds, often from an enemy you hardly even had a chance to see.

At least in BF1942 your weapons had a much more visual "range", and spraying gunfire randomly wouldn't do much. This isn't the case in BFV. Heavy machine gunners dominate the playing field.

Adept helicopter pilots find themselves with 60+ kills in an average game. Because they're so lethal on their own these pilots rarely wait for pickups, especially considering how difficult it is to spawn anti-air troops because of the high death rate.

Soldier kits vary from map to map, which can be frustrating. One map you're playing a M16 medic, and another map there's no medic kit available. The game in general is far more arcade and less strategic than BF1942. Your soldier can only take a handful of hits from the weapons, and the lessened recoils make it easy to score head shots. BF1942 games average 15 kills and 15 deaths per person - BFV games seem to average 40 kills and 40 deaths per person.

Because of the terrain enhancements, snipers have hundreds and hundres of places to hide and can dominate most maps. Their rifles have less recoil, fire faster without needing target lead, and they carry more ammo. I have yet to have significant effect on a map by playing a traditional Assault class. It's far too tempting to go sniper and score kill after kill, or just get visual range on an enemy base, spawn as a M60 gunner, and spray away whenever anything moves.

You'll find yourself killed quickly and without any idea of where the fire is coming from. Realistic perhaps, but frustrating, considering you then have to wait 10+ seconds to respawn. By the time you hear the bullets land near you, it's already too late, and no amount of running or going prone is going to make a difference.

This effects many of the neat aspects of the new soldier classes. Mortars can be setup, but they're difficult to aim and it only takes a handful of rounds sprayed at the mortar shooter - from a far distance - to bring him out of commission. Same thing with booby traps and C4. By the time someone comes near them you're usually dead because it takes far less time for them to spot and drop a couple of rounds in you.

This game requires far more teamwork than BF1942, and the nature of public serves do not encourage any way to coordinate teamwork, so you're often just using your heaviest weapon to start blasting away at random people deathmatch style.

Vehicles are fun to drive but ultimately either ineffective or overpowering. Helicopters either dominate a map or fall from the sky constantly, and tanks either shell from a distance or die instantly from overpowered anti-tank soldiers - which now also carry machineguns.

Although one might consider these upgraded from BF1942 vehicle-vs-infantry matches "balanced", it ends up being frustrating. Copters can hover over a spawn point, blasting everything that spawns or moves while waiting for friendly forces to take it over, or tanks can slowly treck through massive jungles just to be taken out by a single soldier from long range who doesn't have to skillfully arc his RPG to hit it.

Hopefully some of these balance issues will be addressed in upcoming patches. For now, I'll play BFV as an alternative to traditional deathmatch games like UT2004, but I'll be going back to BF1942 when I want some balanced team play.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game!! Go get it Boys
Review: Greatest Shooting game so far!!!!

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