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Battlefield: Vietnam

Battlefield: Vietnam

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The battle rages on in the jungles of Vietnam.
Review: Get on your feet soldier! It's 1968 and what are you doing? You still playing hide and go seek in the sour kraut fields? This isn't 1942 boy! It's the 60's and there's a new war to be waged! The battlefield is now staged in the dense jungles, destroyed cities, and the twisting rivers of Vietnam. 14 brand new maps send you straight into the deltas, hills, fields, and streets of the Indochina Vietnam Conflict. You'll be fighting the North Vietnam Army in a tense struggle to take back the fallen city of Hue. Hang onto your lunch as you swiftly glide down the Mekong Delta on a PT Boat in Operation Game Warden. And don't forget to look out for the Vietcong's booby traps as you run through the jungles during a secret invasion of Cambodia. Yes soldier, I believe you just might make it out here in Vietnam. But there's lots more than just your common infantry to watch out for! Enemy helicopters patrol the skies while F4 Phantoms litter the ground with napalm, clearing the way for troops. Don't forget about those Vespa Scooters my friend, Charlie just might slip on by without you knowing! So soldier, I think your ready to take on Nam. Fight for the North,South,or even the good old US, your bound to have a great time in the jungle. Just keep an eye out for the M60 machine guns, they'll send you home in a box if you don't watch it!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This is sad
Review: I really like the BF1942 series and i looked forward to this game launch for a long time. I bought it on the first day of release and, boy, was THAT a mistake! I should have waited for a demo to have seen how buggy this game was.
I have a fairly fast system- an AMD 2700+ / Nvidia chipset/ Geforce 4 Ti 4400 graphics card/ cable modem. Its not the fastest system on the planet, but it's played every other game i have tried without much lag or any problems... until now! All types of graphic problems showed up immediately. Strange bars coming out of the characters going into the sky- things dropping thru the earth- things disappearing.. what a disappointment!
To top it all off, the game play isn't very immersive and feels strange. It's a little bit to much like BF:DC. In fact, you could play the DC mod and have a better experience that i had with this game.
I was disappointed and am hoping that they continue the original BF1942 series with more add-on's which i will buy without fail.
Wait for a demo of BFVietnam to make sure it works on your system.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Relax
Review: The overriding theme of the reviews that are against this product seem to be in the vein of those that feel the game was either A) unbalanced, or B) "buggy". Well, guess what? Vietnam itself was unbalanced! The programmers did a remarkable job, in my opinion, to make the U.S. forces so overwhelmingly better-equipped than their counterparts. The only solution to making the game "fun" was that kills had to be much easier for both sides (hence the ease at sniping and quicker deaths).

As for the game having bugs, I can tell you I don't bother playing on-line since I know my connection is inferior, so I certainly won't complain. The game plays perfectly on my computer (bought a year ago but I made sure it had plenty of high-end RAM). The extra effects of bullet ricochets and music in the vehicles, as well as the sound of gunfire going through the grass around you shows an attention to detail often taken for granted.

In short, I think the majority of those not happy with the game were expecting what they got for BF1942. Simply put, this isn't that platform. To render the jungles of Vietnam you'll need to expect some performance issues unless you're the type of gamer that always worries about such things and ensures the highest quality from your PC.

The patches will make ths game better. The programmers will try to improve the play. The new maps should be fantastic. I especially appreciate the "mobile" spawn points on boats or from crates/tunnels. The team aspect just hasn't been fully developed on-line, yet. Give it time.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: BFV has serious balance issues.
Review: BFV is an update of BF1942 with better graphics, same basic gameplay, but has some serious balance problems.

Musical Flags

The gameplay is not that much different from BF1942 which uses the same old flag system which is flawed since it devolves into 'musical chairs' where your just basically running around in circles reclaiming flag after flag. The flag system does not encourge team play unlike ut2004 linked flag system which is innovative and is more focused.

Balace Problems

When I first started playing BFV it was fun for a couple of days then I noticed cracks in the gameplay. THe problem is that there is no incentive to play the NVA unless you like a major challenge. The US equipment is superior to the NVA and the only advantage NVA has are booby traps which are nearly useless since your more likely to kill your own teammates than the enemy. The US has the m60/law kit and the apache/huey choppers which renders all other equipment obsolete. The US choppers can take out tanks, infantry and JETS(!!) with little effort. The M60/Law kit allows a single person can take down aircraft,tanks, and infantry. So basically these weapons discourage teamplay since one man can do everything himself. The NVA have no equivilant so are always outgunned and losing.

In summary BFV has a lot of potentiol if the balance issues can be addressed in the next patch. But the game is still a lot of fun as long as you play as the NVA since it's always challenging. But playing on the US side is no fun since it's like 'beating up a girl'.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sweet Graphics than other battlefield
Review: this game have very high graphics i have ATi 9800 XT Pro And The game runing very goooooood

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Buggy rushed version
Review: This will be a simple review... it's buggy, laggy and the graphics are not what they should be but I still love the game. I have played BF1942's mod Desert Combat for ages and managed at one stage to get to top 250 on the CVG rankings (out of 200,000 players!) and can say that DC is a far more polished item and it's free. I hope they port DC to his engine and the DC modders will show EA how it's done! I would still recommend buying it as the patches to fix the problems will come out soon. I dislike EA for their rubbish support and especially of the ATI cards which are now the most popular cards in new PCs!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: i recommand ut 2004 instead of this.
Review: get unreal tournament 2004 instead of this crap.
this game is buggy, poor graphic and the machine guns are just too powerful. on the other hand, unreal tournament 2004 got very balanced weapons that actualy requires skill to shoot.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: From Hanoi Hanna blasting in you ear to ALL to errors in content, this is NOT a follow-up to Battlefield 1942. Too many mistakes in battle units and weapons used. EA programmers did not research beyond watching re-runs of "Platoon". The Game Warden sequence does not follow actual operations and Battle for Hue uses incorrect map and units. Only Jane Fonda could appreciate this simulation and don't be suprised if you see her operating a anti-aircraft weapon.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: buggy
Review: This game is optimized for nVidia cards.

Anti-aliasing and Antistropic filtering don't work correctly with ATI cards. I have an ATI Radeon 9800 pro, and the game, aside from the water effects, dosen't look all that much better than the Desert Combat mod for BF1942.

The net code is buggy, causing lag.

This product was rushed. I'd suggest waiting to buy it (if at all) until EA patches it a few times.

Graphics were a bit of a dissapointment overall. The character models, etc have more polygons, but the game doesn't look near as good as current titles like Far Cry.

DX9 optimizations in the game are pretty buggy as well.

Gameplay is similar to Desert Combat, in that you die very quickly due to the modern firepower (the M60 is way over powered). Those who enjoy the more balanced approach of BF1942 might be dissapointed in the sense that the game is really fast.

On single player it's actually more enjoyable than multiplayer as at least you can get a jet up in the air before some smacktard strafes you before you can get off the runway.

Helicopters are easier to control than in DC at least.

DICE and EA did not adaquetly beta test this game--this is an alpha CD they shipped. Some fundamental things do not work, like EAX support, which kills frame rates and introduces numerous audio glitches.

I understand that the developer is DICE Canada (now acquired by EA) not the original DICE team.

I don't know who to blame for the lack of working EAX and ATI support, but even if this game is fixed, it's really little better than a Mod as a number of PC game review sites have written.

EA/DICE has to go a long way to earn my trust again after this.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Mass CHAOS - We're all gonna die!
Review: Yup, that's what it feels like when I play this game. I've logged hundreds of hours in BF1942 and Desert Combat and I would say I could hold my own in any vehicle and on foot. I preoreded this game directly from EA's website, I was so hyped about this game...I downloaded all the trailers, watched them over and over and told my self "I can't wait"...I mean c'mon now you can't ignore the hype...EA did a good job hyping me up. So why the low score in Vietnam BF1942? I waited almost two weeks before I decided to write my review to give it a fair chance so here I go:

First the positive: The character graphics are a bit better than bf1942, you can shoot from your aircraft if you're a passanger, cool 60's rock music makes it feel like all those vietnam war movies, the radio chatter while inside the helos adds to the overall feel, and the bars and stars radio station is a blast to listen to. Oh I almost forgot, when flying you actually have a working attitude indicator so you don't get disoriented flying...good deal. So as you can see a lot of sugar coating goodies to make the game great on paper.

And now the bad: Maps are designed to add utter chaos, not like bf1942 or Desert Combat. It's hard to explain unless you play the game but it just seems everyone is running around with their heads cut off in this game. Certain maps in bf1942 forced you to work together, however I haven't seen it here yet. But that's not really fair to nag on that because this game is so new, maybe we're all just trying to get a feel for the maps, so I won't dock points for that. I will dock points for weapon balance...hands down, the best thing to get is the M-79 gernade launcher with the M-60 machine gun. You have tons of ammo and if you point in the general direction and shoot at someone you'll probably get a kill, no skill involved. The game is starting to feel a lot like Unreal Tournament games...really you die that much, and it's not because you suck but it's so easy to kill each other. Forget crouching and aiming at people, I'll just run at them guns a-blazing because that's what seems to work best. Overall this game feels like a mod maybe should have been a 19 dollar expansion pack because after playing for a couple hours you'll feel it is.

Patches patches patches, "NVIDIA the way games are meant to be played" and guess who are sticking that saying on their boxes...you guessed EA, you're right...so how come if you own an NVIDIA card, you have to download a patch to play this game with minimal glitches...yup, nvidia patch for Vietnam battlefield is available now for download. I own a 9800 pro and I need a patch because when I turn on 8x AF and 4x AA, my gun disappears on and off in my hand (although I could still shoot it), graphics start gliching and words disapear and I know it's not my video card because B1942 works fine with those settings, as a matter of fact all games I play work fine with that setting because I always leave those settings on as default, now I have to turn it off when I play BF Vietnam. So what does that tell you? Uh-uh rush job, yes folks, most can agree with that.

This game really has some stiff competition, with the likes of Eve of Destruction and Desert Combat FREE mods, I can't justify why you would need to purchase this game, maybe eventually you will because "everyone's doin it" but for now wait till a patch comes out to fix the quirky stuff and more map packs are released. Hey, the good folks behind desert combat may port their mod over to the BF Vietnam engine, we'll. By the way, I still find myself playing Desert Combat a lot more than this game, it has better air craft and overall a lot more FUN and isn't that the reason we play games? (this game in my book gets 3 1/2 stars for the record but I can't put it)

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