NetWare 3.2 is a sophisticated 32-bit network operating system that enables you to install a network for thousands of dollars less than a minicomputer or mainframe system, yet it provides you with comparable processing power, functionality, and reliability. It supports multiple operating systems(Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 3.x, UNIX, OS/2, Mac OS, IBM SAA, and DOS)for office automation applications, and enables users of different operatingsystems to share files, printers, and other services. Its design is basedon 80386, 80486, and Pentium architectures, providing a foundation of speedand reliability.Many backup devices work with NetWare 3.2. Among them are subsystemsproduced by Archive, Cipher, Emerald, Gigatrend, Hewlett-Packard, IBM,Maynard, Mountain, Tandberg, Wang, and Wangtek.