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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: WHAT WERE THEY THNKING????????????????????????????
Review: Can we say "STUPID". this game is Horrible! don't buy it! the only wy to get in the air that I know of is to start in a level that you start in the Air. that or the ludicrous mode in which you actually gain total control of the plane, so you can go backwards and straight up and not run into a glitch.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: WHAT WERE THEY THNKING????????????????????????????
Review: Can we say "STUPID". this game is Horrible! don't buy it! the only wy to get in the air that I know of is to start in a level that you start in the Air. that or the ludicrous mode in which you actually gain total control of the plane, so you can go backwards and straight up and not run into a glitch.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Unbelivable
Review: I bought the game Fly. It took a very long time to learn how to play and even longer to install it. It's quiet good after all that, if you read the whole User Manual which is 288 pages of small sized letters and complicated notes you have to remember or at least remember the page number. If you don't the only way to move is if the gust speeds are high. Then your flipped over! Otherwhise, this game is a bomb. I don't recomend it. Now the graphics are good, but they're installed seperatly. It's okay to get, if you have .5 GB to spare. Same thing with the maps.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Overhyped.
Review: I expected a lot more from this game based upon the hype and box graphics. The graphics were OK, but performance was poor, the UI was clunky and it didn't seem to do a good job of modeling the physics of flight. (I was running on a 500 mHz G4, so I don't think it was a CPU power problem). Falcon 4.0 is much better (although very complicated to learn)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: FLY!, FLY! 2K, FLY! II, BUT FLY!!!!
Review: I have my private pilot licence, since I am 24 years old. There is pilots in the family. And I found FLY! 2K, 3 years ago. And I ensure you that I find that those which did not hold the commands of a Cesna, or of a Cherokee Piper, in their hands, must find the landings difficult. However, I continue to Fly, and to make "virtual" mess. I am not bored. It is always a new adventure each flight. I recommend to take your time. Start with staing in the airs. Then practice your takeoffs, with the assistance of the computer, for the "check List". The worst is to land. It does not matter the way, the virtual one or reality. And I still have the same feeling of my first takeoff, it is always like the first time.
Taste the look of the landscape. Take your time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best flight sim
Review: this game is lot of fun to fly

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Very Good Sim!
Review: This is a very good sim of piloting an aircraft! Very accurate details and wonderful voice communications. I showed this to a private pilot and he was amazed at the acuracy of the program. Early versions were very buggy. Runs very well on my iMac DV with 128mg RAM

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