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Duke Nukem 3-D

Duke Nukem 3-D

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Duke kicks
Review: Cool, cool, stuff. This game is awsome, far better than the first and second Duke. The Duke sayings just kill me. You need to buy this game. It will be well worth the money. Just AWSOME.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is the Only Opinion You Need
Review: Duke Nukem 3D is a GREAT game for enthusiasts of DOOM. You will get lost (and have fun) in its cities for hours. Also, you can set it to REDBLUE mode, obtain some cheap REDBLUE glasses and see the whole thing in true 3D. It's amazing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Still the best game!
Review: Duke Nukem 3d is very old... But still the best game, I think. Playing Duke Nukem in a Network game with downloaded maps from the Internet (There are a lot!!!) is damn funny. With the programm Build.exe (in the Goodies folder) you can build your own maps or edit maps of others. It's the best level editor I've seen, a lot better than Q3 Radiant etc.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best of its kind
Review: Duke Nukem gives gamers a bit of every thing. First it gives you action, which I like. Then it gives you humor, and many more things. The weapons are too cool, plus every now and then you'll get a funny Duke saying like "bitchin'". This game is a must have, and if you don't want to own it, at least download the demo. This game is totally awsome.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: As far as shooter games go...
Review: Duke Nukem, while nothing more than a mindless shoot'em-up, is perhaps the best of its kind. It has a very fast engine! It runs very smoothly even on my relatively old computer and using the full screen. The scenery is more realistic than the dungeons of Quake and Unreal. Instead, you're fighting in the city with grovery stores, subways, sewers, and the occassional nuclear facility.

The foul language, sexual induendo, and rude comments can be funny, but for those concerned about young minds, you can turn it off and keep it off with a password. The surround sound effects are engaging, especially if you have a good set of stereo speakers or headphones.

The game also has the capability of multi=player gaming with computer-controlled players, but they are very fast. It is supposed to be useful for testing user-created maps, but they can prevent a real challenge.

The Duke gets my endorsement, especially for the speed, sound, and real-world setting.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I think Duke Rocks! It is one of the coolest shoot em up game in the world. Sure it's violent but it is el hilario too. I found it cool that you can play with someone over the net. I hook up a game with my uncle every now and then. IT ROCKS! rating 99900000000

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is a great game
Review: I was in awe, when this game came out. I couldn't believe the changes they made. Like Tomb Raider with an attitude. Running Jumping back flips to grab a suspending latter over an endless pit of death (I might of adlibbed a little bit). But the real life maneuverability is awesome. Add to it, Duke and his hilarious out of the blue remarks. I question whether kids should play this game especially if their in my way, but as an adult I find this game very entertaining, it's a shoot-em up, puzzle with a little bit of strategy. It's fun with two players too, a little tedious with the split screen unless you have a 55" TV (OH YA: Come get some).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is a great game
Review: I was in awe, when this game came out. I couldn't believe the changes they made. Like Tomb Raider with an attitude. Running Jumping back flips to grab a suspending latter over an endless pit of death (I might of adlibbed a little bit). But the real life maneuverability is awesome. Add to it, Duke and his hilarious out of the blue remarks. I question whether kids should play this game especially if their in my way, but as an adult I find this game very entertaining, it's a shoot-em up, puzzle with a little bit of strategy. It's fun with two players too, a little tedious with the split screen unless you have a 55" TV (OH YA: Come get some).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Duke rules
Review: I've owned this game for years, and it is still the one I turn to after a lousy day at work when I just want to blow stuff up. Never crashes, always entertaining, and *lots* of user-made levels out there--some of which are better than the commericial ones. It rocks.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Classic!
Review: If Quake is too dark and brooding, come over to Duke and have a little fun! "Come get some!"

Duke is a fun, fun, fun way to shoot your way through the bad guys. Innovative weaponss, innovative bad guys. You get trip bombs, pipe bombs, and the usual pistol, shotgun, chain gun, RPG, etc. But how about a freeze ray, where you can freeze and then shatter them? How about using a shrink ray, and then chasing them down to stomp them?

Note: If you want to share this game with kids, but you're a believer that kids should have their violence without sexual innuendo, you may want to use the game's option settings to turn off the suggestive comments, leaving you most of the humor and all the violence without the deliciously funny sexual humor. Or, if you're an adult, enjoy! (Stick a dollar in the dancing girl's briefs...)

Have fun, and enjoy!

NOTE!! This is an old classic game -- (c) 1996 -- says it needs a 486, or even a Pentium computer! It wants DOS to run. It may run under Windows, but I haven't gotten it to.

On the other hand, the creators are taking FOREVER to make a first-person shooter sequal (Not done and no release date, as of end of 2002), so this is your only choice. The other Duke games out there are side-scrollers, and/or made by other companies under license. Buy this one while waiting for the next real release.

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