Rating:  Summary: BEST Game Ever!!! Review: I have played petz4 for about three years and it is still alot of fun to play! In petz4 there are Bulldogs, chihuahuas, dachshunds, dalmations, great danes, labradors, mutts, poodles, scotties, and sheepdogs! Petz5 will be adding the pug, golden retriever, papilion, german shepered, and jack russel. But dont worry, you do not need petz4 to get petz5. There are ALOT of new toys in petz5 and you have to learn games to get them all. Your petz start as puppies and grow to adults. Once they are adults your petz can fall in love and have a litter of 1-4 puppies. Each puppie in the litter is unique which makes the game even more fun! It is like having a new house because there are so many rooms to go to in the house and then you can also travel places with your petz. But if you want to see pictures of the game go to petz...
Rating:  Summary: Dogz5 Review: I'm one of the winners of the Early Adopters Sweepstakes for Dogz5, I'm just writing a review on some of the new things and changes. The biggest thing is the compatibility, for all of us trying to run 98 software on XP..it just doesn't work that way!, The new 24 bit graphics is nice, the previous playscenes all have alterations of some sort, yes the Playscene Host characters are still there, the new minigames are a bit confusing at first, and I'm sure if you've looked into this you know the new breeds, day-night cycles, multiple litters, so I'll tell you what you don't know. There are new toys including a plush unicorn, Bakon Treats, A ghostbox, a Scarecrow toy, a paw shaped nightlight, a hummingbird feeder, and more!, Now a big change, if you've had Petz software before this, is there is no Toyz Room, You start off with a few toys from past games, the ball that rolls on it's own, ect, and you have a scrollbar on your inventory so you can hold as much as you want! Well I don't want to spoil the game too much more for you, so I hope this helped longtime petz fans, and new ones aswell ^^;
Rating:  Summary: Dogz5 Review: I'm one of the drawing winners of Dogz5, so I have a copy of it even though it hasn't been shipped out yet, here's some info about the new software. Of course for most of us who have previously played Petz Software the most important thing about Petz5 is the compatibility with Windows 200, and Windows XP, No more freezing and overly fast animation. There is 24 bit in Petz 5, the Playscenes are slightly different, And of course there is the 4 new mini games and the new breedz. One of the most suprising things I noticed about Petz5 is there is NO TOYROOM, you get different toys from different playscenes. However the Petz inventory has a scroller to hold whatever you need. Some of the new toys include a scarecrow, a nightlight, a hummingbird feeder, a ghostbox, Bakon Treats ect. There is also more outfits, a few of the older ones were removed or altered. I just recieved the game maybe 20 minutes ago so I'm not sure on everything yet!, I hope this helps somewhat to New and Old Players. ^^;
Rating:  Summary: petz 5 Review: I have bee a petz fan for a long time. The biggest changes in dogz 5 is the Litterz. The petz in earlier editions could only have one puppy. Also The mini game where you play games with your petz and earn toyz if you win. To find out more about petz the new breedz and everything else go to The Offical Petz Website: www.petz.com
Rating:  Summary: This game rocks!!!!!!!!! Review: I'll admit it, I was a bit iffy about this one. I figured that Dogz 5 couldn't be THAT much better than Dogz 4... but guess what? It is! Here there's all new breedz such as pugz, golden retrieverz, papillionz, etc. And this cool stuff like mini-games- I love the agility one... sooo cool! Then, when your dogz breed, you don't have to take tons of time to make the litterz- they already have them! Sometimes you get only 2 pupz but hey it's better than one, right? I absolutely LOVE this game and I'm working on an all new Dogz 5 website for it called... Wooferz Kennelz!...
Rating:  Summary: dogz 5 Review: this game rocks it is so fun. you can have multiple litters of puppies. there are also new play scenes and 5 new breeds. oh yeah theres 5 mini games too. i really enjoyed it and think you will too!
Rating:  Summary: dogz 5 Review: it is really fun you canhave litters and more breedz and different playscenes it is reallly really fun
Rating:  Summary: this is NOT a review just here to post info. Review: In the new version of Dogz you can enjoy multiple litters of puppyz, new weather effects and day and night cycles in graphically updated playscenes, including five new places to play with your dogz. Dogz can now have up to 4 puppyz in a litter. There are 5 new dogz breedz added.you can play minigames also! You can play 5 minigames in all. Last but not least there are new and improved 24-bit graphics that are simply marvelous!
Rating:  Summary: VERY VERY FUN Review: I really enjoy playing this game! The animation is great, except for some of my purebreds cannot eat... strange. But the little puppies are very sweet and develop personallities of their own!! The games are fun, and the new breeds are awsome!! My favorite is Papillon, they are so sweet and I have one in real life. I love all of the playscenes, and love making my own playscenes with the editor. I love the game!!!
Rating:  Summary: Doggone Good! Review: When I read some peoples reviews about this game,I was stunnded how many people liked this game.So I decided to get this game. This Dogz are sooooo adorable,you take care of them,play,and you can breed them too.I have many dogs now.I started out with the Dachshund but then I saw all of them and well I almost got all of them!Well most of them,and alot of my Dogz had puppies!This is such a great game and it will make your heart warm when you play it.Even though I have 2 dogs and 1 cat,there still alot more adorable then the Dogz on the computer game!Not to brag)But there so cute!I've noticed that some people sayed it had different minigames on there so there,and alot alot ALOT more.Now maybe some day I'll get Catz 5.I hope you will buy this "Worth Getting" Game. Enjoy here on www.amazon.com! And in the meantime go to: www.petz.com! The rest a Surprise!!! By: ~*Melissa~* P.s. I am going to play it now!And the rest of the game a Surprise like I said before.