Rating:  Summary: Great gameplay, but too short! Review: The first words that come to my mind when i think about Ghost Dogs is that its far too short! I have played almost all of the ND games, and is it just me, or is HER making them shorter then usual??? Or, the other option is, am i just getting better? Im getting The Haunted Carousel tommorow, because here in Canada its been delayed, which is horrible! I have also heard that that game is also short, and the ending is very unexpected. Anyways, Ghost dogs was a great game, but i thought venturing through the forest over and over was boring, and sometimes confusing! Espesailly taking pictures of those annoying birds! And walking through the whole forest just to get to the graveyard! Uhhh! That was a bit spooky. Also, the very ending came up a bit too quickly, the grid for the map was cool, but then again you get locked in at the end, and that was scary, i had to turn the volume down because of the music! The villian was who i suspected, and it seems that i have always guessed correctly, except for treasure in a royal tower, which is my favourite HER game! It only took me all of three days to beet that game, but i only played an hour a day, so youd say three hours, and thats without a walkthrough. HER, your games are so too good, but also, too short!
Rating:  Summary: I love this game! Review: This game is great! I love the part when Nancy go Bug hunt, and I love the creepy woods. In this game my favority place is Em's store. You must check PDA very often!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Waste of money Review: My daughter loves these games, loves to spend time solving the mystery, finding clues and spending time on the game. This one lasted a few hours. It practically played itself at the end. It was short enough to have been a demo disk for the real Nancy Drew game. We have all of the others, which were ok games. Poor, clunky interface, but lots of content. This one had the same interface without the content. No more for us.
Rating:  Summary: I'd have to give this 4 stars . . . Review: I played all the Nancy Drew games except for the newest one so far. And to tell you the truth, this one was kind of a run-around type of game. Especially in the museum. I must of went around the whole city 20 million times in just a couple of hours of playing this game. And some of the puzzles didn't make sense sometimes. I would have to go to herinteractive.com just to get some help. It's a great game just like to rest of them, but the others were better.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Nancy Drew Game in the Series Review: I was very disappointed in the newest Nancy Drew game, the Haunted Carousel. I have been a great fan of the computer game series, but this game was not nearly as fun, challenging, or interesting as the others have been. For starters, the game can be completed extremely fast which takes a lot of fun out of pondering the mystery. Secondly, I had guessed the culprit almost immediately, and my suspicions were only confirmed as the game progressed. I never even suspected any of the other characters. I also found many of the elements of the game extremely bizarre and unbelievable in real world scenarios, which only hurts the series because Nancy is supposed to be a character to whom everyone can relate and imagine being in her shoes. There will still be die-hard Nancy Drew fans who think this game is great. But, it seems to me that Her Interactive has realized what a seller the games in the series are and have stopped producing quality games in favor of producing more games faster, which leads to poor plot lines, bad character development, and mediocre games. I can only hope that the next game in the series will make up for the mediocrity of the Haunted Carousel.
Rating:  Summary: Too quick, too easy, too disappointed Review: My sister and I waited and waited for this game to come out. We loved the Nancy Drew series and enjoyed playing the others. But when we finally were able to buy this game we finished in it in less than two days. It was extremely easy and the game world was small and condensed. The story line was cute and the dialogue was good, but the amount of exploring and discovering of the game was rather poor. It was a good game for younger detectives, but it was way too easy for us older kids and I hope that the next games are made longer.
Rating:  Summary: Not Impressed Review: I am a Nancy Drew game fan, but this one was a disappointment. The game was way easy and lacked many of the hallmarks of ND games. For example, Nancy no longer has an alarm clock to go from day to night. Therefore, the gamer is forced to "sneak around" while people are still their offices. The amusement park has a map and you just click where you want to go. No more fun wandering around... There's loads of people to you need to call to give you answers you need instead of doing the research yourself. And the topper: there are very few "hot" items to pick up. Not once did I get nervous or worried and the ending was anti-climatic. I think that herinteractive should stick with what worked before. This one is way too dumbed down.
Rating:  Summary: BUY THIS NOW Review: I am a huge fan of the nancy drew computer games, and when i preordered it i was so exited. When i came i played it untill i beat it. It was very addicting. One of the favorite things about this gmae was how you could buy food from the hotel. I found this quite fun to do, and i know i sound strange but i did it constantly. In this game you get too- ride the carousel, play the mid-way games, insult the staff(i did this a lot), and of course snoop. I know this sounds bad, but this game didnt exaclty meet how i thought it was going to be. I actaully found it very boreing at times. But all in all, it was really good.
Rating:  Summary: Great Game!!! Review: This game was the best one I have played so far out of four! This game took me the longest to figure out because of all the challanging puzzles and difficault excape routes. This is money well spent if you love the Nancy Drew games!
Rating:  Summary: good enough just to earn a star Review: I was slightly disappointed in this game. Why? Well it was extremely short. Also, there weren't that many puzzles, as if Herinteractive is running out of ideas. I wish I could of sleuth around some more, there were so many places that we could of sleuth at. There were a lot of bugs in this game and now my computer is fool of patches that I loaded from Herinteractive. There were so many bugs, that I could hardly play the game. Next time, I think Herinteractive should spend a bit more time checking out for the glitches and all. But I got over that.The characters weren't as fun as they are in the other games.I wasted twenty dollars on a game that took me a day to beat.If you are really looking foward to spend twenty dollars, I wouldn't waste my money.. It was so easy. Almost too easy. Herinteractive makes very good games, but this one, wasn't as good as the others.