High School Advantage 2002 offers students ages 14 and older challenging yet entertaining activities to promote mastery of biology, chemistry, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, U.S. history, world history, geography, writing, andSpanish. The program aims to build critical problem-solving skills in thesecore subjects with in-depth, multimedia tutorials. The Office 2000 ComputerCoach, included with the software, will help students explore and masterExcel, PowerPoint, Word, and Access.Customizable features include user-controlled navigation and self-pacedstudy, progressive levels of complexity, and progress reports. There arereference materials, including notes, libraries, and glossaries, as well asmultimedia features such as audio, video, photos, 3-D-renderedimages, and animation. The instructional puzzles and games come withadjustable skill levels to reinforce academic content. The program ishassle-free with easy installation and use, simple, streamlinednavigation, and it allows you to track each user's scores and progress.