Rating:  Summary: The game is for sociopaths Review: This game is very beautiful to look at, and that's about it. I'll start first with the controls.If you have gotten use to playing other MMORPG's in the past years, you will have noticed that they all allow you to configure the controls to suit your play style. This feature is absent in Lineage II. All movement is done by point click with the mouse as if this were a top down view game-very poorly done. You can adjust the volume, the graphics, and that is it. They do have shortcuts to common tasks and abilities. The look of the game, as I said, is beautiful and the reason for the second star I gave it, but the characters all look alike. You select a face, a hair style and color, and off you go. That is character creation. Your overall game play will be hampered tremendously by the PvP aspect of the game. This is a PvP game. This is not a game with PvP in it, the game is all about PvP which is something the developers should advertise on the box-if I had known this I would have never bought it. You can expect to be killed numerous times by people far more powerful than you, so gaining levels will be very difficult unless you play with a few of your friends every time you are on and I do mean every time you are on. I find it amazing that NCSoft are the same people behind City of Heroes which is a far better game to play. Don't waste your money here like I did.
Rating:  Summary: Has potential Review: Played this game for 3 weeks solid and got to level 22. Like most MMORPGs, it is typical... Kill monsters, get xp, level up, rinse repeat. The reason I quit was because of all the Korean bots (unmanned macro players) that farm adena (their money) and sell it on ebay. Furthermore, there is a lack of respect for anyone who isn't an american and thus a lot of racial animosity. Was fun while it lasted but far from being the game to invest time into building a character.
Rating:  Summary: It's still fun Review: I started playing lineage 2 back when it was in open beta, I got adicted and havent stoped yet. The graphics are awesome and with a decent video card (Raedeon 8500+ or equiv) it feels like your really there. Theres tons of lore and backstory to play off of if you like to role play. The only real downside is monthly cost, but to me this game is worth it. A+
Rating:  Summary: Its an MMORPG...... Review: Ive heard far too many people complain about the grind in this game. The grind is part of all MMOs and should be a difficult process. I admire the Lineage team for making the level cap difficult to obtain. It will keep newb areas and mid-level content areas populated, as well as keeping a constant carrot infront of your nose. And, give it time to develop, once the end game pvp gets established I think that Lineage 2 has the potential to be the best non-carebear MMO out there.
Rating:  Summary: Well.... Review: For the more intelligent and mature players out there. What many term the grind or hack/slash does not have to be that way. It can be if that is what you enjoy but there are many levels and strategies to the gameplay. Just takes a little thought and ingenuity.
And to the people who say this is clan/group play only, not true. I know people in the game but rarely play with them. I play solo 98% of the time and love it.
Rating:  Summary: Great game Review: Great game. Many great things in it. I like the more realistic graphics than in WoW. politics are intense in this game, so it takes some guts to play with it, and join the many clans and alliances in the game. The game has it's own story line and mythology, that goes well with the game. Lvling is slow after 35, but it's awesome to participate in the castle sieges and see the many hundreds of people fighting it out on the battle fields for a huge castle and control of the local economy. Yeah sure they have farmers, but what mmorpg doesn't? it's really a lot of fun, and the PK (player kill) is quite nasty because it becomes a matter of political involvement but it's extremely realistic, much more so than WoW ever could be. WoW is too much of a fantasy that goes great with the Warcraft series that i love, but Lineage2 sets it's own standard.
Rating:  Summary: FOOLS!!!! Review: Little, small people... I have finally come to play this game. I have over 15 MMORPGS at my house. And may I say, I probubly own everyone here at all of them :) But this is off the topic. This is an awsome game! most defenitly better then WoW. Just to let the people who rated this game here badly; this games is the second most popular MMORPG in the world. Guess the first... Thats right Lineage 1 was number one. Here I go with the up points and down points of this game. First of all the seans are beautiful! never ending, perfectly shaped outins in this game give it a great look. But most gamers look for a bloody game with a ton of violence! Id also like to say this has most of it. The violence/fighting seans are great but this game does lack the blood meter, if that is good or bad is your own oppinion. Gameplay is fun with alot of people from the community who are willing to give you help on the game. Even needing to walk from place to place maybe taking up to 30 min. is fun! Passing by users who always say "hellow" and looking at the graphics and wildlife. Also a destinct feature that makes this bost a star is its real life prospective on some/most subjects. If your not understanding that read this... You can buy a pet in the game. Dogs, hog-like creatures, and even dragons, that can help you fight in wars. The real life thing is that the beast costs alot and needs to be treated correctly, like owning a pet in real life. You must pay alot of money to feed your pet and show alot of responsibility. This means to not fly or attack with it to much, which could cause it its death. Much more great game moments i would love to share with you but I think you get the point. I only found one thing wrong with this game. That is its character making. I dislike this because the character look is limeted, meaning you will see alot of people looking the same throughout this game. Also, chosing a name is hard because you can only use letters. I dont like this because my gaming names are like, thejoeman191, thejoeman911, dajoeman33, so on. These are some ups and downs to this game. I hope you found this helpful!
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate MMORPG!!! Review: Hello! This game really impressed me! First off, NCsoft was very generous in whiich they give you every expansion away for free! Lineage 2, unlike Everquest, has assigned quests. Most of them are just going around killing things, but it never gets old! It has great graphics, cool worlds, and a great character selection. Ok, it takes forever to get "leveled up" but it's worth it! A lot of people never wait to get into the cool stuff. There are castle sieges, and there are huge bosses! However, the down side is that there are a lot of "player killers" that hunt down newbies. Usually PKers get killed before they cause any harm, but it's always good to be careful! In overall, this game is pretty satisfying. I'd give it 5 stars. No true gamer can go without playing this!
P.S. Most of these people writing the reviews are just noobs. They aren't far enough in the game to know what the good stuff is!
Rating:  Summary: Not worth your time Review: I have played Shadowbane, Lineage2 and World of Warcraft in Beta. Lineage 2 just isn't fun. While it has nice graphics, it's just too slow and too boring. Shadowbane has bad graphics and leveling is a grind but PvP is great. World of Warcraft has fantastic graphics and a very interesting world. PvP is not free for all but faction based so I don't have an oppinion yet.
Rating:  Summary: Soooo disappointed! Review: I've been playing MMORPGs since Ultima Online was first released.
As a huge fan of Lineage 1, I had very high hopes for this game and I'm sad to report that the magic is just not there... this game is BORING.
In Lineage 1, there were just more things to do. For example anyone could tame and level dogs and make a decent living selling them. Elves and fighters could make equipment. If you didn't feel like leveling or making things, you could go bet on the slime races. There were fun items in the game like spell wands that anyone could use. I remember finding one that turned other players into random animals or mobs. I kept it on me a long time and used it to turn people who stole from me into chicken or cows--even my victims found it hilarious.
I remember learning about a "secret" passageway between the dungeon on Talking Island and the dungeon on the mainland. What a fun adventure it was trying to get through that as a newbie...
Where was all this in Lineage 2? Nowhere to be found.
Just leveling, leveling, leveling--and constant arguments.
Farmers are players who kill the same stuff over and over to sell adena online to other players. Sometimes there are so many farmers in one area that actual players cannot play at all. Very frustrating and very ugly. The arguing and fighting is non stop.
Overall a bad atmosphere and a boring game. I hope they can turn it around.