Rating:  Summary: Addictive. Review: I have never been much of a game person. People have tried to get me to play games and have tried to get me to stick with them, but I just couldn't seem to get into it. After a long whine from a friend to download the beta and play it, I did. I played it, liked it, played somemore, and fell in love with it. The game gets better as you play, and there are tons of quests. The characters are nicely drawn out, the layouts are nice, everything is great. I deffinately reccomend this game if you like Fantasy or Adventure. There's so much to do!
Rating:  Summary: 1 week of my life has flashed before my eyes Review: Upsides: Beautiful graphics makes other MMOGs look like they came from your NES. Addictive gameplay, keep the shades open otherwise you wont realise youve lost a day. Huge world to explore, beautiful valleys, frozen waterfalls, sunsets. Steep treadmill will lead to rewarding characters for those who can handle it.Downsides: While a steep treadmill makes those levels feel rewarding (you have to earn them their not given!), it can also be frustrating. Party adventuring hampers questing and experience gain, best to solo until necessary to party.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but not great Review: I got to participate in this beta. The game play was better than average, but there was a definite lack of balance between the melee types and the magic types, at the lower levels. And the dwarves were very challenging. Melee classes get better skills at lvl 5, and more at lvl 10, then more later. The skills at lvl 5 mostly cost 60SP (Skill Points) or 120, and the lvl 1, 2, and 3 skills are all the same charge. Casters get better skills at lvl 7, and they cost 180 or 240 SPs for lvl 1, 2, and 3. I found the caster types were continually behind in training up skills, due to a serious lack of earned SPs. The dwarves were the hardest, as they didn't get any combat skill enhancements until lvl 20, nor an ability to heal faster. But, they were the only race that could craft. Crafting prior to lvl 15 was too expensive to bother. So, you have 15 levels to get through, painfully, before you could reasonably start to turn a profit. I thought the dwarfs took too long to develop, in comparison with the other races. The SP cost for skills was horrific. Orcs were fun as melee, but the mystics were harder to understand, mostly because the magic system isn't the same for all races. Not that this is a bad thing, but in the short time I was in beta, I played one briefly and opted to switch to a human caster, instead. Easier to follow. I don't know how the balance issues may pan out. They weren't devestating, but when my wife and I both played together, and she was melee and I was caster, she easily was much more effective, and had SPs to spare. Note, 50% of the female Dark Elves you will see are guys that want to run around in a thong body harness! All DE's run around in Anime style, all bent over at the waist, and the starting female DE outfit is going to make a LOT of 12-18yr old (and older) boys happy. Though once they start getting good equipment, the fascination will wear off. The Point and Click movement is poor, but at least you can use your keyboard. They really need to allow you to map your movement keys. I personally hate the arrows, and like an ASDW setup. But, that wasn't an option, which soured me on the game. I won't be playing when it goes live. Even though you can pick up and leave off the game easily, City of Heroes was more fun.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Review: This game is not great. Hardly any customization, two classes to begin with. Final Fantasy XI made this same mistake. Nobody wants to have to wait that long to get more classes. The interface is absolutely abysmal. Walking is a chore, and you'll be doing a lot of it. The camera is pathetic at best, non-existant at worst. Seriously. Do not play this game.
Rating:  Summary: A breath of fresh air. . . Review: As one of the lucky few who was able to participate in the closed beta for Lineage II, I have to say that I've found the experience quite enjoyable. The interface is very intuitive, the characters are gorgeous, and the world is absolutely stunning. . . indeed, the developers showed us what the Unreal engine is capable of. Anyhow, I would like to address what various naysayers have mentioned as perceived drawbacks. First of all, there are claims that characters are not customizable enough. Granted, players are given a choice of two hairstyles, two hair colors, and two faces per model (of which there are one per gender per race) leading to limited initial character customization. The result is that newbie areas are filled with very similar-looking player characters. However, customization in the game comes through the wide array of clothing, equipment, and weaponry available (of which there is an extremely large variety). Quests. While some claim that there are not many quests available, this is blatantly untrue, as quests are available to those who seek them. Just about every NPC can give you quests, which range from killing various monsters roaming the wilderness to delivering items to other NPCs. Quests are arranged by level, so there is no need to worry whether one will be saddled with a quest too difficult or two mundane for one's character. But not all is peaches and cream with the game; in my first two hours in the beta, my character died five times, always at the hand of another player. However annoying this may be, Lineage II addresses the problem of PKers by introducing a Karma system, where people who PK (player kill) have their name indicated in red, as opposed to the standard white. While people who feel the need to PK can do so wherever they wish, once they do so, they do so at their own risk, as players fed up with PKers will often band together to take out PKers, who make themselves a target through their own actions. Thus is balance achieved; furthermore, the desire to band against PKers also helps build incentive to form parties and the like. The beta provides us with a good idea of what's to come, but when the full retail comes out, there will be much, much more to look forward to, including a full clan system, dragons, and massive set-piece castle sieges. I know I'm looking forward to it!
Rating:  Summary: I love it so far Review: I've been playing the closed beta now for 3 weeks. If you like Everquest, I think you will like this game too. The graphics blow everything else out of the water. The female characters are very scantily clad ... !!! ... but that does just add to the fun. I happen to like the pvp aspect of the game. I wasn't a PKer but it did make the game more intense. You had to be stealthy when you were hunting and watch out for raiding PK hunting parties. I literally only saw a few minor bugs in the beta but it is lacking in some niceties that most mmorpgs have such as being able to easily find your friends (no /who command) and no autorun. There is a nice economic system which was easy to use, banking, and players can autosell while afk as in Final Fantasy XI. The classes look fantastic. Even the orcs look good. I do wish there was more variety in facial features and hair color. Maybe this will be added after beta. Give it a try if you like this genre. Its a fun game.
Rating:  Summary: Best to consider what the retail version will hold Review: I've played DAOC as well as Asheron's call and a few others and, to be honest, this one seems as though it is a better version of them . The graphics are far superior and the classes, as well as the spells, are similar with a distinct anime flair. To this point, though, realize that the game is being beta tested with patches available almost every week. To judge the game now could be a mistake on a number of levels. Best to watch for when the game comes out and read reviews written after that date.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT GAME!!! VERY FUN!!! Review: (...) I have spent much time on the NCsoft website researching this game. The graphics are SWEET!! Not able to really customize your character?? NOT TRUE!! There are many hair styles you can choose from. Your character can be a Human, Orc, Elf, Dark Elf, or Dwarf. You can choose your race and then if you want to be a fighter or mystic. At level 20 you can choose to be a more specialized class such as an Elven Fighter can choose to be a knight or a rogue. The special classes keep splitting every group of levels you get to. Each race/class choice has its own playing styles used in battle. The only bad things about the game is the Death and Weapons. When you die you have a chance to drop items. I cant imagine how bad it would be to die and drop a highclass weapon. Also when you die you lose experiance but that comes with every game. There are not really a wide selection of your weapons. There are about 15 diff items in every category.(Armor, Shields, Swords, etc.) Even with those mild set backs the game will be great and i would recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Diablo 2, Morrowind(but with more action), or Everquest. (...)
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: When I got into Beta, I was thrilled. However, once I started to actually play the game, I was very disappointed. Good Points: If you enjoy PVP and just killing monsters or other players then you will most likely enjoy the game. The game has beautiful graphics and a wonderful soundtrack. Bad Points: Very few quests available Nothing really to do except to go out and level your character by killing things. No tradeskills available except to dwarves. No restrictions on Player Killing (PK). Any person can kill anyone else, regardless of the difference in levels of the two players. Very limited character creation options such as only 2 different faces or hair color to choose from. For example, elves could choose light blond or yellow blond for their hair color. I am hoping that some of these things improve before the game is release; however, considering that it has already been released overseas, I doubt there will be many changes to come. Hence, why I would not recommend the game unless you enjoy just killing things.
Rating:  Summary: The sequel to the most popular MMORPG in the world Review: I bet not many of you guys have heard of a game called Lineage and would probably wondering if it's really the most popular MMORPG in the world. The answer is yes. A definate yes... About 5 years ago, Lineage was first released in Korea and it was a major hit. Back then there were many bugs to be fixed and limited places to go, but people liked it anyway because it was just so 'addictive' I myself played Lineage for many years now and it doesn't get boring no matter how much you play. While there have been numerous numbers of new MMORPGs released after Lineage, with better graphic and sound effect and all that, Lineage is still keeping its place at the top of the Asia MMORPG market. If you don't realize how popular this Lineage is by now, read the next sentence. It has millions of regular players and no other MMORPGs in the universe have such number of players. Period As a beta tester of Lineage 2, I got to play it before the rest of the world, and I've certainly enjoyed it. Graphics are improved, and now you get to customize the look of your character, which wasn't available in the original. I'd say, when this comes out you should buy it. I am not saying this just to make you waste your money. I am saying it because it is worth it.