Rating:  Summary: PRICE of the game Review: Ok whats the damage going to be to my wallut to place this game?? If you dont get what im talking about there are lots of others that do. IM talking about the online cost ... the online cost is what troubles me. so someone tell me what the cost is going to run, better be free.
Rating:  Summary: Played Beta...Boring Boring Boring Review: Well, after playing the Beta for quite a bit I've decided I won't be getting this one...The graphics are amazing, the quests are pretty standard, and the whining about PKing and how much of a "noob" this or that guy is annoying as ever...it is seriously boring. Leveling takes forever; downtime is too much; not enough interaction while in combat: it's pretty much Point, Click, and hope for the best, maybe getting a skill off. There is virtually no customizing your character...you get like 2 faces, 2 hair colors and maybe a few hair styles but that's it. There's lots and lots of running and lots and lots of space to do it...boring boring. No points to add to any attributes or anything of the sort. There's only 2 base classes from which only a few more classes branch off from, these being fighter/mage. Casters get spells and so forth...some passive (just work innately, basically becoming a defense adjustment to your chara), which is fine and all but when you are working and working and working to level only to get some skill points to dump into a skill that you basically never see or use is awful...and with the active spells you generally just make them stronger, so in the end you are working and working and working to get/see the same spells...not rewarding enough, especially considering how slow leveling is. Great graphics seem to be the only thing pushing this. Perhaps it gets better (I don't see how) at way higher levels...but grinding through the lower ones was tedious and horribly boring. Bleh, off to play COH...hopefully this is way better.
Rating:  Summary: This is awesome. Review: This is awesome. Period. I played Lineage 1, which Im sure none of you have heard of, and I was addicted for over three years. And I now have the North American Lineage 2, beta. And it rocks. Totally Awesome. Im gonna go play it after I write this review..literally. The graphics use the 3D unreal engine. It has the best sounds ever. Its not extremely gory, for all the people who think those games are evil, because I know quite a few. Its just.asdasd..im gonna go play..id ont wanna finish..bye
Rating:  Summary: Skeptical at first but truely amazed. Review: Great game. Graphics are far superior to all others out at the moment. Very stream line. The game play is simplistic but like everquest for some reason gives you a feeling of acheivement when you have lvled or finished a quest.Grouping is good and the dungeons are very atompsphereic unlike most dungeons or lack there of in MMORPG's that have come out lately. All in ALL I would say this game is going to be one that I personally will stick with for at least as long as EQ.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: So far the beta was good....besides lack of server and lag but by retail it should be fixed.The one thing that really draws my attenion is the "Castle Seige" thats the one thing that looks VERY good.
Rating:  Summary: Decent at first, but the game gets boring. Period. Review: Lineage one was a game i much enjoyed. The graphics, though not 3-d and otherwise unspectacular, were sufficient to play, the gamestyle was nice, the PK system was the best i have ever encountered. The spells were also cool, and though the classes were misbalanced, the game was overall very fun to play. Unfortunately, Lineage II falls short of this standard, mainly because in an effort to keep powergamers playing for an extended period of time before they got to the "max", they decided to completely ignore casual gamers. That is to say that up until level 10, the game is enthralling. The levels come quick and relativley easily, the gameplay is fun, and your character seems to advance and to coexist in a seamless gameworld with other people. The variation in character graphics, though irritating (and no, i don't consider six hairstyles a "plethora" of graphical options), is really something i'd come to expect from Lin 1 and so didn't worry about. The quests are nice, albeit often not worth the effort, and the gameworld is fairly immersive, if repetitive. The map system is useful, and the players online tend (after swearing you out a little) to be helpful. Unfortunately there is no useful trade system aside from yelling over shout or trade, and there are far too many scammers for you to reliably use the "buy" and "sell" function "shops". The PK system, which is similar to linage 1 except that you can't go lawful, "rewards" you for PKing by having you lose at least twice the experience you caused someone else to lose just for killing them. (even if they were being... uncooth.) This leads to one person killstealing, so the person they're killstealing tries to killsteal them back because neither one of them wants to kill the other (they might go chaotic), and it ends up as a duel of "how much of an idiot can i act like to get someone else to go away". But this isn't my main problem with the game. The real problem is this: After level ten, you think "gad, this leveling is getting irritating". But you perservere to 15. After 15, you begin to realize that leveling is just getting worse, and worse, and more repetitive, and more repetitive, until you've just realized that you have to kill 600 of the same monster just to level and that there's no real point in grouping because it just causes you to get levels slower and half the money. Not to mention equipment is insanely expensive and the only way to get money is a) get really lucky (1/1000 chances of getting items) or do quests over... and over... and over... and so on... So honestly, i have my character. Honestly, i'll pay to play. But only until the next game comes out, and then i'm jumping off the boat like a rat off a plague ship...
Rating:  Summary: i didn't want to love it Review: i have played Lineage for over two years, have come to revel in the community aspects of the game, and can vouch for its highly addictive nature. i was gifted with access to Lineage2 closed beta (i didn't ask for it ;)), and set it aside, not really believing that this "new" version of my game could tempt me away from my deep immersion in lin1. beside, lin2 did not support the Mac platform and i did not want to buy a PC just to play a new game. but i followed the news about lin2 regardless, and was intrigued more and more over time. finally i did have a PC built and logged in for open beta. i haven't played lin1 since. o.O Lineage2 is spectacularly beautiful. it promotes community even more than lin1. i am finding that the benefits of belonging to a clan far outweigh going solo. solo hunting can be achieved in some areas, but other achievements can only be accomplished by working with a trusted group. i was afraid that the 3D interface would make me motion sick. it doesn't, it was surprisingly easy to become accustomed to. i was afraid that pk (player killing) would be rampant. it isn't. the karma system and harsh penalty for killing a player who does not fight back seems to have reduced the number of grief players while still allowing mutual pvp without penalty. if you fight back, you are accepting the challenge, and whoever wins the fight will receive no penalty. in fact the winner will receive kudos for their kill by gaining a point on his pvp wins score. if you dont want to engage in the fight, simply keep moving and don't hit back, more often than not your attacker will also move on, not wanting the penalty for continuing an unwelcomed aggression. lin2 still holds a place in my heart as my first MMORPG, but lin2 will be my new home. i love that i can now see my character's face, and that she doesn't look like everyone else. each character class has several looks to choose from, first being a fighter body or mage body, male or female, then multiple hair styles, and two slightly different faces and two hair colors. further customization comes in the way of clothing and weapons. your character will look unique, and the more you play, the more clothes and weapons you will get to try. some players complain about the leveling treadmill. which means that to advance in the game requires repetitively killing monsters. this has never bothered me ... i base my game on the company i keep. lin2 promotes interaction with fellow gamers. it gives a rich, beautiful and enormous playground to us to play in. and with the company of good friends (which you are sure to make in a community-based game), every day is something new. to sum it up, even though i was very skeptical, i'm hooked.
Rating:  Summary: Lackluster beyond the eye candy Review: if graphics are all you are looking for in a mmog, here it is. but in all honesty, L2 could have been a very good game. i have played since Closed Beta, and i am not the whiny kids that cry in the public channels. L2 is lacking alot of basic features most games tend to have, character creation is either one or two skins to choose from, not very original. also even to defend yourself from being PKD, you WILL turn purple, there by being fair game for all others to attack with no loss to them selves, other than turning purple, further more to heal a PK, or a mob someone is fighting yields no consequence, no purple or anything. Does this sound fair to you? each death is a 10% loss of xp, plus a chance to drop a item, as was stated elsewhere, leveling is very hard, too hard for me, i quit caring about levels a few days ago, the rewards seem few and far between. i hate being so negative in a review of anything, but this game was not up to north american standards of what is the "Norm" of mmogs or gaming. so my advice is this, if you are a grief player, or easily amused by pretty graphics, buy this game, otherwise, go to a more mature, rp friendly mmog.
Rating:  Summary: The PvP part of the game is terrible and ruins the game. Review: If you Deffend yourself against someone trying to kill you then that person recives no PvP penalty. HuH ? Does that any sence ? Well if you sit there and let them beat you to death, then and only then are they flagged as a PKer and turn red. The Problem is there is a way to beat the system so that you don't turn red. Simply Disconnect Right after Killing anyone and you will not be flagged as a killer. Or when you first Log on and are murdered Endlessly by some player who is 30 levels higher than you camping the New Player Starting area. Oh thats Lots of Fun for new players let me tell you ! Its Exploits like this that make the game less than what it could be. Its a Korean made Game. They have servers in Korea where only Koreans can play. But the North American Servers are for EVERYONE ELSE !!! So chances are unless you speak Chinese your going to be rather lonely sence a large portion of the population comes from there.
Rating:  Summary: Fun game with some downsides though Review: I was in the Open and Closed beta of this game and it rocked. This game is has potential to be a great MMORPG. It does need a better level system(I made it to lvl 10 in 15min). Pretty much you start out as a fighter or mystic. That's it. It's not very individual until you reach higher levels and then you can start branching of into other classes. Then there are newbs. I mean when us C.B. people where playing, we were newbs, but everyone was cool about it. As soon as O.B. came around, it was awful! They never stop begging. Then you have the hot-heads who think that they can kill you since PK is allowed. I'm okay with newbs because we were all newbs when we first began but these ones tick me off. I'll probably watch the game and when the newb disease has died down, I'll buy it. If you have no problem with newbs get it. It has some the best graphics in any genre of games. The controls are nice and it has a learning curve of about 1-1.5 hours. Like I said, good game, bad players.