Rating:  Summary: It's Rough Cause I Lost My Stuff...er Money! Review: My 5 year-old son absolutely loves the Pajama Sam series of games by "Humongous Entertainment." He received this most recent (and much more expensive) Pajama Sam-- "Life is Rough" for Christmas. It is extremely poorly made compared to the previous versions of PJ Sam. This is also the first Pajama Sam I have seen made by Atari. The screens do not move smoothly, Pajama Sam's voice is not in synch with the movements on the screen, and the general flow of the game is cheaply done. The makers of the first few Pajama Sams did some wonderful work- smooth scenes, cute characters etc..., and it is very clear that this latest version by Atari was made in a rush and the final product is clearly lacking as a result. If you are considering buying a great kid's computer program, skip this one... Try the "Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightening Aren't So Frightening" or find the Pajama Sam that came free in kid's snack pack boxes about six months ago.
Rating:  Summary: Buy the OLD Pajama Sam games- NOT this one!! Review: My 5 year-old son absolutely loves the Pajama Sam series of games by "Humongous Entertainment." He received this most recent (and much more expensive) Pajama Sam-- "Life is Rough" for Christmas. It is extremely poorly made compared to the previous versions of PJ Sam. This is also the first Pajama Sam I have seen made by Atari. The screens do not move smoothly, Pajama Sam's voice is not in synch with the movements on the screen, and the general flow of the game is cheaply done. The makers of the first few Pajama Sams did some wonderful work- smooth scenes, cute characters etc..., and it is very clear that this latest version by Atari was made in a rush and the final product is clearly lacking as a result. If you are considering buying a great kid's computer program, skip this one... Try the "Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightening Aren't So Frightening" or find the Pajama Sam that came free in kid's snack pack boxes about six months ago.
Rating:  Summary: Atari ruined Pajama Sam Review: My daughter and I have loved the Pajama Sam games. We've waited months for this new one and what a letdown. As soon as Sam opened his mouth my daughter knew it wasn't the same voice. It feels amateurish considering the awful transistions between screens, the jerky animation (on a fast computer!) and the hopelessly out-of-sync dialogue. Having waited for the new Putt Putt as well, I can only surmise that it will be as bad as this one. Stick to the first three Pajama Sam games and hope that this will be the end of the series.
Rating:  Summary: Pajama Sam: Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff Review: My little boy just loves Pajama Sam. In fact he's been dying for a new one to come out. When we saw that Atari released a new Pajama Sam game we raced down to pick up a copy. He has enjoyed it ever since. He really enjoyed the musical the most. As a parent, I'm very critical about what my children view and play with. This game offers not only hours of entertainment but also simulates my child to think in many different ways such as when Pajama Sam needs to light up a cave and doesn't have a flashlight and must find an alternative solution. The game makers handle this situation with a jar of fire flies. Very creative! Pajama Sam ranks up there high on my list. I will recommend the game to my friends and others. We look forward to the next Pajama Sam game.
Rating:  Summary: Game Play Good. Technically Poor. Review: Pajama Sam is back! I bought this after reading most of the reviews below. I have to say is that they are mostly all true. Technically this game is in beta but the game play is still good if you can close your eyes to the technical snafus. The voice sync is awful, the game runs slowly (this is inexcusable with at animated cartoon type game) and it takes a minimum of 160MB on the hard drive. If Humongous could make their early DOS games run well why can't Atari do the same with game on toady's faster computers? Sounds like they wanted to get this thing out for the Christmas season. The voice does sound different. Weather it's the same kid but older or a different kid is difficult to tell but they game does lose something because of it. On the plus side the game is still fun to play. Pajama Sam is still the cleaver, mischievous kid as he's always been. Although I wish Atari didn't have a hand in this (their quality standards seem to be a lot lower that Humongous' standards) I'm glad we have another Pajama Sam game. Hopefully a patch will be issued for this game and that will bring this game back up to Humongous' standards for the technical issues.
Rating:  Summary: Atari and Sam have both suffered greatly Review: The system requirements for this game specify a 1.3 GHz processor, and indeed it runs miserably slow on a 1 GHz machine. This is absolutely absurd for a such a simple, cute little two-dimensional game. Along with poor voice acting, lame jokes and trivial easter eggs (compared to previous Pajama Sam adventures), it appears that Atari no longer stands for quality gaming and poor Sam has had to suffer for Humongous Entertainment's acquisition. It's especially sad to see this decline, given how much fun the previous Sam programs were.
Rating:  Summary: NEEDS A PATCH!!!! Review: We love pajama sam, however this game (the first I have bought since it was bought by Atari) has a huge glitch which locks up each time you go to a certain screen, and you cannot complete the game without that page. I have attempted to contact Atari technical support more than once without any response from them. I will not buy another game by Atari.
Rating:  Summary: Infograms ruined Atari and Humongous Entertainment Review: We purchased this game today, because my kids have played every Pajama Sam game to date. We did not read the box that well, since we discoved that it does not run on our MACINTOSH. It's surprising, since every other Pajama Sam games will. Once I loaded it up on our Windows XP box, we soon realized that Atari has ruined one of the premiere game series for children. The animation is choppy and the scene transitions are slow. The original voice of Pajama Sam is no more. The install process takes forever, and it gobbles up almost 550megs of drive space. The game does not look or play any better than the previous installments. I'm not sure that Atari wants to do anything but make a quick buck. This was rushed out the door before it was polished. This is the last Atari game that I will ever spend any money on. Not only was my son very disapointed, I was disapointed as well. With all the progress in technology in the last 3 years, this series has gone backwards in time to the era of the 486. It's sad, very sad.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, he has changed. Review: Well, being a person who started my son out on pajama sam on the pc when he was 3 years old, i must say this was a perfect progression in the series. After the first few games, the concept was getting rather stale. It was time for some tweaks. Basically, they have given Pajama Sam a slightly older voice, i actually think it is the same voive actor with a few extra years tucked under his belt since the first Pajama Sam game. Either that, or this is a very reasonable impersonation. They've also given Sam a much messier room (realistic,huh?). And a much larger collection of odds-and-ends items to gather than in previous games. That aside, the issues that people have with the scene transistions...well, i somewhat agree. They can be annoying. The out-of-sync vocals at the start of the game, that should've been fixed. But, with minor glitches aside, get to the gameplay. Atari has added some musical interludes that date back to the 'Schoolhouse Rock' era. Very hummable and fun to listen to. The game itself is also a progression slightly in age. It feels like each pajama sam gets a little tougher as they progress. Maybe they are trying to follow the age of the players? The graphics are nice and very colorful. Plenty of puzzles to keep busy with. Some slightly more difficult than my 5 year old can decipher, but i enjoy helping him. Yes, Atari should have polished this a little more. But, in this rabid industry where half-baked game get released when they're only 60% done, i have to say Atari got to about the 94% mark. But, they didn't forget to make it fun. My son and i both enjoyed this game very much.