Rating:  Summary: Deus Ex - Invisible War Review: Having a computer that far surpases the minimum requirements for adequate game play, it was very dissapointing to find that the game locks up every time it is started. Eidos help people were very friendly but always blamed the problem on my equipment and not on the program. Three trips to their helpers and upgrading drivers and adding patches did nothing to make the game play. Only the phantom knows whether this game is good or not. It is unplayable for many users and a waste of money.
Rating:  Summary: pretty good Review: This game is better than most of the junk that gets pushed out onto the selves, BUT it still doesn't meet (IMO) the DX standard. I miss the skill development portion from the original game and the universal ammo seems a little too convinient, to me. At first try, the game wouldn't run correctly. Graphics were all wrong. But seeing the nVidia logo on the front, I expected as much. I am running a AMD 2000+XP/Win98SE/ATI9000/512MB machine by the way. It does crash to desktop every now and then, but with Win98SE, I am kinda used to that sorta thing. One thing that it does to me is it moves all my desktop icons around, I find that strange. Anyways, those were my gripes. The story is still very good. I am only partially through it at the moment and I don't know which faction I can trust. (None, if it ends up like the first game) I like this game and I am sure that there will be a patch to fix many of the technical problems. I just recomend that if you are going to get it you should have at least a 64MB graphics card. Enjoy
Rating:  Summary: Textbook case of how to ruin a sequel Review: I really liked the first Deus Ex game, and so it hurts me to have this say this, but Deus Ex invisible war is one of the worst games I've played and one of the biggest computer game disapointments ever. It almost seems that the designers intentionally removed all of the good stuff from the first game. First, there is the way the game looks. I am not talking here about performance issues. I have a new computer with a 9800xt graphics card and 1 GB ram, and the game runs smoothly on my machine. The problem is that it just does not look very good. When you consider some of the amazing graphics that have been done in computer games in the last couple of years (Splinter Cell, for example, or even in budget titles like Devastation) it is hard for me to understand why this game looks so bad. Maybe part of it is the the artwork and design; the character animations look like weird cartoon figures. Also, the game areas are too small. Forget about the big, sprawling environments in DX. Here you will be constantly waiting for the next little area to load. Forget about the much-hyped physics; dead bodies flop around in a ridiculous way, and bumping into objects sends them spinning through space like Babe Ruth hitting one out of the park. The skill system, which made DX (and its predecessor System Shock) so awesome are gone. Why? The ability to customize your character and evolve through the course of the game was one of the most satisfying parts. You've probably already heard about the Universal Ammo thing, another serious design mistake IMO. The game is also quite short, and seems much shorter than the original. Also, without the various skill paths through the game, there is little replayability. Basically this is a textbook case of how to ruin a game sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Technically defective, and Eidos support is useless Review: The game does not run against many ATI graphics cards - no doubt a feature of their nVidia preference program - and the copy protection is defective. We worked with Eidos tech support, and they finally gave up and said SecuRom is working on a fix. How comforting. No timeframe for resolution offered. We'll see if Amazon refunds for defective software or not.
Rating:  Summary: A nice game, "BUT"... Review: ...there are too many "but's" for it to be a worthy successor for Deus Ex. The Plot is nice and the Atmosphere is very much like Deus Ex 1, BUT the game is just too short. The graphic is nice, BUT is is buggy (and I happen to have a GeForce Ti4200 running on my system. With Envidia slapping their sticker on the package of DE:IW, one could expect this game to work well on one of their own chipsets, especially since Deus Ex was one of the most stable, bug-free games I have known in the last 5 years) and slow (hope developers will finally STOP handing out sloppy conversions of X-"Micro$oft"-Box games, which never, ever seem to run properly.) The locations are - small. Deus Ex had huge locations, but DE:IW features places that inspire claustrophobia at best (which is strange considering that terrain is one of the biggest strengths of the new Unreal-Engine), which also means that there is no way one can crawl unseen around guards and bots - there is just not enough space. Character development - oi! Biomods are more imortant now, and they are kinda nice, but that is wehere it ends. No more skill points, no more customization, nix, nothing, nada. Embarrassing. Controls - look at the other reviews, I do not want to talk about them. It possibly has got something to do with converting games and not investing any mindwork into the specific needs of a PC-Game. All in all, this game is nice, but nothing more. One can play it, but as opposed to Deus Ex, one will not miss anything when spending one's money on something else. It is justified that this game is not called Deus Ex 2, because this is not a sequel playing in the same league as its predecessor, but rather a follow-up which cannot even hope to compete with the original. This review was based on the full version, NOT the demo.
Rating:  Summary: Let the buyer beware Review: I am sure this game will be a lot of fun once it actually works properly. A quick visit to the EIDOS technical forum for DXIW will reveal over 10,000 inquiries so far regarding one problem or another with the PC version of the game. I bought it the first day it was out (Dec 3) and have since spent many hours--not actually playing the game--but instead pouring over the forum entries in search of ways to make it run without crashing, and at reasonable performance levels. It is pretty obvious that the makers of the game rushed it out in their quest for holiday dollars without having properly tested and refined it to work well on many PC systems. So, if you choose to buy it, I wish you luck...but you may very well be paying EIDOS to beta test their software rather than the other way around. As for me, I have finally given up and will not try to play this game any further until a major patch is released to correct the many bugs and deficiencies in it...and, for the record, I am not a rookie in adjusting and tweaking computer systems to accommodate the vagaries of software... So, Happy New Year to you...consider another game until this one is fixed.
Rating:  Summary: rat in a maze, short play time, intensive machine reqs Review: You'll probably need to upgrade your video card to play this game. Note: a Nvidia GeForce3 MX card won't cut it. The game requires a card that will support pixel shading. Graphics are good and the physics of the game is quite interesting. Every object can be moved, picked up or otherwise manipulated. Until you get to the last part of the game, you'll feel like a rat in a maze. The graphic requirements are so steep that the game is structed along very narrow and limited areas. Only a few areas to explore in each scenario. If you suffer from clostrophobia (sp?) you'll hate this game. Most disappointing. I hope they improve things before using this engine for the next version of Thief. The games has about 20 hours of play time. Most games I play have far, far more play time than this. The alternative story lines and choices are not as interesting as they might be/could be. If this game was cheaper, it might be worth the expense. I finished it in less than a week's play time over the holidays. I'm done with it and now need to look to purchase another game. I do not recommend this game.
Rating:  Summary: Great, but. . . Review: Deus Ex 2 of the best games I've played. The graphics are awesome. The physics are better than any other game I have ever played. Sound, CHECK! Story, very deep. Action packed. Multiple story paths are very awesome. You can really do many different styles of play from stealthy to KILL ALL! But. . . This game could have been more than what it is. I would say that almost all of the levels were way too small! DX1 had huge levels. The graphics are sweet, but c'mon, all the levels are in darkness. I'm sick of games doing this "darkness" thing, I spent practically the whole game in nightvision mode. The time you'll get out of this is alright, but I only got about 15 hours, DX1 took me over a day of game time to finish. I'm not a huge fan of cinema scenes, but DX2 doesn't even have one! Not even at the end. I beat the game, it did a short little voice-over, and then BOOM, the main menu!?!? Not even any credits! Is this game great? Yes. But it could have been so much better.
Rating:  Summary: Agreement Review: I agree with many of the reviews I've seen so far, I am living on a college student's budget and wasted my money on what amounts to a $50 dollar paper weight. I could have spent my money on other things, like... food for example. I would review the content of the game but I never got to see it since it's incompatible with my nvidia MX video card. I've just decided not to buy video games until I get a real job someday. I can't afford to deal with bone-headed mistakes (or is just plain old short-sighted greed?) like the one Eidos/Ion Storm made with this game. Be VERY sure about your hardware before you buy this game.