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Young Wives

Young Wives

List Price: $7.50
Your Price: $7.50
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: In the end, they all get what they deserve....
Review: Starts off as a slow read (which is the only reason why I gave it 4 stars), laying out three lives that for the most part seem norm. As layer after layer is told, the three women in this book lives start to unravel. The story unfolded to the point of where I found myself not being able to put the book down. The paybacks on their former men go from simply funny, to extreme revenge. In the end, their former men get exactly what they deserve. Sorry for not giving too much away, however I thing this is a fantastic chick read!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Enjoyable read about true Friendship
Review: Thanks to Amazon.com that I'm able to do book reviews before investing my hard earned money into books that I won't enjoy. Reading the reviews have saved me alot of money. This was a good read, not because of the revenge plots, but it showed how so many things can go wrong in your life and who true your friends really are when things get tough. I liked the characters, they each had their own personalities and problems, and they didn't judge each other. It's really hard to find friends like that. We naturally assume that our spouses are our friends and sometimes that's just not the case. They are only "Spouses". It's a perfect example that we should keep some friends when you marry. You need them to lean on for hard times as well as good, and these ladies certainly had their share of embarassing moments. They were even too ashamed to turn to family. I liked all 3 characters and hope there's a part 2 coming.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I loved it!
Review: The First Wives Club will always be one of my favorites. But now you've done it again! Young Wives was many things to me while reading it. It was sad, it was thoughtful, it gave all sisterfriends a real feeling of friendship. But the crazy glue was the best! What's next?

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: revenge ok, setup phony
Review: The revenge part of this book is fun, but the setup for it is totally phony, especially the courtroom scenes. This book had the greatest number of typographical and other errors I have ever encountered in a novel, especially by a well-known author.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This book was incredible. I finished it in two stays and it left me wanting more. I stayed up once until 2:00 in the morning and I had to be at work at 6. I could not put this book down because I wanted to see what would happen to Jada, Angela and Michelle next. Olivia, thank you for writing such a great book. When your book came, I was so excited, I almost skipped attending my college class to read it. PS. I am one of those people who read the acknowledments.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An Insomniac's Dream Come True!
Review: This is a book for women! Being one myself I am truly astonished how Olivia Goldsmith has her finger right on the pulse of the real world! Loved the First Wives Club (movie was cute but book was a nose burier). Same with this book. I just got out of the hospital having been ordered to strict bed-rest for 2 weeks. Thankfully I has just purchased this book. I'll be finished this book at the end of today and what shall I read next? I'm afraid I'll be disappointed in anything else I pick up if it hasn't been written by this author. And I swear, she and I do not know each other!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply "Amazing"!
Review: This is a very twisted tale of three women who all ended up with wrong men. Although, this is a fictional book... it truely protrays a woman's sense of survival and love. I couldn't stop reading it - I was very disappointed when there was nothing else to read. I am looking forward to Goldsmiths new releases. It's a book worth keeping and reading again and again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An Enjoyable Escape
Review: This is an enjoyable read. It allowed me to pretend what I could do if I were pushed to the extreme. I could also pretend that the male characters were past beaux who were facing just rewards. I could afford to go over the top (Crazy Glue!!Ouch!)since the events exist in fiction and my imagination.

I am curious to know why Ms. Goldsmith did not use the names from First Wives Club, when there are such clear references to them. In other books (Bestseller) she has referred to characters from her books. Why not here?

For those of you expecting reality, go somewhere else. For those of you looking for fun, stick through the first few chapters and enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Howlingly Funny!
Review: This is the first Goldsmith book I've read, though I did see and enjoy "The First Wives Club" movie. It has interesting and believeable female characters, slimeball husbands, and a fabulous revenge plot, all of which make it entirely enjoyable in the hands of a very accomplished writer. While I personally like my hiss! boo! villians a little more nuanced, watching them receive their comeuppance was extremely satisfying. Goldsmith understands real female bonding. Her sub-theme of what happens when women's idealistic dreams are shattered, and how they must become independent to achieve lasting happiness, adds a certian poignancy to the book. Highly recommended!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Definitely for Man-Haters
Review: Three young women discover something about their husbands they should have known all along: they are rotten. Young Wives is about Jada, Michelle, and Angie and the bond that grows between them. All three of their husbands do absolutely awful things to them, much worse than cheating and lying. The three women work together and seek revenge on the men. Young Wives, by Olivia Goldsmith, is definitely worth reading because it is suspenseful and leaves you always wanting more. An exciting event literally happens every three pages; it is unbelievable. There is not one dull sentence in this fascinating novel. Girls would probably like this novel more, just because it talks about horrible things than men do. Young Wives is witty and funny, a good read for all women.

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