As John McPhee noted in In Suspect Terrain, one of the unintended consequences of large highways is how much they help geologists -- and casual travellers -- learn about geology by exposing geological strata in roadcuts. There are no better books for roadside geologizing than the Roadside Geology series. When I had a car, a copy of the appropriate title from the series was always on the dashboard, ready for consultation whenever an interesting formation or landscape appeared around the next bend. This is just one of a large series of Roadside Geology books. Take your pick(s), and learn about the Earth on your next trip! [ Alaska | Arizona | California (Northern) | California (Southern) | Colorado | Hawaii | Idaho | Louisiana | Montana | New Mexico | New York | Oregon | Pennsylvania | South Dakota | Texas | Yellowstone Country | Utah | Vermont and New Hampshire | Virginia | Washington | Wyoming ] Related Books: [ Great Smoky Mountains National Park | Roadside Kansas: A Traveler's Guide to Its Geology and Landmarks | U S Interstate 80 Between Salt Lake City and San Francisco ]