Rating:  Summary: Spiritual Journey by a Courageous Lady Review: I listened to Shirley read this book on the audio version and I applaud Shirley for the courage to complete this journey of the Spirit. I think hearing her voice added to the impact of this story.Shirley's past lives came to her as she made this grueling trek and they were, to me, the meat of this audio/book. She once lived along the Camino, and there are two amazing past life experiences in Lemuria and Atlantis. Shirley's honesty and courage in telling her story is inspiring. The reader also gains much food for thought. The lessons she learns and fears that she has to conquer in order to complete the journey. "Never ask yourself what it is you fear - instead ask yourself what it is that concerns you. A fear thought, put out, will return, because all energy returns to the sender. Any energy always makes a loop until it regains the source. A concern thought will return also. A that moment discern why you're concerned." Certainly gave me something to think about. I got involved in past life regressions as a result of reading Shirley's first and second books. We all have our own philosophy, of course, and Shirley MacLaine has given voice to another way of thinking that also needs to be acknowledged in our world.
Rating:  Summary: A Fascinating Quest! Review: "There are many ways to experience one's spiritual education." This quote from Shirley MacLaine sums up this incredible book perfectly. This is Shirley's journey of one finding themselves, or re-discovering themselves on the centuries old Camino - a 500 mile spiritual trek across Spain. I found this book to be wonderfully enlightening, illuminating, and I applaud Shirley for the courage to complete this journey of the Spirit. Shirley says, "The Camino itself helps facilitate the resolution of emotional issues." The reader is treated to flashbacks of Shirley's past lives as she once lived along the Camino, including an amazing past life in Lemuria and Atlantis. I found Shirley's honesty and candor refreshing, and many of her insights hit directly home with me. I do believe that the reader will also gain as many insights as I did and stop and let it all sink in. We are treated to her lessons and fears that she has to conquer as well. I really resonated with her thoughts on fear: "Never ask yourself what it is you fear - instead ask yourself what it is that concerns you. A fear thought, put out, will return, because all energy returns to the sender. Any energy always makes a loop until it regains the source. A concern thought will return also. A that moment discern why you're concerned." I began my spiritual questing with Shirley's first book and have devoured everything she has written. She is not afraid to speak her truth and she is not afraid to seek to deepen her spirituality and then share the rest of that with humanity. I am sure that I am not the only one who she has deeply and positively affected. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and once again we are reminded of our mission - to reconnect to the Divine source - to love - to God. Another wonderful quote, "I had walked the Camino in order to understand what we were capable of as human beings - such spiritual magnificence and such destructive fragmentation of our own souls. Were we all repeating such dramas even today because we hadn't remembered what we came from?" I urge everyone to read this fascinating book. You too, will want to trek the Camino after finishing the book.
Rating:  Summary: Shirleys Books Review: I have to say, I felt very lucky to find that Amazon.com carried Shirley Maclaines books, I had looked all over my area and could not find them. So Far I have read all but 2 of them and I loved every one of them. She has always been one of my favorite female stars. After reading what I have so far, I like her even more. Seems like some of her favorite Movie stars (Dean Martin, and Barbra) are mine too. I had to smile when she said she had a crush on Dean, I always loved his style and voice, the same for Barbra, they are to me the best singers ever. I feel that Shirley Maclaine is not only very talented, but her writing flows so easily that I can get lost for hours and really enjoy it. She is a remarkable and brave lady who has had a very facinating life. Sure can't say shes boring. She is honest and open and caring, someone whos company I would really enjoy, and her books are a good way to do that. God bless her, I wish her all the joy in the world and luck in her search.
Rating:  Summary: She walks her talk. Surely Shirley MacLaine is a mensch! Review: The Camino. Road, path. I saw an ad for this book, noted the author, and *had* to have it, *had* to read it. And read it I did, in two days. I would have read all night, but for a prior commitment to show up--awake--for my day-to-day callings. This was no casual read: I went "on the road" with this book, I entered the road, and joined the pilgrimage. Shirley MacLaine walked the walk, and brought the story back to share. From Canterbury tales onwards, "story" is a critical element in pilgrimage. Stories not only pass the time, but pass on critical teachings to partners on the journey, people I would never have met except for the journey, sharing lessons crucial for taking the next steps on my own journey. I have read and enjoyed many of Shirley MacLaine's books. With this book, though, I went somewhere deeper, as if receiving subtle, pre-conscious suggestion that I embark on my own journey, my own pilgrimage-to-self, whether or not I leave my local world or my desk chair. The journey is inward, even if my day-to-day appears outwardly to be unchanged. I am changed by my encounter with this book. As to the four stars. Ms. MacLaines dream/trance state encounters of Atlantis, Lemuria and the androgynic beings of previous lives were, for me, a blend of science fantasy, books on past lives, and my old Platonic philosophy days at Fordham. She shares her internal caveats and reservations about writing such experiences, and having read them, I understand why. There are few people in my local constellation to whom I can loan this book, as they will roll their eyes in their scientific ways and, most probably, will not get it. We all get what we need, and I certainly got much of the read I wanted. What else could I have wanted? To dream more Spain through Ms. MacLaine's eyes, more scents, more road. More about hair roots, and where *did* she put her money belt while in the shower? Such an earthy book. Delicious. I was entranced by the journey. This book--the very idea of it--reverberates, and continues to trigger a vital energy shift for me. Brava.
Rating:  Summary: For Serious Spiritual Seekers Review: I have read and enjoyed each of Shirley Maclaine's books; those that have explored the journey's of life, and those that have explored her show business career. I have not always agreed with everything the author presented, but I have always found the materials to be interesting, thought provoking, and presenting the challenge that always comes with new ideas. I first picked up the Camino when it originally came out about two years ago and simply was not able to read it. I now understand that it was because I was not ready to read this book, even though I have been and continue to be a serious seeker of spiritualism and the meaning of life. Having just read this book, I found it to be interesting and mind broadening. This book is not for everyone. Some people will eagerly and openly embrace its message; others will be questioning and skeptical, which is also good. Others will deride the book and its author, which is unfortunate. Those of us who have read and/or experienced spiritual phenomena owe Ms. Maclaine a great debt, because as a celebrity, and as a gifted writer, she has been able to take subject matter that was once hidden and has presented it to a wide audience, who are free to enjoy it. Most of us do not have the financial resources to take a spritiual journey or pilgrimage. I admire the way she has taken a very personal spiritual journey, and has presented it to her readers in a frank and meaningful way, to allow us explore and examine our own souls.
Rating:  Summary: Shirley's Cosmic Camino Review: The Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route attracts some 60,000 walkers and cyclists annually, retracing the path taken by medieval Christians across Northern Spain as they travelled to venerate the bones of the apostle St. James in Santiago de Compostella. The journey ranked in importance with going to Rome or Jerusalem and it attracted not only the Great Unwashed, but also many famous people including St. Francis of Assisi and Dante. And Shirley MacLaine. Her book, "the Camino," describes her pilgrimage on the Way of St. James. Sort of. Walking over the Pyrenees, traversing the altiplano-the high plateau of Northern Spain-, and crossing the green hills of Galicia is not a trip to be undertaken lightly. It is to Ms. MacLaine's credit that she, in her mid-60s, accomplished this in 30 days. But anyone reading this book to learn about the Camino-its beauty, its peoples, its history, its meaning-will learn nothing here. Ms. MacLaine could have saved some effort and just wandered around her home in New Mexico for a month to come up with this silly book. The book is really concerned with the author's "dream walk" in which she fantasizes about an obscure cleric in the court of Charlemagne who reveals all kinds of secrets about Atlantis and Lemuria and sexuality. Shirley's parents and even poor Olaf Palme pop into the dream. And the "highlight" of the book is when the author finds a gold cross in Leon that seems to have come from another dimension. When in the real world, Ms. MacLaine describes the wretched hostels, her blisters and her even more painful fellow-pilgrims. She recounts all the autograph requests and never misses an opportunity to remind readers of her sexual attractiveness. And how I wished that total strangers would have volunteered to do my laundry when I cycled the Camino as seems to happen to the famous. Europe's first example of organized tourism, the Camino de Santiago was a product of the medieval cult of relics, the need for believers to have tangible, physical evidence to buttress their faith. The origins of the pilgrimage seem based on fraud and political expediency but the Road, with its marvellous churches and cathedrals and monasteries, all ignored by Ms. MacLaine, is a monument itself to faith and perserverance. For many of the medieval pilgrims, it was the one great trip of their lives, and many did not return. And here we have a book that purports to be about the Camino but barely mentions St. James or Christianity. Rather, the Camino has been repaved with New Age rubble. Shirley MacLaine is a charming and much-lauded entertainer. She is bothered by the press in the book but celebrity clearly has its advantages too. If "the Camino," with its obsessive self-interest, had been written by anyone else, it is unlikely to have ever seen print. For those with a genuine interest in the Camino de Santiago, they would be better-served with a basic guidebook before experiencing this wonderful road, on foot or by bicycle, on their own. It is worth it.
Rating:  Summary: ...do not buy Review: Shirley MacLaine combines Christianity, with modern chakra, astrology, and other doubtful ingredients, producing a sickening mixture of new-age garbage. Besides being semi-religious pulp, this book gives us a completely unjust and incorrect impression of Spain, the beauty of the Camino, and the people that undertake this journey. There are many good books about the Camino of Santiago like El Peregrino from Paolo Coelho, and The pilgrimage Road to Santiago, by David. M. Gitlitz and Linda Kay Davidson.
Rating:  Summary: lrizer Review: The first 3 tapes were amazing-entertaining. I jumped in my car to see what will happen next. I want to walk the El Camino-find my truth. This was my first Shirley experience. The las tape was strange. I was unnerved-intriged-wanted more. I shared the tape and a friend may walk the El Camino.
Rating:  Summary: For Mac Laine devotees only. Review: Hmmm? Let's see. Past Life Regression, Lucid Dreaming, Chakra Balancing, Guardian Angels, Lemuria, Atlantis, Soul Mates, Extra Terrestrials and what have I forgotten? Oh Shirley, I love you dearly but please stay out of those metaphysical bookstores! This book is strictly for Mac Laine devotees only. Everybody else can just sit on a park bench and wait for a crazy person to walk up and start talking to them. It's the same experience.
Rating:  Summary: On The Camino to Where? Review: This book was well written and very interesting as all of Shirley's former books. But her reincarnation stuff really got carried away this time. It's hard to believe all her truths. Sometimes I'd think she's not all there but she does believe it's all true. I didn't think so although I enjoy her writing style and all her many adventures. I think she has lost touch with reality in this book. But if you like her, and I do, then you'll enjoy reading her latest claims or beliefs. And it was fun to hear all the little events and stories of others on The Camino--I never even knew about this place but it's making me desire to go there one day after reading all about it. I did enjoy reading about The Camino.