Rating:  Summary: The Real Hitchhiker's Guide Review: I cannot believe the amount of time and attention to detail that went into this book. Perusing these pages, you will learn how to do just about everything...at least, everything that's truly useful when the chips are down. That's about the only way that I can describe the scope of this tome.Wilderness survival techniques, aromatherapy, acupressure, meditation techniques, exercise programs, knot tying, and even jokes and magic tricks are just a few of the subjects described and amusingly and richly illustrated within these pages. The whole book adheres to an "ancient wisdom of the Orient" theme, and it's hard to tell whether "Zeek" (the author/illustrator) takes this seriously or not. It doesn't really matter, though, as the advice given is generally very useful. Some fringe topics are covered (the existence of "chi", enemas, fasting, etc.) but at least the author concedes that with health matters, it's best to seek the advice of professionals. Keeping with the Asian wisdom theme, there is a strong focus in this book on the martial arts. As a martial artist myself, I appreciated this focus and hope that it will inspire readers to investigate a style or two with a qualified instructor. But one need not be a karateka to draw more than enough inspiration and information from these pages, on a wide variety of topics. This fascinating, unusual book is jam-packed with detailed illustrations on every page. Put a copy on your coffee table or in the bathroom, and your guests are sure to take a genuine gem of wisdom home with them, if they don't take the whole book.
Rating:  Summary: I'd give it a hundred stars if I could. Review: This review is gonna be more of the same thing the other reviewers have said; this book is amazing. It has EVERYTHING. It teaches you the basics of everything you need to know to live as a human being on Earth... especially if you're a traveler. If you want to have the health and fitness of a Shaolin monk, the practical survival knowledge of a special forces soldier, the outdoors skill of a wilderness explorer etc. etc. etc., this is your handbook of life. CPR, survival, self-defense, Asian health secrets, sexual health & prowess, dream interpretation, handwriting analysis, acupressure, herbal remedies, disaster preparedness and survival, protection against radiation, hunting and fishing for survival, cooking, natural beauty secrets, fitness and working out, yoga, slimming and dieting, jokes, magic tricks, horticulture, vermin control, sailing, knotwork, medical diagnosis, martial arts...... I could go on & on. And this book has awesome comic-like illustrations ON EVERY PAGE!! This is such an incredible book. I should read it every day. I'm really glad I got a copy and it's one of the best investments I've ever made.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely fascinating and useful Review: I'd give this book ten or more stars if I could. The amount of knowledge presented in this book is staggering so I won't even attempt to list them all. The only thing you need to know is to buy this immediately. Better yet, buy multiple copies and give them out as presents to loved ones. Zeek has given the world a true gift with this basic manual to living on this planet. Thank you Zeek. You have absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain by giving the book a read.
Rating:  Summary: Great: From the Arcane to Mundane Review: The Art of Shen Ku has a lot of elements that draw me to it. It reminds me of a type of book that came out in the 70's: The Whole Earth Catalogue, The Joy of Sex, etc. Books that tried to become a reference point for a new culture for the counter culture. TAoSK fits the mould. No everything, but much fascinating knowledge is here, from survival techniques to... well you name it. The art reminds me of R. Crumb and greatly enhances the clarity of what Mr. Zeek is trying to teach. The humor that comes through projects positivity and optimisim, which makes the book not just a manual of knot tying and pseudoscience, but an inspiration and fun. The problem with any book of this type is that many of the wisdoms contained within are deep and in all fairness should be studied for years. I've studied aikido (one of the subjects covered in the book) and know that a lifetime is not enough. A page or two, even with drawings can't do these subjects justice. I have not yet found out what Shen Ku really is, but then again... it is to complex for a genius, but for armchair survivalists and eastern monks the book is a good read!
Rating:  Summary: If you don't buy this book yesterday you'll regret it. Review: "Zeek." That was my first glimpse of this book. The author's name. Based on that alone, I took a second glance: "The first intergalactic artform of the entire universe." How can you turn down a book subtitled that? So I opened it, not quite knowing what to expect. I took one brief look at the pages I'd opened to, and bought the book immediately. A few months later I bought another copy, just because it's too good to only have one of. I intend to buy every other copy I ever see in a bookstore. I know I'll wear out or give away every single one. Since purchasing this book, I've conquered depression which was becoming too intense for me to leave the house. I've started eating healthy and exercising regularly. I've gotten away from people who have been holding me back, and I've started new healthy relationships. My entire life has been changed for the better because of this book. Buy this book now. If you don't find everything you could possibly want to know in it, you'll find something you never knew your life was lacking.
Rating:  Summary: Jack of all trades......Master of LIFE! Review: I didn't purchase this book through Amazon.com, but I felt like I needed to write a review for it anyway. I think this is one of the best books ever written for the person who wants to learn a little bit about EVERYTHING. Yes, the author's name and the "cartooney" artwork leave alot to be desired. But, if you ignore all of that, then you have what I think should be the basic "manual for life" that should be given to everyone when they are born. ;) I plan on making full use of the book whenever possible.
Rating:  Summary: The Art of Shen Ku Review: This is a great book of information. It covers such diverse subjects. This book can teach you about self defense, how to remove stains, how to grow plants, how to improve you eyesight, uses for different herbs, how to survive certain situations such as storms or being lost, math reminders, tying knots, food storage, and many, many more things. This book covers so many interesting things. This book is not a quick read. It's the kind of book that you like taking your time to be sure you are absorbing everything. I have had this book in my possession for a couple of months now and have not been able to go through it all, because every time someone comes over and sees it on my table, they start going through it and ask to borrow it for a few days. It's amazing the attention this book seems to attract.
Rating:  Summary: OoOoOo It Has Pictures Review: This is a really, really great book. It's different from any other that I have ever picked up. What's so great is that it combines humor and imagination with health and philosophy. I can tell that the knowledge in this book comes from a wide range of cultures especially from the animations that illustrate the books. It can go from repairing shoelaces to surviving a natural disaster with a few flips of the pages. It talks about yoga, numerology, nutrition, child care and much, much more. It is guaranteed that anyone can find something that interest them in this book.
Rating:  Summary: All You Need to Know and then some... Review: If you do the following; Boy Scouts, You enjoy nature, or travel than this book is for you. With a great reference guide and a great images there is no way you can go wrong with this book. It has everything you need, from self defense moves to how to build shelters. It even has some cool tricks you can do and exercises. This book has it all and it is just as useful as a boy scout handbook or the worst case senario handbook. With this book I can just pick it up and read new sectionsn every time. The wealth of knowledge that Zeek has put in here is so simple that a child can master it. It is one of the best books I own and it has pages marked down for when i get bored and want to try something, such as making a monkeys fist or some nice healthy meals for some friends. This is a must buy.
Rating:  Summary: A Book About Everything Review: The Art of Shen Ku uses humor to give remedies for every possible problematic situation one could find themselves in. It gives you a great laugh while learning how to get ink stains out of your favorite shirt, or how to treat stomach cramps or other various ailments with natural methods. This book is also great for campers since it provides pages of information on survival and what items are important in survival situations. I strongly recommend this book, and suggest to keep it handy because you never know when you might need some ideas for stress relief.