There is a lot to recommend Carl Hanson's guide to northern California's B & Bs. For one, it's exceptionally easy to use. The nearly 600 bed and breakfast lodgings are organized alphabetically by town and indexed by name. Each individual listing is easy to comprehend, as well. The primary contact info comes first, including address, phone and fax numbers, plus Web sites, e-mail addresses, and innkeeper names. Then, in an eye-friendly format, comes the inn's location, when it's open, what it looks like, and how many rooms there are, plus the rates, which credit cards are accepted, and exactly what you can expect for breakfast. From contemporary yurts on the beach to old miner's boarding houses in Gold Country to wine and hot-tub luxury, these lodgings offer more than just places to rest your head. They provide you with the opportunity to sample the many subcultures that coexist in northern California. Hanson has an eye for quality, and he's done all the grunt work of obtaining the details and making them available. All you have to do choose your vacation niche and go. --Stephanie Gold