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Sony CLIE PEG-SL10 Handheld

Sony CLIE PEG-SL10 Handheld

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Last PDA made to run on AAA batteries.
Review: That's correct, this is the last PDA made to run on AAA batteries. All future ones would be running on a propreitary Lithium Ion battery. LiIon dies in 2 yrs time leaving you with a dead PDA. And replacing LiIon batteries is not easy or economical either. Yeah I know the technology changes a lot with time, but to throw away a working device just because its battery died is stupid. (All cell phone & laptop makers sell replacements for their battery packs, why not PDA makers?)

So after that rant about LiIon batteries back to the PDA review. The major pro's are,
1. Low price and still good build quality.
2. Looks good, small size, light weight and a very nice flip cover included.
3. Jog dial and memory stick expansion slot.
4. HiRes display and backlight (unlike Zire).
5. 6-7 hrs of battery life on a pair of NiMH AAA with backlight on all the time. AAA batteries can be found in easily in most stores for replacement.
6. Runs Palm OS 4 which has zillion free apps available and is very easy to use unlike Windows based PDA's.
7. Good set of bundled applications.
8. Comes with a simple non-propreitary USB cable. No bulky charger, cradle or other stuff to worry about on trips.

1. The LCD is a bit dark for use in medium lighting conditions (although good in bright and in dark).
2. Eats batteries much faster than old Palm's which ran like weeks on a single set.
3. No other fun stuff like mp3 or color screen, but then look at its price!

In short if you want to get a PDA which will do basic stuff and keep running for a few yrs get a SL10 (found only refurbished or on ebay). All the new color PDA's will come with a LiIon battery which becomes a pain after one year of use when their charge capacity decreases. (Other AAA based ones that can be still found are Visor Edge/Deluxe and Palm iiixe.)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: GREAT

-great screen resolution- view pictures and watch short movies
-small compact size
-AAA batteries
-memory stick
-looks good

-paint fades away after time- "Back" button stopped working after extended use
-AAA batteries
-software expensive (as with all palm os devices

-A great value for the money you can get a free case at sonystyle.com with purchase. This is deffinently better than the sj-20 considering the fifty- dollar difference. If you are young like me and dont have the money or dont want to carry a four hundred dollar device around- this is the product for you

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: well...it does LOOK cute
Review: I transferred to the Sony from a Palm M105, and I have to say it was a disappointment. Dim screen makes for bad redability no matter the circumstances; this thing eats batteries for lunch, and the alert sound is so faint you might as well not have it at all. the memory stick feature is nice, but not all that useful if you hotsync frequently. I'm going back to a Palm PDA.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This PDA resets itself once battery is gone
Review: I like this PDA, low price and does all the job I want with a good screen resolution. The dim display may cause problem to some people, but it is perfictly fine with me. However, there is a serious problem with this PDA. I use it mainly for contact information. However, this PDA resets itself once the battery is drained, and I lost all the data. It happen to me three times. I will not recomend you to get this PDA for your important data.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fits pocket and budget
Review: Could have been better with rechargeable batteries and sound card. A good option is to get a power adapter. The IR port is funny - it can only receive files from my PC IR port and only send files to my mobile phone IR port.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Get something better
Review: You won't see the screen since it is not backlit. Dare to light it up and you will change batteries every time you turn it on. As it is it already devours batteries like the devil. Typical example of something cheap that ends up being costly. J.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: lost data
Review: Don't bother with this one. I've had to input all my info twice after having it all erased. The battery indicator showed I still had a third of my power left in my battery both times and after the battery power is gone it erased all the addresses and appointments I had input. The readability and resolution is good but what's the point if you can't access the data. Don't get a pda that uses batteries!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome--[not too expensive]
Review: Best[not too expensive] hand held on the market. If you are a college student, or just not looking to spend the [money]on the model that can do your taxes, get this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome--Cheap
Review: Best cheap hand held on the market. If you are a college student, or just not looking to spend the[$$] on the model that can do your taxes, get this one.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good basic PDA
Review: No complaints, works as promised (a true Sony!). Only weakness is the screen - it's not as clear as it could be in indoor/outdoor light.

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