Rating:  Summary: Zippy Quick! Review: If you are upgrading from any previous model of Palm, including the m515, you will find the Palm Tungsten provides a welcome increase in speed. While it has all of the great features that have earned Palm a solid reputation, it also has an improved physical interface (such as a control disk instead of the standard up and down buttons) and Bluetooth support (for those who can actually take advantage of it). Most of the other reviews are right on the money; I just wanted to highlight the fantastic speed increase.
Rating:  Summary: Can be better... Review: I bought this camera yesterday and was very excited. But ... the screen froze. Pros: Many programs are coming with the CD. Some programs are for only 15 days, trial period. Easy to install Clear, bright, color screen Voice recording is cool. You can record total of 60 minutes and the screen automatically turns off to save power although recording continues Innovative one handed navigation Bluetooth is compelling but you need other Bluetooth-enabled devices or other Palms' which have Bluetooth expansion card to use it. Cons: The screen froze the same night!!! It seems that Palm could not solve this issue because M series also had the same problem. When I reset it unfortunately nothing happened. I couldn't turn it off. All night it was on. In the morning thank god the batteries were dead. High price If you put the transparent protective cover for the screen, you cannot write so you need to buy a case Heavier then Palm M500 Cannot write if it is on the cradle Cannot use the AC Power Supply out of US because it only supports 120V input not 100-240 V range.
Rating:  Summary: Almost 5 Stars -- Overall pretty awesome unit (4.5 Stars) Review: I finally upgraded from my beloved Palm V because the silly handheld stopped alarming when the unit was turned off. Now is the time to upgrade! The Tungsten T is blazing fast, small, sleek, and with the SD memory expansion slot holds pretty much anything you'd want. Palm deserves kudos for the TT. It starts with the stylus -- spring loaded to fit in the unit when the slider is closed. Turn it on and you get a bright 320 X 320 resolution. (yes I know Sony has had this for awhile but this is the highest resolution on a palm branded product.) The TT supports the ARM processor with its new OS (Ver 5.0) Palm claims that you will be able to upgrade to ver 5.5 (or 6) when it comes out. Besides supporting the ARM processor (read: speedier) OS 5.0 supports bluetooth. I have been following the bluetooth story for a bit. Finally, the myriad of manufacturers have agreed on a personal area network (PAN) standard to allow wireless communication between bluetooth enabled devices. This means as more enabled devices arrive palms van talk to local printers, phones, etc. The TT can send phone numbers, dial, and retrieve web info from a bluetooth enabled phone all without wires. Very cool. The TT comes with palmreader software (and "last of the mohicans") which allows you to read books. Other included software allows you to read adobe pdf files, MS word, and MS excel spreadsheets. You can edit them too, and non supported fonts aren't lost when transferring from desktop to palm and back again. It doesn't come with a case, just a clear plastic cover that gets in the way when you want to write on the palm. Evidently palm figure out 86-90% of the time people just use the palm to look things up so I guess its not a big deal. I'm getting a hard case b/c I tended to drop my palm V a bit (maybe thats why the alarm stopped working???) Expansion bay holds sd memory cards. Nice for pics. Included is an earphone jack for mp3 listening at some point, though at the tiem of this writing REAL hadn't released the software for palm mp3 yet. Overall 4.5 stars becuse of the cost (expensive now) and the annoying case and the lack of mp3 software (should have been released with the palm.) Great product. Worth an upgrade.
Rating:  Summary: Small, but not all it should be Review: I am a very happy current Palm IIIc user who was looking for better screen resolution in a smaller color unit. I have checked the Sony's, other Palms, and Toshiba and Compaq Pocket PCs. I setteled on the Palm Tungsten because, as with my cell phone, I like just putting these things into my pocket. Women often have handbags. Business people often have briefcases. I only have pockets. I don't like belt clips. For this reason this seemed like a great unit. Add to it OS 5, best Palm screen resolution, voice recording and WOW ... or so I thought. This unit really has little going for it. The screen has great resolution but with color so hazed over and washed out that it may as well be black an white. The brightness and color saturation on the Palm IIIc is far better than that of the Tungsten. The voice recording seems to lack the ability to be attached to a timer as a voice reminder. Seems like that would have been the right thing to have done. Additionally, it records and plays at a very low volume and with such poor quality that there is no reason to ever use it. Try the voice recording on a Compaq 3835 for about $$$$ these days. It is far superior. Mp3 capabilities are there, but the software isn't. We are told it will be coming from REAL. If I know that company, a basic poor quality version will be free and a paid version will be the one you want. Aside from that, just compare basic REAL audio with basic MS audio and you know which is better ... MS by a landslide. Overall, size is great and it has solid construction. It has the best screen resolution (only) of any Palm. It has good battery life and OS 5, for whatever that is worth. The voice recording is useless. The screen display is poor. Add to that paying for bluetooth which may or may not be of value compared with WI-FI and you make the choice. If you want to pay for size, buy it. It is pocketable. For any other reason, you can save a lot of money going with another model or brand with better color saturation and usefull voice recording ... that already includes MP3 software. I hate giving this only 2 stars, but for the money, it should be a lot more and for less money, you can buy a much more usefull unit.
Rating:  Summary: Good things come to those who wait. Review: The m550 or more commonly known as the Tungsten T is refreshing addition to the Palm product line. It's been a while since Palm took a step in innovation but the Tungsten T is certainly a move in the right direction. If this is a preview of things to come for Palm or OS5 then things really do look bright for the PDA industry. However as great as the Tungsten may be, I think it would be premature to pick up a OS5 unit at this point in time and in the OS's life cycle. Being the holiday season many PDA manufacturers, particularly Palm OS units, historically don't release any major units. New units generally come out in the 1st and 3rd quarters of the year. This will hold true for Palm and Sony. If you are a first time buyer the Tungsten would be ok but at that price range you might be better off with a T665C or even an SJ30. If you are looking to upgrade, just hold out for a few more weeks. There is nothing worse then picking up a new PDA and to have a new one introduced only days after. Despite all negative feedback on its price, it still is an amazing unit. Although i am not a big fan of the flip or even the slider design, the compactness of the Tungsten T is difficult to ignore. As Palm research have shown, the grafitti area is used only about 20% of the time so tucking it away shouldn't pose too much of a problem. However I personally would have prefered a virtual grafitti for more real estate as opposed to a "sliding away" grafitti area. With many objections on a slider design on many fan sites and user groups Palm went ahead and developed on for their flagship OS5 unit. They felt that if they construct it well enough that they can convince people that the huge decrease in overall volume will be greatly appreciated. (After all it was the ultra slim design of the V that took the industry by storm.) And construct it well they did. The sliding action is smooth and firm with a noticable "clicking" noise to indicate that it is fully open or closed. The material which was used to construct the unit is of good quality and the multidirectional pad is a great addition. But i think the best feature of the Tungsten T (which is not present in ANY OS5 unit to date) is the integrated bluetooth. Lastly as for OS5, there are many comments about its compatibility with pre-OS5 applications. Many major apps have already been updated. You just need to find the right ones to install. All OS4 optimized apps will work on OS5. Only the apps made for the older OS3 might encounter some problems. As i always say before you go out and pick up any PDA, i strongly suggest you take it for a test drive and read LOTS of reviews. As for this unit, i think you should just wait a few more weeks. At the very least let the christmas crunch pass. However if you have money to waste, this is not a bad buy at all.
Rating:  Summary: Just incredible!! Review: This device is far from being the perfect handheld, but from the ones I've seen and tried, this is the one is the best of all, Hi res Screen, an updated OS that works flawlessly, almost all the Palm OS applications work, new proccesor that works really fast, It has integrated Bluetooth, wireless conecction to internet is awsome, all accesories with universal connector are usable (of course with the updated drivers *if the accesory needs it*). I really love this device, It works pretty well I highly reccomend it
Rating:  Summary: Good evolution, but difficult to use Review: The screen is great, and the processor is fast, but you have to question whether its worth the extra width, extra weight and the inconvenience of having to open a slider every time you want to write something. Also, many of the applications for Palm have not been upgraded yet to run under Palm OS 5. Its schizophrenic: it really does compete well with the Ipaq for multimedia, etc., but how many really need that stuff (or haven't already moved to a Pocket PC, if thats what they want) I returned it after a few weeks, and went back to my 515, which is simply (to me) more convenient both to carry and to use.
Rating:  Summary: The best palm ever except for a couple of things Review: Everywhere I read, including CNET, that the TT is over priced. I don't think so. I bought the M500 for..list about a year and a half ago. If you buy a bluetooth SD card, that sets you back an additional $129 list for a total of.... The TT is priced at... list price with bluetooth built-in. If you subtract the price of the bluetooth, its list price comes to $370, which is comparable to all the other PDA's out there. I think the Sony Clie is very overpriced. This is the best palm ever. I have owned a Palm III, M500, and now this. I bought it Nov 5 and have been using it heavily every day. I don't want to reiterate what has been said in the other reviews here because they are correct. However, I want to add a few items to the reviews that others missed or did not write about. I mainly bought the Tungsten T, in addition to the usual stuff, for internet access. I bought the TT and the Sony Ericsson T68i and they pair beautifully. The TT is preconfigured to use the T68i right out of the box. I use AT&T's GSM network. I have a lot of pqa's that I used with my M500 and I was dismayed to find out that the TT does not support pqa's. Palm wants you to use their proxy web browser. I was wary of using their proxy browser as I had already had experience with Handsprings Blazer browser. I use the TT to trade stocks. With Blazer, I could not even log on to my brokers web site. With TT its no problem; I can trade as often as I like. However, using Palm's web browser, you tend to rack up precious kilobytes very quickly. I queried the Amazon.com's web site using both the pqa on the M500 and using Palm's browser on the TT. The TT on average racks up 5 times more kilobytes than the pqa application. Therefore, if you are a heavy user of pqa's, you will miss this feature (that's why I have given it 4 and not 5 stars). However, I like the TT's feel and gorgeous colors very much. Therefore, I have landed up carrying both the M500 and the TT. I use the M500 only when I need to use the pqa's. Otherwise I use the TT. The M500 pairs with the T68i only through infrared, which is not convenient. The Sony Clie uses the NetFront Browser. With the Clie, even if you use the internet sparingly, you will rack up your kb much more than the TT. The TT is very solidly built. I guess that this model was either a make or break for Palm. If this model flopped, they would go out of business. Therefore, they threw everything at it and made it into a very rugged product. I don't know who they bought the TT display from but it is simply "gorgeous", no doubt about that. The backlight is also very, very bright. I keep the backlight at 25% and I am not trying to be mingy. As I am a very heavy user of the TT, the battery lasts me about a day. I have to recharge it every night. With this much heavy usage, the M500 lasted me about 3 days.
Rating:  Summary: Palm Tungsten - Awesome! Review: Like others, I have traded in my Palm Vx for this wonderful device. I am glad that I waited for this one. The design is cool, and the screen is nice and crisp. I've been using the bluetooth feature to communicate with Nokia 6310i, I thought it was cool that the software bundle had all the popular bluetooth phone drivers. The software bundle is cool and it was a breeeze to setup and upload pics, powerpoint, excel and word files into the device. I got a 128MB SD and works just fine. I was thinking of a Sony Clie but if you factor in the cost of a bluetooth memory stick, forget it. Even current Palm 515 and 505 thinking of upgrading to bluetooth, forget it, sell the old and buy the Tungsten!
Rating:  Summary: My best PDA yet Review: I started out in the PDA world with the iPaq 3835 PocketPC because I liked the beautiful high-res screen and needed the Word/Excel compatibility for work. I never really considered Palm having the heavy-duty workhorse model I needed. My friend introduced the Tungsten T to me, and it has been a real eye-opener. He demonstrated that the included software, Documents To Go, actually supports Word and Excel BETTER than PocketPC. More formatting is supported and unsupported formatting is not lost between syncs with PC and PDA. It even supports the occasional Lotus spreadsheets that cross my desk. The screen is absolutely superb, and offers even higher resolution than my iPaq, at 320x320 I get even more columns on the screen. It's also incredibly bright, I now keep the brightness level at a mere 25%. Good for battery life too. Needless to say, after his demo I took the plunge 2 weeks ago and I haven't regretted it. Along with the above features have come improved stability. I had gotten used to the occasional glitches in ActiveSync syncing and intermittent resets with iPaq, thinking it comes with the territory. After all, my Microsoft Windows 98 PC setup does the same :-). Yet, my new Tungsten device has been absolutely stable from the start. Although I have to initiate the syncs myself, I gladly trade having to push a button for the stability I gained. It's also so tiny, this PDA is much more pocketable. I also like the 5-way dial pad feature. It allows one-handed operation of the handheld, which makes address lookups etc. very quick and easy. My friend pointed me to a little app called NewPen which greatly reduces the need to bring down the slider for the graffiti pad...which brings me to another thing, the graffiti is very easy to learn and after 2 weeks I write faster using it rather than the somewhat flawed handwriting recognition on the iPaq. The Bluetooth phone+PDA setup seems pretty nice too, but I'm still stuck with an old-era old phone for now. It would be nice if it came with a bit more memory so I bought an 64Mb SD card, which I can also share with my digital camera. Overall, I'm very happy with my new PDA. The Tungsten T is an incredible device, it has all the features and stability you could ask for. If you are in the market for a PDA and size, screen quality, word/excel, and stability are important to you, then go buy it. You won't be dissappointed.