Rating:  Summary: My favorite tool/toy/gadget ever! Review: I can't believe how this thing has changed my life. Words can't describe how wonderfully convenient it is to always have every phone number, address, web page (yes, web page), note, recipe, book, email, etc. IN MY POCKET all the time! Not to mention the calculator, calendar/appointment book, word processor, spreadsheet, checkbook, stopwatch/timer, todo list, and it is just infinitely expandable. My only (minor) complaint is that the springboard modules are so dratted expensive. Do, not walk, run to your computer and buy this immediately!
Rating:  Summary: Better than the Palm... Review: My first PDA was a Palm Professional, which I upgraded to a III. The Handspring has proven to be the superior choice. The USB makes backups considerably faster, the screen quality is far better, and the stylus with built-in reset pin and Phillips screwdriver is essential. The blue nicely matches my G3 at work, too, though my PowerBook would go better with graphite.My PDA is essential to me, both professionally and personally, and I'm very pleased with the Visor Deluxe. My only complaint is that it was very difficult to switch my data from the Palm to the Visor, and I had backup difficulties initially that required me to move my backup folder out of my user folder on my computer. It now works fine, but it was pretty frustrating at the time. However, the Handspring tech support proved to be fairly fast and helpful, which was a nice surprise.
Rating:  Summary: get a palm handheld! Review: I ordered my Visor in May-- they have replaced it twice (ie, I am now on the third unit) and at least it appears to be functioning well. (Knock on wood!) I am, however, afraid to add any programs to it, since they made such a point of the fact that "third party applications" may cause it to crash and lose everything. It's possible that the latest "fix" actually does, but if I had it to do over again, I'd buy a Palm.
Rating:  Summary: My Visor has taken over my life! Review: I've had my Visor for two or three months now, and I couldn't be happier with it. (Well, I'm now drooling helplessly over the new Visors with the color screens, but those are a lot more expensive.) I bought the Visor mostly because I wanted to use it to read fiction downloaded from the internet, and I found Palm apps that allow me to do that easily. But I've been drawn beyond that, and for the first time in my life I'm consistently using a calender and keeping notes to help myself be organized. I'm using it to track personal information like gym work-outs and such. When I've tried to be organized on paper, I've always given it up within weeks, at best. I'm still, after a couple months, totally into using the Visor and seriously looking into ways to implant it permanently into my hand. ;) I have the green Visor Deluxe, and I think it's very attractive. It looks cool in an ain't-technology-fun sort of way. Even with a good assortment of programs loaded on it, I have room for enough stories to take me several days, even on a long car trip. I'm never deprived of something to read in line, in stopped traffic, while waiting for an appointment, while bored at work... If anything should happen to my Small Green Friend, I'm afraid I'll be totally at loose ends.
Rating:  Summary: It converted me Review: I love mine, so you know my bias off the bat. I've had mine for about 9 months, and have also used the expansion module with both the camera and the (landline) modem. The expansion slot hasn't reached it's full potential yet, shall we say, but it will, and it'll be worth it. I sync to Microsoft Outlook, and have had good experiences with the Palm Desktop too. The only addition I want is the backup module, as mine crashed for the *first* time yesterday, and I sat there being greatful that I keep most data in the basic applications (notepad, checklist, etc.) It is one of the sounder software packages out there (tho I can't comment on mail and expense, as I don't use them) and speedy (instant on). But most importantly, I live by it. My boyfriend refers to it as my "brain" - and he wants one for Christmas. The built in apps are good, do everything they should - like going beep at me when I should remember something - but the free and shareware available for the Palm OS are great - I keep "postits" in DiddleBug, play Pac-Man, Asteroids, Mah Jongg, Tetris on planes and trains and in lines, draw stuff to import into Flash (see Webmonkey.com for details) - really, it's limitless. What really worked for me was combining it into my wallet - got one of the wallet style cases, so I always have it with me and look at it constantly - so I use it constantly. In retrospect, the only thing I'd change is that I would have waited for the color ones. But I'll never do without again.
Rating:  Summary: Buyer beware - screen breaks easily and not guaranteed Review: It's a great product, but the screen shattered within 2 weeks of regular use when it slipped onto a carpeted area. There was no printed warranty included with the product, warning customers about this problem. I called Handspring's customer service and was told bluntly that the warranty does not cover the screen. I checked the Handspring's web page; there was no mention of the screen not being covered by the warranty. I wrote to the headquarters and got no reply! And, of course, the extended warranty that I got from Staples, may be used only after one year after the product is bought. I finally went to the store and pleaded with the manager to let me exchange the defective product for a new one. And I bought a case for it!
Rating:  Summary: Visor Deluxe Vs PalmIIIxe Review: I got my Visor Deluxe last month and I love it. If you are considering buying a Visor Deluxe, I'm sure you are deciding between this Visor and PalmIIIxe, because they have similar feature, spac, and they both have the same price. AT the same time I bought my Visor, my roommate bought a PalmIIIxe (and he also loves his Palm very much). So i'll give you the differences between these 2 PDAs, and let you decide which one you like better. I'll start with How Visor is better. -Visor has expansion module, which means alot, you can add many many feature afterward, you can make your Visor am MP3 player too! And you can also easily add more memory to your Visor, while for PalmIIIxe, you can only add 2MB flashcard. -Visor is a bit lighter than PalmIIIxe (5.4oz Vs 6.0 Oz, not a lot of difference though) -When you buy a leather case for your Visor, you dont have to stick a valcro to the back of your PDA like you have to for Palm. (Palm need a Valcro to hold it to the case, while for Visor, there's a plastic holder attach to the back of the leather case, so you can jsut put your Visor securely in there) -Visor comes with a fast USB cradle while Palm comes with slow serial cradle, so if you buy palm and want a fast synconizing, you'll need to buy a USB cradle separatly for about thirty dollars. -Visor comes with a good quiality stylus, it has solid feel of metal, and if you open it up, there's a little screw driver and a reset pin inside. Palm comes with a piece of plactic stylus, my roomate had to buy a new stylus for about fifteen dolars -And another important nice thing about Visor is, you have 4 cool colors to choose from (5 colors if you include boring graphite color) If you are getting Visor as a gift to a college students or someone young, they'll love the colors. Ok, now to what's better about PalmIIIxe -PalmOS on Palm is upgradable, while Visor user will stuck with PalmOS version 3.1 for the rest of the VIsor's life. However, this is not a problem as it may sounds. most version of PalmOS's are essentially the same thing. -PalmIIIxe has better display than Visor. Palm has 4bits display, while Visor deluxe has only 2bits. This means that, for Palm, u'll be able to display 16 level of grey-scale, while for Visor, you can only display 4 levels of grey-scale. So, that's about it for the little comparison chart I made. Other tings about these 2 PDAss are the same, they use same processor, and dimension is the same. (Visor is slightly thicker, and Palm is slightly wider) As a recommendation if you r going to buy Visor Deluxe, get one of the cool color, don't get graphite one, unless you are a businessman, and want a more sophiticate looking device. Otherwise, other 4 colors are way cooler, (mine's orange) If you have more cash to burn, then I recommend you getting either PalmVx or Visor Platinum, they are a little bit more expensive. However, I've never used them so I will not write any comments about them. P.S. DO NOT get a PDA with less then 8MB memory, must have AT LEAST 8MB
Rating:  Summary: First-time owner of a handheld device Review: I got my Visor from my girlfriend for a birthday present. It has to be the best handheld made. It's easy to use, really usefull and lightweight. I carry it in my pocket everywhere I go. And unless you need to see color pictures on a handheld, you don't need to get color. It's a great product that will last for years.
Rating:  Summary: Great Product Review: This product is amazing. The only problem is that they say that the batteries will last 2-3 months, with normal use, I find that it lasts about a week. Sometimes less. I recoment buying a separarate AAA Battery charger. In the long run you will save yourself a ton of money
Rating:  Summary: Visor Deluxe Vs PalmIIIxe Review: I got my Visor Deluxe last month and I love it. If you are considering buying a Visor Deluxe, I'm sure you are deciding between this Visor and PalmIIIxe, because they have similar feature, spac, and they both have the same price. AT the same time I bought my Visor, my roommate bought a PalmIIIxe (and he also loves his Palm very much). So i'll give you the differences between these 2 PDAs, and let you decide which one you like better. I'll start with How Visor is better. -Visor has expansion module, which means alot, you can add many many feature afterward, you can make your Visor am MP3 player too! And you can also easily add more memory to your Visor, while for PalmIIIxe, you can only add 2MB flashcard. -Visor is a bit lighter than PalmIIIxe (5.4oz Vs 6.0 Oz, not a lot of difference though) -When you buy a leather case for your Visor, you dont have to stick a valcro to the back of your PDA like you have to for Palm. (Palm need a Valcro to hold it to the case, while for Visor, there's a plastic holder attach to the back of the leather case, so you can jsut put your Visor securely in there) -Visor comes with a fast USB cradle while Palm comes with slow serial cradle, so if you buy palm and want a fast synconizing, you'll need to buy a USB cradle separatly for about ($). -Visor comes with a good quiality stylus, it has solid feel of metal, and if you open it up, there's a little screw driver and a reset pin inside. Palm comes with a piece of plactic stylus, my roomate had to buy a new stylus for about ($) -And another important nice thing about Visor is, you have 4 cool colors to choose from (5 colors if you include this boring graphite color) If you are getting Visor as a gift to a college students or someone young, they'll love the colors. Ok, now to what's better about PalmIIIxe -PalmOS on Palm is upgradable, while Visor user will stuck with PalmOS version 3.1 for the rest of the VIsor's life. However, this is not a problem as it may sounds. most version of PalmOS's are essentially the same thing. -PalmIIIxe has better display than Visor. Palm has 4bits display, while Visor deluxe has only 2bits. This means that, for Palm, u'll be able to display 16 level of grey-scale, while for Visor, you can only display 4 levels of grey-scale. So, that's about it for the little comparison chart I made. Other tings about these 2 PDAss are the same, they use same processor, and dimension is the same. (Visor is slightly thicker, and Palm is slightly wider) As a recommendation if you r going to buy Visor Deluxe, get one of the cool color, don't get this graphite one, unless you are a businessman, and want a more sophiticate looking device. Otherwise, other 4 colors are way cooler, (mine's orange) If you have more cash to burn, then I recommend you getting either PalmVx or Visor Platinum, they are a little bit more expensive. However, I've never used them so I will not write any comments about them. I hope this review I wrote id helpful P.S. DO NOT get a PDA with less then 8MB memory, must have AT LEAST 8MB