Rating:  Summary: Great Value and Functionality Review: The Palm IIIxe is my fifth PDA, and I recommend very highly for anyone who is looking for value combined with great functionaliy!The new 3.5 OS is a definite improvement over the former rendition, and the 8 megs of memory give you enough room for all of your important information, with space left over for a lot of FUN! Websites such as AvantGo and Aportis make it easy to have the web at your fingertips. More than "Gee Whiz" factors make up the extras packages available. With thousands of third-party software applications available (for free or reasonable cost), the Palm IIIxe is most certainly a must-have for the connected professional.
Rating:  Summary: Happy happy joy joy Review: I have to admit, I was tempted by the IPaq. I almost bought one, but then I decided to give the Palm product a try. I'm so glad now that I didn't spend the extra money. The IIIxe is an excellent product. One of the reasons why I wanted an IPaq was because I was afraid that it would be expensive to keep replacing the Palm's AAA batteries. Not so. I bought my IIIxe three weeks ago and have used it daily (sometimes for hours at a time), and I just replaced the batteries. Three weeks of constant use is pretty amazing for those lil' triple-A's. I was amazed at the number of applications you can find for the IIIxe on the web. Many sites, such as Palm.com and cnet.com, offer freeware and shareware galore. You can't beat the Palm platform for variety of software. My experience with my new Palm has been a very positive one. I would recommend this product to anyone. Make sure you buy the protective screen covers for your Palm, though--you'll need 'em.
Rating:  Summary: They better have a very good replacement for this thing Review: I received my CIO's old Palm III as a "bonus" for a project I had just completed (I work for government - a bonus of any form like this is unusual). I liked it so much I bought my wife a IIIxe thru Amazon, and thought I'd live with the 2 meg in the III until things evolved to a higher state. I liked the general features of Palm OS and lived with it for about a month. Then I discovered a killer app - HanDBase, which allowed me to create databases on almost anything, and have them with me. In about two weeks I used up 1/3 of the available memory and was only getting started. I use it to keep track of EVERYTHING. Software configurations on my servers, passwords, kayaking equipment, trip checklists for weeklong canoe trips, EVERYTHING. My wife is using her's to keep track of field data from river studies (she's an engineer), birthday present requests from the kids, her entire client contact list for the last 20 years (although how she ever found it in her briefcase...) When I heard that the IIIxe was being discontinued and selling at a discount, I knew I couldn't wait for the next generation. I was stupid for not getting one of these things earlier....
Rating:  Summary: Value and Flexibility Review: Probably the strongest points for the IIIxe are value.... Nothing else can compare with its features and price, believe me I've checked out everything! I have had no problems, and it has been perfectly reliable and very easy to use. There are so many software options available for this model that you can taylor it to do almost anything you want. Just search the web for Palm software and you'll find tons of stuff. I read a tip somewhere that suggested cutting overhead transparencies to size to use for a screen protector. This works very well and I would recommend it to protect the screen. I also purchased a Silkyboard, which is a screen protector/keyboard input device. This device is absolutely fantastic, and I would recommend it to everyone who desires fast and easy entry into the PDA. .... The only improvement that I would like to see for this PDA would be to shrink it to the size of the Palm V series. But apparently that is quite expensive, because Palm Vs cost 2 or 3 times more. I'll stick to the value of the IIIxe !
Rating:  Summary: You¿ll never be late again. Review: I bought the Palm IIIxe for myself as a birthday present in February. It was the best thing I've ever bought as an investment. I'm a busy student at the University of Texas at Arlington involved in Student Congress, American Society of Engineers, and Student Council Meetings; the Palm IIIxe covers all my needs as a PDA. It's small and light (until you buy a case for it), and very user friendly, and the date book options are great! I have over a hundred people in my Address book, and my date book has birthdays, meetings and appointments months in advance, and I've only used 1% of its memory capabilities! It's selling for a great price right now. Get one today! You'll never be late again!
Rating:  Summary: Great, but be carefull Review: I used to write some notes in a small notepad in paper, after having the palm III, I start depending on it, all notes I needed to take were there, once it fell and the screen broke , I knew then that palm don't have representative in Portugal, so I went to there site (very good support) and had a chat with the suport, where they explained to me the possible sulotions, buy another one, or send it to Madrid, (the warranty had expired). I think that the repair should be almost the price of a new one. So the final rate is buy one, but be carefull. lnovais@mail.com
Rating:  Summary: A superb product Review: Palm has been a great solution to me. It's main advantage is its simplicity to use. I can perform lots of different tasks (8mb is enough to have several, and I mean SEVERAL, programs)in a simple way, just tapping my screen. I previously owned a pocket PC with Windows CE, and I am so glad I replaced it with my Palm!!! PalmOS= Functionality + simplicity
Rating:  Summary: I love this thing! Review: I have owned the Palm IIIxe for a little over a month now, and I must admit that I love this thing. The battery life is excellent (I am still at about half life on my original set of batteries). I can see the screen great in bright light or pitch dark (thanks to the backlight.) The 8MB of ram is more than adequate to download additional programs and games through Avantgo.com, Palmgear.com and Tucows.com. (I presently have 25 additional programs downloaded on mine.) The IIIxe is also fairly rugged. I have dropped this thing 3 or 4 times now, and it doesnt have a scratch on it, and works great. For the price, you can not find a better PDA on the market than the Palm IIIxe. It will help you organize your life, and its handy alarm will always remind you of those meetings and appointments that you set two or three weeks ago that slipped your mind. It is also great for checking your email on the fly. Throw away your bulky Franklin Planner, and slip the Palm IIIxe in your pocket today. You will be glad that you did. Highly recommended!!
Rating:  Summary: Get it while you can! Review: I first purchased a Palm 105m, on that day the Palm IIIxewas$249. Fortuntaley for me, the Palm 105m was defective, so when Ireturned it, the Palm IIIxe had been reduced...!! Why? because itwas replaced by the Palm105m. I had no problem making the decision topurchase this discontinued model. The flip cover was MUCH MORE sturdythan that of the m105, the screen was better, and it came with a bookmanual (I know, who reads them?). Anyway, I absolutely LOVE thislittle gadget. It is SO easy to use, I was up and running out of thebox in about 20 minutes, including having completed my first sync. Itinterfaces wonderfully with outlook (but be careful with email, if youdelete it on the hand-held, the next time you sync, it will delete iton your pc -- for good (there are work-arounds to this). Also, wheninstalling, if you want to sync with outlook, be sure to choose theoption during installation to "learn more about outlooksynching" (go figure!). It will make your conduit installationmuch simpler. Other than those two quirks, I HIGHLY recommendthis. Co-workers who have other Palm models are green with jealously!
Rating:  Summary: For US$175........come on!, Buy it! Review: Before buying my Palm, I read lots of online reviews...I actually spent a whole afternoon reading them. I was afraid of buying one beacuse of the several reports of failures within days of having bougth them. I even made a buying cancelation. But then I thought, and realized that for the money paid, it was worth to take a risk..so I did. And I'm glad for it. I have had my Palm for almost 3 weeks and zero problems. It has already fallen very hard, and nothing has happened. Maybe I'm just lucky. I bougth this prodcut when it was US$199, now that the price has dropped to US$175, just stop thinking and buy it. It's really cool, it's kind of an adult's toy. You'll get a lot of fun and get organized in the meanwhile. I really recommend it!