Rating:  Summary: Design flaw renders unit unusable Review: Before you buy a Palm IIIC I recommend you search the web for the many reports of "brightness" digitizer problems with this product. I have exchanged my unit 3 times since January and all have developed a problem where if the brightness is set at more than 20% (dim) the grafitti keystrokes are not recognized. I have talked with Palm and they acknowledge this as a design flaw but will not allow purchasers to return the units.
Rating:  Summary: It is not the best! Review: When i decide to buy my PDA, i was searching for small, rechargable and expandable PDA. But i had forgetten these features when i saw palm IIIc as the first colorfull Palm. I felt first moment it is best for me to have colorfull screen. I bought it and i noticed how my mind ignored the other features beacuse it just has color screen!!. It can NOT be expanded to more than 8 MB like TGRpro or visor and it is a bit larger and heavier than Palm V series. It has rechargable lethium battry and it can serve up to two weeks. As medical student, i don't recommened it for medical purposes, beacuse you need more than 8 MB and lighter PDA. And Remember its colorful screen is not somthing special!!
Rating:  Summary: I had no idea... Review: When I opened the gift from my wife on Christmas morning, the first thought that went through my mind was "what the heck am I going to do with this thing?" It was definitely one cool piece of gadgetry, but as far as I knew it was just a jumped-up address book. Was I ever wrong! I quickly came to love my Palm Pilot, and I now use it all the time.From the strictly technical point of view, I can't imagine a product being more satisfying: - The clarity of the screen is superb, and the colors are rich and deep. - 8 MB of memory doesn't sound like much in today's world of multi-gigabyte PC drives -- but you're not loading bloated Microsoft software on this sleek little racing machine. I don't foresee myself ever running out of space. - The "Graffiti" stylus-writing system is faily intuitive, and I picked it up quickly. The letter "V" still gives me trouble, but Palm has already recognized that and provided simple advice to users that I just ignore because I'm stubborn. And if you don't like the "Graffiti" system you can always use the touch-screen keyboard. - I found the device to be sturdy and durable. I haven't dropped it onto a concrete floor yet, but I have used it in environments ranging from rainy London to the blowing sands of the Sahara, and it has not even flickered in protest. - The interface with my PC couldn't be more simple to set up or use. - Recharging in the Hotsync cradle seems to take no time at all. I bought a second one wired for 220v to use overseas. - The modem attachment (sold separately) is very easy to use, though setup for some of the propietary systems like AOL can be a bit confusing. But the best part for me was that I learned I really could put the Palm IIIc to productive use. I can give up my pocket full of scap-paper notes and keep everything in the memo section instead. I can fill my Palm with info, and find any of it quickly, using the built in search function. I can track expenses and make spreadsheets. I can use it as an alarm clock for wake-ups and reminders, and changing timezones in the system is a snap. With all the freeware and shareware readily available on the Internet, I can use it as a guidebook and mapbook to cities all over the world. I can even read any number of US and foreign newspapers, get weather reports and currency exchange rates, and find out if Harrod's has any sales on! And I'm still amazed to find more and more uses for my Palm IIIc practically everyday. I recommend this product to everyone, even those who never thought they would have a use for a silly little pocket organizer.
Rating:  Summary: Hot Sync & Other Problems Review: I got my Palm IIIC for X'mas as a gift. I vascillated between the Vx (size) and the IIIC for color. I don't live in a black and white world so I opted for color. After about a week, I found my palm screen to be unresponsive. My graffiti writing either was unrecognized or lead to the wrong characters, even after I studied the letters. In order to get the screen to respond, I had to literally pound on it. I asked some friends who own other palm models and they said that they experience the same thing. Anyway, I hot sync'd regularly like a good palm owner should - never wanting to lose any data should my palm be destroyed, lost, or stolen. Around February, I data entered contact information directly onto my desk top hopping it would upload to my palm, that didn't happen. I tried to change the palm settings to make it work, and it didn't help. I even called the company and got a quick fix. Everything seemed to be working fine until that dreaded day in April when my purse with my palm inside was stolen. (I love NY) When I printed out my contact list, I found that more than 1/2 the names were not listed. Much to my chagrin. Now I'm walking around lost, it's amazing how you can become so dependent on an electronic device. I plan on replacing my palm but, now I wonder should I splurge and get the M505 or another IIIC. as an aside - i strongly recommend getting the pda insurance. if for nothing else but piece of mind.
Rating:  Summary: color in my life Review: Palm IIIc is a great PDA to work with. I have earlier used Palm V but colors is one thing that can make a lot of difference. and who needs those 65000 colors being offered in other PDA's. its 256 color pallette is more than sufficient. I think if one can afford it, it is the product to go for.
Rating:  Summary: Espectacular Review: Si algo les faltaba a las palm para ser perfectas era el color, y esta lo tiene, aparte con muy buena nitidez. Las fotos a pesar de ser 256 colores se ven bastante bien. El unico defecto que le encontre es que al Sol hay que poner el brillo al maximo para poder ver, de todas formas este no es un gran problema, por lo menos para mi, porque rara vez la uso al Sol. Por ahi lei que le criticaban el mayor tamaƱo,es 0,5 cm mas larga que las otras III, en la practica no se nota.
Rating:  Summary: No longer a happy user Review: Until this week, I thought my Palm IIIc was the best product. That ended when I realized my Palm was falling apart. A corner of my Palm case fell off and is now not working properly. I called Palm and they will gladly fix my Palm for $100 (I have had the Palm for exactly one year). I can buy a brand new Palm IIIc for $299. I was preparing to purchase the new Palm 505, but have decided to look at the other brands available. This was a VERY expense toy for one years worth of work.
Rating:  Summary: My First PDA and It's Great. Review: After spending hours trying to decide what to buy, I bought the Palm IIIc because I wanted color (who watches b/w tv?), Palm has been around now for a few years, there are 100's of programs to download for it and auctions like Ebay have 100's of listings for software, hardware addons, etc.. I've had it for a few months now which I use for work (I'm an RN) and have had no problems with it. There are alot of programs for use in the medical field (alot free).
Rating:  Summary: Bought, Sold & Happy :-) Review: After using my Palm Vx for about 8 month, Palm has released the new Palm IIIc. The first color Palm! I ordered one the first day I saw it. I was very excited how the screen and the unit looks like. My first two thoughts were "what a great screen" and "why is it so big". The IIIc became my main PDA and I sold my Vx. The IIIc was large to carry around (I was used to my Vx) but I samehow managed it. After loading a few games onto my PDA to check out the new color screen I was very, very disappointed! The IIIc was the most slowest PDA I could have imagine, it was nearly impossible for me to play a action game on it. Then it has trouble with BugMe! (we all know BugMe!), when I would draw a picture with a alarm and open it, the IIIc would show me every single line I draw. That made it impossible for me to use BugMe!, and DiddleBug didn't worked with the color device! I brought my PDA out in the sunlight and I could barely read anything, even setting the screen to the highest brightness. After 3 month of using it I missed my Vx. I sold my IIIc, bought a Vx again and now I'm happy. I wouldn't recommend the IIIc, get the Handspring Visor Prism (it's a much better PDA).
Rating:  Summary: What a Joke! Review: I will give you a quick review of my Palm IIIc experience and let you make up your own mind. I ordered a Palm IIIc and used it minimally for two months when the screen went bad. I literally had to pound on it to get it to recognize commands. I returned it to Palm and after having one replacement get lost in the mail and waiting another week to get the second I got my replacement Palm IIIc. After 3 weeks with my new Palm IIIc, which in Palm's defense was working fine this time, I was sitting at my desk one afternoon with my Palm sitting in its charger. It started smoking and melting before my very eyes. Thank god I was sitting there or my whole house would have burnt down. Now I'm fighting with Palm who refuses to refund my money even in light of their product melting on my desk! My thought, I gave Palm two opportunities to get me a good product, they failed both times. I bought a Sony this time.