Rating:  Summary: Good Student Org. Review: Very nice to have. Could use more space but its just right for the price you pay. I use it to organize my classes and sometimes play games. Great for students!
Rating:  Summary: Don't Buy Review: I bought this Handspring Visor about a year ago when they were at [price] and was not impressed. This handheld was not worth the money especially now when there are better ones on the market!!! Stay away from This product!!!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Device Review: The handspring visor is just about the best PDA I've seen to date in its price range. It's easy to use (runs on PalmOS)and expand. 2MB may not seem like a lot compared to today's desktops, but I store everything I can think of in it and still haven't passed 1MB. The battery life is excellent, as well--I use my visor approximately 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours per day, and 2 AAA batteries last me about a month and a half! You can even keep track of your exact battery voltage with a simple program (BatteryInfo - see below). My only quams are as follows: the backlight is a wonderful feature, but the text entry area doesn't light up which makes data entry difficult at night. Also, amongst the countless features there is no simple alarm clock/timer. However, I suggest going to ZDNet.com and searching for a program called "BigClock". It's only 68KB and takes care of that problem and more. My visor wakes me up in the morning, keeps track of my expenses, allows me to jot down mental notes without carrying bulky paper, and even keeps me entertained when work is slow (solitaire, minesweeper, tetris, pong, etc.). If you don't want to spend a lot of money but want functionality and efficiency, the handspring visor is definitely the way to go =)
Rating:  Summary: Keeps You Organized Review: I got this for Christmas of 2000 and I love it! My dad has a Palm V, really expensive kind. I think the price is great and I got this great school program. It keeps track of my GPA, averages, homework assignments too. The Palm Software is well made, easy to use. Even my mom who doesn't know how to turn a TV on, has one now! I think this is better than the Palm IIIm or whatever b.c. of the Springboard modules and the screen is a nice size--and all at a good price!
Rating:  Summary: Visors Review: (I have a visor deluxe graphite, but I will post it up under all visors, because the comments apply to all of them unless otherwise noted)I finally decided to get a handheld, so after dropping a few hints, I got a Visor Deluxe for my 15th birthday (OK, OK, I totally walked my dad through the purchase process, but who cares?) 9 days (and based on battery use, over 2 months of normal use) later, here is my review. The Visor is pretty small, I don't know what people saying it was bulky were talking about. It is really easy to use, it took no getting used to, except for the graphiti. That's still a little wierd. It has a backlit screen, but I never figured out how to turn it on, my friend did. You hold down the power button. Hotsyncing couldn't be easier, you press the hotsync button on the cradle or on the visor's screen and it goes. The 2 MB visor will probably be good enough for you if you only download Freeware Apps and use it as an organizer, but if you are like me, you will need the 8MB of the deluxe, platinum, prism and edge. The screen is very clear of most things (digital photo albums can look pretty bad, but I think it is the App and not the Visor) It has been very reliable so far, I have installed nearly every App I could find, and no freezes, even soft ones. The stylus has a built in screwdriver and reset tool. The downside- The OS is not upgradible, maybe someone will make a springboard module someday, but I doubt it, and it will cost alot and not allow you to use the springboard for anything else, killing it's main selling point over the Palm. And also, I am careful with it so I have put no scratches on it, but I let some people borrow it, and I am seeing some. I am mad now (no, that does not read mad cow, mad now) Screen covers cost about $2, but they take all the un out of even owning one. they are that terrible. If worst comes to worst, you can replace the screen down the road for $50. even if you have to replace it once a year (which you shouldn't, but just for the sake of argument) it is worth it. A screen cover ruins everything. Being the careful user you will be, you shouldn't scratch it too badly too quickly. Comparing to a Palm- this is Much better than a Palm. My friend has a Palm. I hate it. OK, I don't hate it, but it is a mere shadow of mine. the screen quality of the Visor is much better for moving things such as games, and the buttons on the visor are 10 times easier to push, the difference between winning and losing in many cases. The Springboard port is the final factor that puts the Visor way ahead of the Palm. You can get modems, cameras, more space, GPS, cell phones, voice recording, Games, Mp3 players (tisk tisk, stealing music, eh? Kids these days!) You name it, they got it. (look under springboard modules here at Amazon for things I missed) But one thing that annoys me about the Visor and not about the Palm is the infrared port. The visors is in an Akward location, and the Palm's is not (see pictures) And the Visor does not have an upgradible OS, but that doesn't matter too much, so far they have been little more than a minor update. All in all, definitly buy the Visor. Choosing the right Visor- REGULAR- This has OS 3.1 and 2MB of ram. this is enough only for people who plan to use it for it's designed purpose. If it's not enough, you can upgrade later via Springboard cards. 4 shades of grey DELUXE-Cool colors (which I opted against to avoid too much attention), 3.1, and 8MB of Ram. 4 shades of grey too. PLATINUM-Faster processor, but it's not necessary. However, if you can cough up the cash, it is worth it, because it displays 16 shades of grey and OS 3.5. EDGE-Just like the Platinum, only much thinner. However, putting on a springboard card makes it about as thick as the regular ones. PRISM-Just like the Platinum, only it is in color. Definitly worth it if you got the cash. PS-to avoid scratches, DON'T LET PEOPLE BORROW IT!!!!!!! I can't stress that enough. People are stupid. Kids these days!
Rating:  Summary: Love it Review: I bought this little gem for my hubby for Christmas. He ended up buying the deluxe and giving me this one. We synch our schedules so we can keep up with each other. How many times have you made plans only to find out your mate had an appointment at that same time? I keep all kinds of info on my Visor. I no longer have all those little scraps of paper in my purse. When I go to the store and see a great sale on yarn, fabric, etc. I just look in my visor and see what colors and how much I need. I downloaded a great program specifically for shopping. I have my entire grocery list in here with the items sorted by aisle. It tells me whether or not I need an item and if I have a coupon or not. I bought a padded case and put a neck strap on it. The kids argue over who gets to mark off the list on the Visor. It has paid for itself already. I was forever forgetting my grocery list at home and buying items we didn't need. I am beginning to regret having only 2 MB of memory, however. I am quickly running out of memory. Time to put in a memory module. For most folks, I think it's wise to go ahead with the deluxe if you can afford it. We are moving this summer and I want a map of our new city in my Visor. I can't run the better version of the program because of lack of memory.
Rating:  Summary: A great product Review: I origannly had a PV-400plus from Casio. It was very bad. Had Casio OS. Then i returned it and bought a Visor and a leather case 2 weeks ago. I was amazed at what it could do. PROS:It has date book plus which lets you have to do list and appointments on the same page. You can download games from the internet. Some people say it does not have enough memory, but i have 13 games and a student organizer (a total of 14 add on apps) and i have 65% of the origanal 2mb left. ANWSERS TO OTHER'S CONS: They say it is big. It fits into my pocket and is still comfortable. They also say the screen breaks. They are wrong. The 2nd day i had it i was playing touch football at school with it in my pocket (never again) and someone ran at me and pushed me over and i flew a few feet and landed DIRECTLY on my new Visor! It was in the slim case. I thought it was broken and i almort cried. Buy i opened the case and it was perfect! The case is a must buy. There are no probs. OVERALL: If i had more money i would get a Prism,Platnium, Palm Vx, or sony clie but this one beats the M100 hands down because of the springboard slot, usb cradle, and it looks better. So if you are on a semi-buget get this one!
Rating:  Summary: I love my Visor! Review: I've had my Visor for about four months, and it's become a part of me -- I feel naked without it. I not only use the phone/address book and time management applications regularly, I also read books on it (many classics available for free download). I received mine as a (very nice) gift, but if I were buying it myself, I would have opted for one with more memory. If all you need are the standard applications that come with it, which is a pretty robust set, then the 2MB is ample. But if you want to add things like map programs or other applications that have large databases, you'll hunger for more memory. I now have the 8MB module, but it can't be written to dynamically like the main memory, so there are some limitations with it. This is a great product, and I recommend it highly. if you can afford a little more, go for a higher-end version, but the Visor platform is wonderful
Rating:  Summary: Incredible ! ! ! ! ! Review: I bought the 8 meg Visor Deluxe almost a year ago and it has become an integral part of my life. I have hundreds of address/phones numbers entered, many cool freeware/shareware games and I keep track of every job detail I work on every day in the address book and I still have less than 2 meg used up. I think for the average Joe this is a great unit. Right now I only have the game pack module but I am considering buying either a modem or an MP3 player. Phil
Rating:  Summary: A Note About That Cover... Review: Just an update: Many people have written in complaining that the cover for the Visor must be "set down somewhere" when it's off the unit and thus tends to get lost. People...the cover snaps onto the back of the unit when you take it off the front, thus keeping it from getting lost. Since many people use cases and wallet-like holders for their Visors anyway, the cover might be considered by many to be an unneeded accessory in the first place. Secondly, you get what you pay for. It's amusing that people rate this product with a low score because it doesn't match up to counterparts costing hundreds of dollars more. With this basic Visor, you get quite a bit of bang for the buck, which has made it a very wise purchase for someone like me. Sure I'd love color and more memory and a cooler case and all that, but those are bells and whistles. For the money, this product is right on target-a fully functional and reliable PDA.