Rating:  Summary: After more than 2 years of use... Review: As an organiser, it's really worth the price! It's unexpensive and extremely useful so that's why it's still in the market for so long.It has the basic functions of other advanced handhelds, but the only thing I need to do is organize. Instead of playing games you can learn or read, but don't buy a Palm to play games! An organiser is not a Game-Boy! Buy a Game-Boy instead of a Palm if you want to play games since it offers a complete game for a complete price. Playing a game on a Palm is like playing on an old computer, those that first came out for consumers, so it's slow, dumb, and expensive! What I found to be excellent: -You can have many, many alarm settings unlike all watches. It'a also an travelling clock or it will just replace yours at home. Different days, time, date, or year, no problem. -The Date Book seems to be better than paper and pen. Easy access and quick find. Want an alarm for everything you have to do? No problem. -The keyboard, sold seperately, seems to work flawlessly. You still can impress people by opening it or folding it and placing it in your pocket. -Some programs like shoplist, hackmaster, listmaker, handyshop, tinysheet(if you know how to find it), cookbook, and cspotrun can really help make things easier in your life. Free programs are all that we want and need. -Imagine how much time and money it will save you if you compared it to paper or a secretary. If you jot down everything you need and then retype it on your computer, you'll lose hundreds(total) of hours(of work?) doing so. With a keyboard, you can type anywhere(well almost), day or night, and the plastic smells nice(geek!). Most people complain about a lot of things, but you get what you pay for: -non-expansionnal -smaller screen -slow(16mhz), compared to others(33mhz) -expensive programs -expensive accessories -only 2 mb of memory If you want to have the top of the line gadget, don't buy the most inexpensive handheld. You don't need the expansion since it's maybe too expensive(one game=one game-boy games). Smaller screen means less battery usage but it doesn't mean less information! Speed? What? You'll only notice a fraction of a second difference. So what. What? Did you see the price on the cheap programs? Ridiculous. The only accessories you need are the keyboard, a case, and rechargeable batteries. Can you replace the internal batteries of other handhelds? I don't think so. Why do you need more memory when you only want to organize? More programs means more unstable. It WILL crash more often with other programs so it safer with basics. What? Do you want to lose all information on your Palm? What? [Of course not!] I never complained about memory since it's an organiser and I only used up one meg. This is basicly a handheld for those who don't want to spend much and who just want to organize! For those who can afford the cooler stuff, an Mp3 player, color screen(it's not how it looks on pictures!), expansion slot, more memory, voice recorder, and better programs are the best choices. There are handhelds with bigger screens used to read ebooks(records memos too!). I don't recommand people buying a color handheld if they can't change the battery or even use back up batteries. What? 'Cuz Simon Said So! What?
Rating:  Summary: Teacher with a busy schedule Review: I am a teacher for a private post secondary school and my schedule is pretty crazy and is never the same twice a week. I've had a hard time keeping up with tutoring appointments, meetings, classes, and other duties during a work week. A friend of mine told me how great his Palm m100 was and how it helped him get organized so i decided to pick one up. First off, I'm a Mac user and in the past, i've had trouble finding what i need to work on a Mac. The m100's small price tag seemed more than reasonable, but the fact that I had to spend half the price of the Palm itself just so i could sync it to my Mac was painful. The next unit up (the palm m105) didn't come with USB support either, so i opted for the more affordable unit and dropped another 40 bucks on the USB kit (a must have for any mac user). After speaking to several sales people and mac users, i've learned that Palm doesn't seem to be as mac friendly as they are to PC's users... sniff :-( Installing the software was a breeze (and my mac already came with the current palm software installed on it). I was able to sync it with my mac on the first try and it hasn't skipped a beat since. Although it only has 2 MB of storage space on it, i'm pretty far away from filling it up. I keep class schedules, student E-Mail addresses, meetings and tutoring sessions, phone numbers, quick notes, and a whole slew of other information on it and have had absolutely no problems with running out of storage space. For all of you mac users out there, Palm has recently released the Palm software for mac OSX and i use it myself. Works great and i haven't had a single problem. Visit Palm's website for the free download. It gets fantastic mileage on just 2 AAA batteries. So far, i've had the unit for 2 months and the batteries aren't even halfway depleted yet and that includes countless hot sync sessions. I quickly realized i would be needing a carry case with a belt loop but had nothing but trouble finding one for the Palm m100. I was in Target one day and found a leather case with a belt attachment for only 9 bucks, made by Targus. the m100 fits perfectly and securely in it. I also purchased a new faceplate for it for another 9 bucks and installing it was very simple. The backlight has come in handy on it as well and frequent use of this hasn't seemed to drained the batteries one bit. Palm makes a lot of different models that do just about anything and they seem to be getting better and better. Personally, i only needed a PDA to remind me of appointments, store information, and help me with organizing my schedule. It's worked amazingly. If these are your only needs with a PDA, the m100 is perfect for your busy schedule. I wouldn't even recomend buying rechargable batteries as regular ones last so long. Mac users beware... you WILL have to purchase a USB adapter for the m100 or the m105 model and it will cost you 40-50 dollars extra. PC users will have no trouble using the unit right out of the box. The m100 is a smart buy, especially for those of you on a tight budget. I love mine and wouldn't trade it for anything :-)
Rating:  Summary: A good one to buy for your Mom Review: I gave this to my mother for Christmas, and she's digging it. It's pretty simple to use, although she recently went out and bought the keyboard, since the graffiti was making her nutty. But it's compact enough to stash in her purse and she looks really cool using it when she lunches with her coworkers.
Rating:  Summary: A good, no frills PDA Review: I was using a 3-year old REX card (remember those?) for my memos, to-do lists, and address book. It fit my needs since I didn't really need a fancy expensive PDA to do all the stuff I've mentioned. I used it with Sidekick 98 to sync with my laptop (via PCMCIA) and desktop (via serial cable). Things changed when I saw a good deal for a refurbished Palm M100 on sale .... I was able to export all my data to the Palm Desktop, and now I'm able to do all that I was doing using my REX, plus I'm able to jot down memos, to-do's, notes, and addresses without first writing it on paper. Now, instead of using my PCMCIA port on my laptop, I use my IR port to sync files, and I use the Hot Sync serial cable to sync with my desktop. The only downside is the 2-MB memory (more than the 512 KB of the REX) which limits the programs you want to install, but this should be enough for memos, appointments, etc.... I also miss the small size of the REX which you can just slip into your shirt pocket and not notice it's even there. Also, you will want to update the Palm Desktop, the Palm OS (to OS Version 3.5.3), and hotsync in order get the latest features such as IR syncing. This PDA is a must-have for someone who has minimal organization needs without having to pay an arm and a leg.
Rating:  Summary: Great Organizer Review: I purchased a Palm M100, and a M105. I am pleased with both of these units. ...overall - if you want to be organized - a PDA is a must. Amazon has a great price on the M100 - which beats even a local retailer!
Rating:  Summary: I <3 my palm! Review: Fantastic introduction to PDA's... great price and super easy to use. Tons of freeware available. Get the expanded (8mb) memory to make sure you've got lots of room, and a case if you tend to carry it around a lot. I use mine every single day and I haven't been irritated with it yet! Graffiti is easy to learn to use, and software will link up with Microsoft Outlook and your calendar keep you up to date. I can't be positive enough!
Rating:  Summary: Great japanese people Review: Japan makes these products. Japan is the 2nd producer of eletronices in the world. This palm is an excellent product. It gives you all your email and you can talk to people with it by typing. I give this product five stars. I also give Japan 99% out of 110%. That the people that make thes product
Rating:  Summary: piece o' crap Review: my stepfather loved his palm pilot. I bought it for him as a Christmas present. However, within a month it was unable to move past the caliberation process and shortly there after, half the screen stopped working! beware of this piece of crap!
Rating:  Summary: it's just so slick Review: I just love my Palm m100! And for just a little bit more money, you can buy cool new faceplates that will quickly and easily transform your Palm into something dazzling. I bought a shiny fire-engine red cover, and every time I pull out my Palm people are just, well, dazzled. OK, so that's the superficial stuff. Think about your needs. Do you REALLY need to be able to access the internet when you're out and about? Do you really need all the bells and whistles found on the much more expensive models? If you do, you do. But if you really just need to have your calendar, task list, address book, etc. at your fingertips at all times, this wonderful little Palm will make you happy happy happy. I love mine. The batteries seem to last forever, which is another bonus. I sync it to my calendars on my computer and on the web, and I (and my family) can always know where I am or where I need to be. hmmm. Maybe I should rethink this...:) But I never rethink my Palm m100. It just rocks.
Rating:  Summary: Lifesaver Review: I bought this little gadget when I was a substitute teacher and a full-time college student. I had been using Microsoft Outlook at home for a long time so that I could keep track of my assignments and all of my different appointments. The problem was I could only check that when I was at home. What I really needed this for was an extension of my PC so that I could access my information when I was out. This little device has kept me on time, and on task. I had concerns that I wouldn't use it and that it would be difficult to enter information, but not at all. The handwriting style takes just a few minutes to get used to and this is small enough that it slips into pockets in my book-bag or even the back pocket of my jeans. I also worried that the 2MB memory wouldn't be enough. I have over 200 contacts and 12 months worth of to-do lists and appointments and am only using 2% of the memory. Programs take up more space, but this still enough for the average user. Why 5 stars?: The price is just right for this! There is more than enough memory for an address book, date book, reminders, and notepad. It's a nice size and it synchronizes with Microsoft Outlook with no problem at all.