Rating:  Summary: Good Choice For Business Review: After trying several early Windows CE HPCs as organizers, I tried a Palm Vx. Everything about the machine satisfied me, particularly the rapid access to my most important information and the tiny form factor. The only complaint I had --- the lack of a keyboard for touch typing --- was neatly addressed with the addition of the Palm Portable keyboard. I replaced the built-in ToDo list with LifeBalance, and WordSmith software rounded the unit out with excellent MS Word compatible word processing. This was an excellent system; ironically, even for word processing it easily beat out an HPC with Pocket Word.The m505 took a device which had won me over at all levels and added an SD/MMC expansion slot, a faster processor, USB synchronization and a color display. A single 32Meg SanDisk MMC card, which I chose because it was cheaper than its SD counterpart, not only holds the dozen or so eBooks I've purchased, but also serves as a complete memory backup with BackupBuddyVFS. Each night while I sleep BackupBuddyVFS activates and backs the entire device up to the MMC card. The faster processor and the color display were bonuses to me. Despite the attention given to the display, the expansion capability and the USB HotSync (which *flies* with Windows 2000) are the features that compelled me to upgrade. I've seen complaints that the display wasn't as bright as this-or-that handheld, but frankly I don't see the problem. The display has better contrast than the Vx it replaced and is far easier on the eyes when backlit at night (and the Grafitti area lights up as well!). Though the backlight is required at times the Vx didn't need it, the display remains readable in any lighting conditions. A color display that doesn't jeopardize the battery life, and costs only $50 more than the monochrome m500... what's not to love? If bright, saturated colors are the main reason you're buying a handheld, then perhaps Sony's PEG-710C is worth looking at. I haven't seen one of these myself, but I've heard it has a very nice display, with 320x320 resolution as compared to the m505's 160x160. While a bit thicker than the m505, it offers many of the same features and runs Palm software. It also adds MP3 playback capability. Why not choose a Pocket PC? Shorter battery life, awkward user interface, less stable operating system that needs frequent resets, won't run the huge variety of Palm software available, bigger and heavier... suffice to say I have my reasons. Pocket PCs do offer better multimedia, but how many people really find watching a Star Wars video clip useful in daily business? These units have their uses, they just don't happen to suit my needs. The Vx was an excellent PDA. Incredibly, the m505 is even better.
Rating:  Summary: Prism Vs. 505 Review: I have now had the m505 for about two months after having a Visor Prism for the previous four and will take some time to compare these two wonderful devices. Why I switched - I wanted the smaller profile and i had had to deal with Handspring's tech support (to wonderful conclusions eash time) a bit too much, I finally decided the Palm seemed sturdier, so far I have been right. Display: Clearly the better display in most situations is the Prism, it's brighter and crisper, the Palm is paler, it's advantage comes from bright light situations (in which the Prism is virtually useless) the palm displays great whether on the golf course or annoying your neighbors in a movie. size: Palm just kicks the Prism around here, the Prism is big the 505 is small. Appearance: I like the sleek look to the palm more than the larger Prism by far Expansion possibilities: Prism still beats the m505 here handily, I will be curious to see the development of expansion down the road, but right nowthere is quite a bit more out there for the Handspring. Overall: for me the m505 was the right choice, but for mostly aesthetic reasons, both of these machines are splendid at performing their functions.
Rating:  Summary: Not as improved as I expected for the "next generation" Review: I am a loyal Palm user and I will say this, the m505 is better then the Palm V which I previously owned. The problem was I expected the improvements to be more...spectacular. There are improvements: memory cards, color, improved speed. But they are better in the sense of an upgrade, not a new line all together. This is Palm 1.1 NOT 2.0. Think upgrade and you have the right idea, maybe even that this is a beta version, but not that this is the next new thing. Its not new, its tweeked. If you are new to Palms or digital assitants you will love this and wonder why the other people are so disappointed. If you have had a PDA for a while you will probably expect more.
Rating:  Summary: Color not right yet Review: I am a Palm adict.I need color as my eyes are finding it hard to read monocolor in certain light on my Palm III. I also wanted to go smaller so that credit cards a few notes and the Palm can go in one convenient wallet. The Palm 505 ads have me drooling - this is it! What a dissapointment with the color screen. I nearly ordered it in spite of the poor color I was so keen. But the price is high and if Sony & Handspring & Compaq can get the color right, I am prepared to wait a few weeks for Palm to do so. If Palm don't do it fast they will lose a lot of loyal fans.(and money)
Rating:  Summary: I like the Palm - But it doesn't do attachments Review: I own the Palm IIIc. Recently I upgraded my mobile phone to an infrared model. When I connected my Palm (via the IR port) to my mobile phone to download my emails, I discovered that all emails with attachments were flagged as "Attachment Omitted". The reason, after a lenghty correspondence with Palm Inc, is that the Palm in it's current form does not support attachments of any kind. I am still sticking with my Palm and I refused to move across to the Pocket PC platform. But note: if you need the ability to download attachments with your email you will need to go with the Pocket PC. Forget about the Palm or Handspring products.
Rating:  Summary: Back to the drawing board & NO free repair under warranty Review: As an owner of a Palm IIIx, then a Palm IIIc, I secretly lusted for the compact size of the Palm Vx. I knew one day the color would be combined with the small size of the Palm Vx. I pre-ordered this device months in advance. I was thrilled when it finally arrived! When I turned it on, I was confused. Was it defective? The color screen is bad, grey and faded, hard to read even with the backlight on. I read that this is the way Palm meant it to be -- are they serious? (Reminds me of "Pee Wee's Big Adventure", when he fell off his bike in front of a group of laughing kids, and said "I meant to do that!" Yeah, right!) If you want a color Palm, stick to the IIIc, or better yet check out HandSpring, new color Sony Clie, or Windows CE. At least you won't lose your eyesight trying to read it. By the way, this week I had an unpleasant experience with Palm, Inc., to repair a defective Palm. As of mid-May 2001, customers have to pay $20 to return the device for repairs on factory defects. If you can't do without a Palm while it is being repaired, (duh!) Palm will send you an "fully factory refurbished" exchange for $25. That's ONLY for the Palm M series. For the poor Palm III series owner, you can only send it back for repair, pay $20, AND pay for the postage! Then wait until it is fixed and returned. Don't throw out that paper organizer yet! Changing the warranty after you buy it? Is it legal? I would sue my automobile maker if they tried a stunt like that.
Rating:  Summary: I don't see wahts bad??¿¿ Review: Every one sayst that the color screen is to dim to see, but i can see it perfectly, or maybe they are tryng to say that it is too dim when its dark. I can see why they would say that!? Let me cut to the point. I can see the screen and its contents perfectly fine!, it is fast, slim, like the visor edge, has 2 mb of flash mem. so it can run palm os 4.0 which it is already running, unlike the visor edge, and it is only .06 of an inch thick than the edge (which is not noticeble AT ALLL), and its shorter making it more compact, it uses a 33mhz cpu just like the edge. There is only one bad thing about it, the memory takes a wile to load( I sue a 32meg viking comp which is a multimedia card which might be why it takes a wile to load, maybe the sd cards load faster??) As you can see there is just about nothing wrong with it(and if you where wondering, yes it does have 8mb of memory!).
Rating:  Summary: Where are all the accessories? Review: When I bought the m505 Palm, my decision was based upon the review by editors here. Unfortunately, I didn't check to see if accessories were available. Sure, the catalog touts several neat things such as the new auxillary memory cards, etc. But something as simple as a travel charge kit cannot be found locally. I haven't been able to find these on Amazon either. Everywhere I go, there are tons of accessories for the older Palm models, but very few for the newer ones. No wonder Palm is taking a hit in the stock market. There is obviously a glut of older stuff in inventories, and nothing for the new models. If I had it to do over again, I probably would have purchased the HP for about the same price.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good, however screen is a problem Review: Working in a computer store, I get to see every Palm Pilot type device that comes out. Before it hit the stores, I thought it was going to be the coolest thing ever, I thought about replacing my Palm Vx with it, but when I saw it, I was disapointed. The screen is color, but it is dull, it is hard to see without activating the sidelight to see it, which drains the battery. If you are looking for a color Palm device, look at the new Sony Clie, it may be...more, and thicker, but the screen is excellent, best screen I have ever seen on a Palm, but it also gives you an mp3 player (the Clie accepts memory sticks), and video/picture viewer. It is a Palm size and feel, with the great apps of a Pocket PC.
Rating:  Summary: No complaints Review: I have been a proud owner of Palm line of PDA's for over 7 years. Palm 505 is a super upgrade compare to anything else I've had. Is the screen a little dim?? yes. But I can see my Kid's picture in color. I am not a gadget maniac , but while my brother uses his IPAQ for a few hours with every change of batteries I use mine weeks. That's very important to me. This screen technology is so advance, that besides given you color capabilities , it provides you with days of operation , no hours. It does not play MP3, so what is not an MP3 player that isbecause is an organizer, for real people. Do You want an MP3 player?? Buy a real one. Is expandable and upgradeable. What else?? tons of application. The defense rests.