Rating:  Summary: Suspenceful book, easy to keep reading Review: The "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain deserves three stars. The book is fantastic with much needed suspension and twists, like having a young childish love thrown in with terrible, mischievous boys. Then showing the loving sides of the most wretched people like Huck who comes off as hating the world and everyone in it. When Huck and Tom go back into the cave to get the treasure but Huck learns to realize that money will not make him happy is a very good lesson hidden within the book. The ending is the rough part it starts good with Injune Joe dying in the cave, which is all together weird and does not keep the nature of the book going. Then after the treasure parts the book just ends abruptly with no real closing almost as if there isn't going to be another novel to expand on but it doesn't bring a real definite closure to the boy's lives and what they are all about after their experiences, just that they want to be robbers. Over all, the book was very easy to be caught up in until the ending, which was a little disappointing since I wanted to know more about what Tom and Huck were going to do and what they learned from everything that happened.
Rating:  Summary: A return to childhood. Review: Although I have always enjoyed Mark Twain's work--his Diary of Adam and Eve is one of my favorites--I've never read Tom Sawyer. Recently I found a small book from the Barnes-Nobel collector's library and decided to read it. That particular issue is probably not the best to use, especially for a first introduction because it is badly edited and exhibits an inordinant number of spelling errors and misplaced words. Certainly for a volume one will use for quotations in any paper one writes a better copy, like the one above, would be more desireable. Despite his depression in later years, Mark Twain captures the sly sense of humor and dry wit that is a characteristic of American humorous writers: O'Henry and Will Rogers, among them. This is well illlustrated in Tom Sawyer, a novel about being a kid, not just in the 1880s but any time. Twain gets right into the heart and mind of childhood, it's myths, superstitions, trials and victories, even it's great philosophies: "He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it, namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain (p. 25)." (The latter a gloss on the whitewashing of Aunt Polly's fence.)Truly a Twain and truly a joy. For THOSE WRITING PAPERS: in English literature. How might Twain stack up against a modern humorist? What types of things make this a "dated" work? Why does that datedness appeal to many readers. How is Tom like modern children? Mark Twain was an adult when he wrote the book. Do you think that that fact makes the story less about a child and how he views the world and more about how an adult remembers being a child? Watch a film about Tom Sawyer. How has Hollywood reworked the story? Does seeing some of Tom's adventures help one enjoy them more? Or does getting "inside his head" through the book make it more enjoyable?
Rating:  Summary: An American Classic Review: Here is a truly rare gem -- a classic book which can also be described as "easy reading." Most books which inhabit the world of famous literature demand a great deal of concentration and reflection on the part of the reader in order to be properly understood and appreciated. Not so Tom Sawyer. This is a breezy and light-hearted book which takes the reader on a journey through the innocent and universal adventures of boyhood. Mark Twain was a writer who was completely in touch with his "inner child." I doubt that any adult could read this book without recognizing pieces of themselves in the thoughts and actions of Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, Becky Thatcher, and the other characters. They dig for buried treasure, play with captured insects during class, and keep the adults in constantly revolving states of worry, agitation, and relief. Humor abounds throughout this story. Every chapter practically commands you to smile and reminisce about your own childhood adventures. Serious morals about honesty, compassion, greed, love, jealousy, justice, and responsibility are numerous here as well, but they are presented in such a quaint and unpretentious manner that they are easily digested by readers of any age. I have a one year-old nephew who will definitely be receiving this book as a birthday present in a few years.
Rating:  Summary: an absolute classic Review: hey what more can you say about this book other than its a pure classic.. this book has been read in schools.. read by kids and adults for decades now and still remains a staple in american literature.. the adventure of tom sawyer evokes the feeling of childhood adventure and intrigue that most of us experienced during our childhood through the main charachters tom sawyer and huckleberry finn.. in this book tom sawyer is a mischevious kid who tries to live up to the expectations that his aunt has for him , but often finds himself getting into trouble.. he hooks up with the local outcast huckleberry finn and goes on exciting adventures.. throughout the book the author entertains us with big adventure and plot
the thing that makes the book good to me is the sense of childhood and adventures that it brings up.... i love this book ive read it twice and i can never get sick of it.. everyone should read this book one time in their lifeitme.. it is a book that will entertain you
Rating:  Summary: a very adventures and some romance Review: Mark Twain is an American icon, and his book "Huckleberry Finn" is one of my very favourite books of all time. This book was actually written before "Huckleberry Finn", and in it we are introduced to Huck and Tom Sawyer. It is an adventure story like "Huckleberry Finn", but it takes place mostly in the town where Huck and Tom live. In it we meet Tom who is the mischievous ringleader of this intrepid duo. He almost drives his long-suffering Aunt Polly to distraction with his antics and crazy schemes. We meet Huckleberry Finn, Tom's best friend, and a social pariah to the village mothers. We also meet Becky Thatcher, Tom's sweetheart. Twain's characterizations are truly wonderful, and this book comes alive. This book and its' sequel are not just books for boys. They both display rich native humour and shrewd observations of human character. This book also is an idyllic one as it displays early American village life when times were much simpler and less frantic. Young and old alike can enjoy this look at this earlier and much simpler time.
Rating:  Summary: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Review: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer By: Mark Twain ... This book is about the adventures of a boy, named Tom Sawyer, who is always getting into trouble. Tom lives with his aunt, ever since his parents died. Tom is a mischievous boy, but is also a very creative boy. He bargains with other boys who thinks painting the fence is fun. Tom later teams with Huck Finn and pretends to be pirates. The real adventure begins, when they encounter Injun Joe. It is said, that there is hidden Treasure. However, Injun Joe has already discovered it. Huck and Tom are determined to get their hands on the hidden Treasure. This book is a very humorous and creative story. I like the way the author uses the old- fashioned language. It is some what awkward to read, but it becomes more enjoyable to read. The sentences are long and very detailed. For instance, "And when the middle of the afternoon came, from being a poor poverty-stricken boy in the morning, Tom was literally rolling in wealth. He had besides the things before mentioned, twelve marbles, part of a jew's-harp, a piece of a blue bottle glass to look through, a spool cannon, a key that wouldn't unlock anything, a fragment of chalk, a glass stopper of a decanter, a tin soldier, a couple of tadpoles, six firecrackers, a kitten with only one eye, a brass doorknob, a dog collar-but no dog-the handles of a knife, four pieces of orange peel, and a dilapidated old window sash." This story is very exciting. I like the different mysteries and adventures in this book. I think the author needed a lot of imagination to think of all of these wonderful ideas. This book gives the reader an eerie feeling and a thrill. Sometimes the book even gets frightening. For instance, "In his uneasiness Huck found himself drawing closer and closer to the alley; fearing all sorts of dreadful things, and momentarily expecting some catastrophe to happen that would take away his breath." My favorite section of this book is when Huck and Tom tries to follow Injun Joe to find hidden treasure. I also enjoyed the last section of the book when the two of them goes in to the cave. This is my favorite part because it gives you a very eerie feeling. This is a fantastic adventurous book to read. It is absolutely hilarious, exciting, and eerie. I recommend this book to every boy and girl.
Rating:  Summary: Tommy can you hear me? Review: This book begins while whitewashing a fence and tricking his friends to do it for him. While the story of THE REAL Tom is unraveling the story of love with Becky Thatcher is also. Among that the scary story of Injun Joe, a crook,liar,and a spooky man appears. This book is an extravagant, thrilling tale! This story concerns Tom Sawyer, who is a mischievous child and has an intense desire to enjoy life, and not to take things too seriously; which usually results in trouble following just two steps behind him. Throughout this book, Tom makes friends, breaks engagements, runs away, witnesses a murder, and ventures to find lost treasure-all in his hometown. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuades her to get "engaged" to him. Their romance collapses when she learns that Tom has been engaged before-to a girl named Amy Lawrence. Shortly after being shunned by Becky, Tom accompanies Huckleberry Finn, the son of the town drunk, to the graveyard at night to try out a "cure" for warts. At the graveyard, they witness the murder of young Dr. Robinson by the Native American "half-breed" Injun Joe. You'll have to read it to find out what happens, but it's an amazing story and part of American culture. Also would recommend a great, great, great book called "THE CHILDREN'S CORNER" by McCrae-it's not a book for children but a collection of short stories that will knock your socks off. Really great reading. Also liked the book READING LOLITA IN TEHRAN!
Rating:  Summary: This book Review: This book is pretty good, interesting.I probaly wouldn't buy this brand new, I wouldn't search for it, but thats my opinion. if I saw this book at a used book store I'd buy it. this book is very adventurous. I'd recomend this book to be checked out at a library. Its pretty good.
Rating:  Summary: One Of Mark Twain's Greatest Review: This book won't let you down. It is so well written and so interesting that you'll stay awake reading. It's one of my favorite stories with Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. All there adventures and discoveies just go on, and on, and on. There is not a single thing in this book that is poorly written. Tom Sawyer does things like triking other people to do his work, running away from home, and sneeking into a graveyard to get rid of warts.
Full of excitement, danger, sorrow, and humor. This book is one you just have to add to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Five kids from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Review: This is one of those books that, if you haven't yet read it, people will just drop their jaws (if they're carrying them, anyways) and start to blubber when they find out you haven't read one of the classic all-American books.
This book's a must read. I would say, "stop reading this review and go read it," but then you might scoff. This is the origin of the kid-who's-painting-fence-and-tricks-others-to-do-it-for-him story.
This is a great story of adventure and danger and the Nonesuch and all. You've heard bits and pieces. You've probably seen some movie version that butchered it all and blended Huck Finn with Tom Sawyer. You really ought to take 4 hours out of your life and read this.
You'll feel more American when you're done. You'll also be a bit disappointed in some of the uses of language, but that's alright. It's part of that time period; it's part of that environment.