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Rating:  Summary: An exciting adventure review... Review: His mother was killed by drug dealers with a grudge against his dad. Now Ricky is bound to do what his father would not; steal a plane from the drug dealers who killed his mother and return to the United States from Mexico. He has to sneak out of the country on his own and retrieve the stolen plane to get vengance on his mother's death. This book was wonderful. If you like the suspensful, thriller-type books of that genre then this is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Sparrow Hawk Red Review: I think that Sparrow Hawk Red, By Ben Mikaelson, is an excellent book! Ricki Diaz, a young Mexican-American boy, has recently found out his mother's death wasn't an accident! It was murder! A group of Mexican drug dealers are the suspected murders. The drug dealers have stolen a radar that belongs to the American Government. When Ricki's dad, Benito Diaz, decides not to help get the radar back, Ricki takes matters into his own hands. Ricky Diaz runs away into Mexico pretending to be a ratera (a Mexican street rat) and hashis mind set on stealing back the plane with the radar in it. On his adventure in Mexico he meets a ratero girl named Soledad. Rickli and Soledad do many wild things together. The two get chased by a chef with a huge butcher knife and they eat out of garage cans. In the last moments of Ricki's trip, Ricki pretends to be the taco runner for the men who are guarding the plane. Then he steals the plane. He proved to himself that he isn't a quitter. I give this book five stars because it was a book that I couldn't put down. One part I couldn't stop reading was when he was flying back to the USA and the drug dealers are chasing him! This book has adventure, friendship, and lots of suspense!
Rating:  Summary: Sparrow Hawk Red Review: I thought the book, Sparrow Hawk Red, was an outstanding book. I mean, I guess I am the kind of person that likes books that keep you suspensful, and wondering what is going to happen next. I would have to give this book five stars. I liked it so much that is why i give it five stars. The setting of this book ranges from (I think) sounthern Arizona and about five to ten miles out of Mexico City. They never really said what city it was in. I am going to tell you the plot of the story so you can get some ideas of why i liked it. The conflict was about Benito Diaz, and his son Ricky Diaz. A souple of years ago Beito used to work for teh DEA. But he sort of quit the DEA after her got a phone call telling him to back off the case or he would be sorry. That was one reason why he quit but that wasnt the main reason. The main reason was because a couple of days after he had gotten that phone call and had not backed off the case, his wife was in a suspicious car accident. At first he thought that it was just any car accident but when the DEA investigated the scene they found her brakes were cut. Benito told Ricky that it was just a car "accident" but one day the DEA came over to tell Beinto and only Benito that the drug people in Mexico had gotten a radar that could detect their radar so they couldn't stop them from dealing drugs. So they asked Benito to help them steal the "biplane" that had the radar in it. And they said that it was in Ranch Cammaro's Ranch, in Mexico. But Benito them brought up his wife dieing in the car accident. He said something like you want me to steal the airplane from them after they already killed my wife. I don't want to leave Ricky all alone if I die. But little did they know Ricky was outside the door listening to all of the conversation. This is most of the plot of the story. Another reason why I liked this book was that it gave really excellent descriptions of the characters and the settings. For example, "A young girls sat crossed-legged in the alley, facing him. Her frayed and baggy dress did not cover her thin, scabby knees. She smiled a nervous, crooked tooth smile and scrapped her bare toes back and forth in the dirt. Some of her teeth were missing. Her age was hard to tell because a flat nose, puffy cheeks, and big ears made her look odd. Tangled hair hung to her shoulders. Several strands dangled over her curious dark eyes." That there was describing a very important girl in the book called Soledad. The way this book eneded was Ricky did get into Rand Cammero's Ranch and he did get a hold of the biplane. But did her make it? I guess the only way for you to know is if you read the book, isn;t it. Believe me it is worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Ernie's review Review: Ricky (Ricardo) lives with his father in a border town in Arizona.They live right nextdoor to Mexico, a famous drug trafficing country.Ricky's mother died of a saposidly accidental death that was caused y drug smugglers seeking revenge against Ricky's dad. When Ricky and his dad had free time Benito(father) taught Ricky how to fly a airplane(which was illegal). When Ricky gets interested in his mom's death he runs away and flys to Mexico and steal the drug smugglers' plane that is unfortunatly in their compound. The story contains alot of adventure and exciting moments.
Rating:  Summary: Comparison Sparrow Hawk Red & Rescue Josh Migure Review: Sparrow Hawk Red and Rescue Josh Migure are two book written by the same author, Ben Miachelsen. These two books are both very alike and they both have suspense surprise and excitement. Saving josh migure is about a boy that will go to all lengths to save a bear cub, and sparrow hawk red is about is about a boy that has left home and headed for mexico to steal back a plane that has to do with a major drug opperation. These both are very alkie. These are two books that i stongly reccomend both of these books.
Rating:  Summary: Sparrow Hawk Red vs. Rescue Josh Miguire Review: These are two book that are very good they both possess suspense, surprise, and excitement. Sparrow Hawk Red is about a boy who interfears with a drug opperation that had killed his mother to steal a plane back. Rescue Josh Miguire is about a boy that will go to all lengths just to save a bear cub. One of the major diffirences between these two books is thatone boy has a family that loves him and the other is doing this disregarding his parents because of their "far" relationship. These are two books that i stongly reccomend both of these books.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: This book has all of the adventure and experiences a male teen reader could want. Planes, villains, difficult circumstances, new experiences and acknowledgement of growth. I used this in my classroom with excellent results. It is a very solidly constructed work with excellent word pictures.
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