Do you always flip straight to the quizzes in magazines? Well, check it out--here's a book that's all quizzes, all the time! What's your guy type? How far would you go to be popular? Are you fun to hang with? What does your room reveal about you? Do you study like a pro? There's a quiz for every occasion in this sassy little book. Teens can discover their true selves with sections on guys, friendship, the "inner you," family, school, and more. With her hip, dynamic style, Beth Mayall will appeal to adolescent girls with an itch to know more--about everything! The quizzes come with tips to put all this newfound knowledge to great use: how to come out of that shyness shell, for example. Or ways to chill out on an unrequited crush. The quizzes are only the beginning, though. Readers are encouraged to take control of their lives and turn themselves into the kind of people they really want to be. As Mayall points out, "no matter what your guy-Q, there isn't anything more attractive than knowing you're all that." For more in the super-sistuh, cool-chica mode, read Mayall's Get Over It!. (Ages 13 and older) --Emilie Coulter