Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: I really enjoyed this book. mybe it is due to the fact that i enjoy war books alot. This for me was a fast read which ment I liked it. It was very good explaining the imagery and the colorful dialoge. It was on the civil war a war that I have not yet read on so it made it alot more interesting. I found it well done and light just a good book for a light reader that likes war and adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Humourous, but extrodinary boring. Review: A book about a recruit called Henry, also referred as 'the youth' enlisted into the army during the stretch of time, known as the Civil War. He meets friends, called Jim, William; known better as the Tall guy, or Loud Mouth Guy. He runs away from his first battle, and return with a change of heart. A new braver heart, with this new courage, he fights like a wild cat with his friends. With this new heart he can face anything that might ever behold him.In my opinion, Henry should be more referred as Henry, not 'the youth' and his comrades with their proper names, instead of the Loud one, or the Tall one. The story, doesn't catch the reader within its net. It makes a reader, like me unable to concentrate of the settings.
Rating:  Summary: An Appreciation Of Beauty Review: "So it came to pass that as he trudged from the place of blood and wrath his soul changed. He came from hot plowshares to prospects of clover tranquilly, and it was as if hot plowshares were not. Scars faded as flowers." Perhaps not the best quote, but it is at least a taste of the work of art that is The Red Badge of Courage. It has been suggested that this book lacks plot, that it is boring. I would count those who consider this boring amoung the numbers of people who would find an art museum dull. It has also been suggested that the main character, Henry, referred to as "the youth," is a coward. Anyone who could say that obviously did not read this book through to the end. It gave me insight into the Civil War that no History teacher ever could. The details of both the scenery and the youths feelings and thoughts is thorough but elegant. If this appeals to you, you are in for a treat.
Rating:  Summary: Possibly the worst book ever written... Review: So of course its mandatory in the american education system. This is so utterly boring. I give it to stars because the description of war is admirable for a man who never was in the army. You don't have to be an apple to know what one looks like.
Rating:  Summary: Bad English Review: The Red Badge of Courage takes place in 1863 during the Civil War. Henry Fleming is a country boy who joins the Union Army. In the war he has two friends and they are all scared about what could happen to them. At the beginning, Henry thinks that war will be exciting but when he gets into a battle he realizes that war is a terrible thing. He runs away when the shooting starts. Later he finds his friend who has been seriously wounded. Soon after his friend dies. He meets up with other soldiers that are in a battle and gets hit in the head with a rifle. He has gotten his red badge of courage. He finds his regiment and fights a battle and is determined to be a hero. I disliked the book because Henry Fleming and his band of troops spoke really bad English and I sometimes couldn't understand what they were saying. I also disliked the book because Henry acted weird in the beginning. He was a coward and had a bad temper. This is a good book for historians and people who were born in 1860 or who likes war books.
Rating:  Summary: Great... If you like the Patty Read's Doll Review: The Red Badge of Courage is the worst book I have ever read. The book does not have any cliff hangers. It is really boring the author makes the book so boring you could fall asleep if someone is reading it to you. The author could have made it way more exiting by making more people die. This book should tell you about more characters it only tells you about and describes at least six people. If you have already read it it has wasted allot of your time.
Rating:  Summary: nice book, but not good enough. Review: I would have to say that the red badge of courage is by far the most BORING book that I have ever read. I say this because it could spend a whole chapter about the youth looking at the river (that's a STRETCH), but some events were just plain useless. This book was about a boy, like 1 out of 3 stories are. This boy finds it self-fulfilling to join the army, and to be patriotic and to show his man hood. His ma tells him not to, because she knows what could inevitably happen to her son. But, he sneaks it anyway. After a few months of thinking all he'll ever do is March, he is sent into battle. During the fight, he doubts himself and runs away in fear. Then, he goes into an argument with himself, "should I rejoin my regiment, or be a coward?" Instead of completely deserting his regiment, he rejoins the battle and fights heroically. Not only would I say that it's a good story, but it is also really boring leading up to the climax in the book. I mean, who wants to read about camping at night with a blank mind? Who wants to read about marching to nowhere? I thought of the youth as a go with the flow guy who got tricked by a bandwagon approach, and joined the army to be cool, just like a 2nd grader would, thinking it would be fun and exciting. I did not admire him for this kind of thing, mainly because I really hate people like that. The book started to get more interesting when the youth found the dead body, and sort of went through the anguish the man went through as he died. This is probably what led him to doubt himself on the field. As the book reached its climax in the battle, the book became a tad more exciting, as he stopped telling us about his world. The book actually seemed less boring as it got into the mental pain of war, and the anguish of it. The only time I really admired the youth is when he went back to his regiment and fought like a hero. All in all, this book got a B-, because the majority of the book was spent on the youth's mindless wanderings, and on pointless subjects. I would recommend this book to people that can see writing techniques embedded deep inside the book, because there probably were a lot, but I'm not the kind of person that sees that. I saw a symbolic death once, and a symbolic rebirth a few times. I would also recommend this book to people who are WAY more advanced readers than I am, because I couldn't understand the book without help. Also, I recommend it for people who have nothing better to do. I say this because in certain areas and chapters, the book seems to trail off into some adverse storyline that is not only boring, but has nothing to do with the book. So, if you have nothing else to do, or you are too sick to be bored, this book is perfect for you. It should also be way more understandable if you have been in a battle before, and know the mental anguish that the youth felt. Well, I guess my perspective has changed since I started writing this review, which doesn't happen often. I actually feel that this book does deserve a B-, but that is the best I can give it because I have a hard time recognizing writing techniques, which is probably what kept me from enjoying the book as much as it should have been.
Rating:  Summary: My book review Review: The Red Badge of Courage is a book about Henry Fleming's journey through the Civil War. When Henry joins the army he is confident and thinks it will be an amazing adventure, but once he sees the war with his own eyes he is more scared than confident. The book doesn't really have any action, it is mostly about Henry just walking throught the woods thinking about what to do. But it's a pretty good book if your into the Civil War. The battles go into a lot of detail to make the book have a little more action, but the action in the book is still very limited. The book would have been better if it had gone into more details about other characters in the book. Although the characters in the book are very believable and this helps the story seem more true. So if you're into action and adventure books , I would say this is not the book for you, but if you're a Civil War enthusiast you might really enjoy this book, because of its accurate descriptons of the Civil War.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst books I have ever read--EVER Review: I had to read this for a book anaylsis for English this year. It was really and truly one of the worst books I've ever read. It would take me forever to describe just how awful it is, but these are the main problems: (1) There is ABOSLUTELY NO PLOT WHATSOEVER. (2) The little dialouge that there is, well, it's mostly swearing--not to mention the fact that I can imagine what a farm boy from the 1860s sounded like without having his accent spelled out for me. (3) The main character (who is never addressed by his name unless someone's talking to him, he's always just "the youth") is a wimp and a coward! Okay, I can see how war would be terrifying, yes, I can't understand that--but, my gosh! He's such a wuss that it's almost sickening. (4) The book is altogether badly written. The sentences are awkward, and I kept getting lost. It's hard to tell when one battle ends and another starts. Unless you absolutely have to read this book--DON'T.
Rating:  Summary: The Red Badge of Courage - review Review: The Red Badge of Courage is a story about a young man named Henry Fleming. It is a classic story telling how a young man conquers his fear throughout the Civil War. Henry's dream is to find glory and honor in the Union Army. After running from his first battle he eventually finds his regiment. While Henry is on his own trying to find his regiment, he is hit on the head with a gun. Henry lies to his regiment and tells them he was shot in the head. But after Henry lies a few times he starts to build courge. Henry then leads his regiment to victory and at last conquers his fear, achieving his dream of glory and honor. I would recommend this book to just about anyone. It is a very interesting book and has an interesting plot and theme to go along with it. I enjoyed it very much.