Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I have long admired this novel, but now I see why. The numerals that comprise the title add up to 22. Guess how old I was when I first read it? 16!
Rating:  Summary: Very powerful! Review: There are few books that I reference as much as this one. Almost every aspect of the homogenization of culture and individualism is realized in this book. You can not discuss world politics without reading this book. Just read the darn book!
Rating:  Summary: Sad and very moving. Review: In part, this is a cautionary tale about the horrors of tyranny and the absolute loss of privacy in a place where 'Big Brother' is always watching. But I also found it to be about alienation in a society where the individual is not appreciated -- so in many ways this book is about our culture -- the culture of fear and control. I was also strangely moved by the romance in this book and how even love is perverted in a society which does not allow for even the most basic personal freedoms. It's a tragic book that will definitely stay with you for the rest of your life -- and that's a testament to its greatness. Also recommended: The Losers Club by Richard Perez, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Rating:  Summary: survival kit for the 21st century Review: Cynical, pessimistic, and utterly untrusting of the motives of anyone in a position of power. It's all you need to decipher any political speech, posturing or campaign.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks, Amazon.com... Review: ...for letting anyone with a pulse write a book review. Books such as this are not meant for MTV-induced automatons, with attention spans whittled down by repeated viewings of Jerry Bruckheimer films. Nor is 1984 intended for self-important elitests who refuse to believe anyone without an Ivy League degree can comprehend such a nuanced tale of futuristic horror. At the risk of speaking for Orwell, I think we can safely conclude that 1984 was niether intended to be loved nor hated. It was intended to be read.
Rating:  Summary: A pop culture icon that turned into a religion Review: Goerge Orwell's "1984" is nothing more than a sorry man's method of taking out his anger at the world. Oh, sure, it is well written, but people make it into so much more than it really is. It is dark, depressing, and I finished reading it feeling like less of a human than when I started. Why is it that a work of literature that is so empty and void of any meaning is considered to be one of the best? I dont understand. 1984 is one of the biggest cult classic ever. The only difference is that some people say "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is very good, and some say it is very bad. I have only heard revered praise for "1984". It is innacurate, too. In "1984" the government influenced people's minds, taking away their free will. In reality, that is not possible. When the Soviet Union collapsed, even those born into communism helped construct a democracy. Also, in "1984" the party is completely invinsible. It will remain in power forever. History tells otherwise. ALL empires fall. Humanity has been war-torn since it's beginning, and after 5000 years, the world has managed to not be controlled by "Big Brother". Quote from "1984": "Humanity is nothing more than one man shoving another man's face in the mud" So, "1984" tells us that humans are completely useless and we have no reason to exist. Let's take a look at Orwell. When he was not homeless, he lived in poverty. None of his books sold until after he died, and "1984" was one of his later books. Didn't he have plenty to be hateful about? The best books make you want to be a better person. "1984" does nothing but make you want to stop caring about everything. "1984" is purely a work of fiction, but even though it is grossly unrealistic, it is treated like it was written by God. There are so many better books out there, please don't waste your time on such an unfufilling and stupid book as "1984"
Rating:  Summary: This is a Very Good Book Indeed. Review: This is one of the best written books I have had the opportunity to read. Those of you who gave it a 1 are ignorant. And dont worry Sheri, he wont be writting anymore books seeing as how he has been dead for a while now. Before you criticize the writing of a wonderful author please learn how to spell correctly. 1984 is a wonderful trip into the human mind and it shows how those of us in charge can and will do anything to remain in charge. It is a very good follow-up to Animal Farm. They both describe power hungry and greedy people can go to extreme measures to keep that power. Those who said the government would never end up like this are fooling yourself. The future could very easily end up like this. With the formation of the "Homeland Security" it is becoming even more likely that this may well be the future of the world. (Of course thank goodness 1984 wasnt really like that)
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Review: I would ask the critical reviewers to realize that 1984 is a political allegory. To a degree, what was written about did actually happen in the Stalinist Soviet Union. Perhaps we should learn to better appreciate the history of the twentieth century, before we are given this book to read and criticize.
Rating:  Summary: Good times. Review: I read this book a little while ago anf found it very interesting. It holds many parallels to the real world. And for some of the other reviewers who said it was boring, Orwell is a terrible writer, and its not at all realistic... Its not supposed to be realistic, its supposed to be an insight into the human mind. Its not boring if you understand it, if you are too ignorant to get it, then of course its boring, I'm sorry your teacher MADE you read it, I'm sure youll be quite content with Dr. Seuss. And as for the comment about Orwells ability to write, you aren't allowed to talk, I had a hard time making out your review it was so badly written. If you are insterested in the government as well as psychology, I advise you to read this.
Rating:  Summary: this is the worst book i have ever read!!!!*- Review: 1984 is the worst book I have ever read. I would advise anyone who is thinking about reading this book to reconcider! George Orwell is not a bad writer, however, this book he does not do evry well on, as some of his others. Prehaps he was getting old and lost his touch. Animal Farm was okay, but 1984 was horrible. It took him forever, it seemed like, to get into the accual book. If someone were to take out all of the useless part of 1984, it would be half as long. Why would he wirte so much about nothing? I havent ever meet someone who could wirte such a boring book about the goverment. I have meet many people who have loved this book, but i dispised it. I am not at all intrested in the goverment. This may be part of the reason that I didnt like it. I would advise you not to read this book.