Rating:  Summary: THIS PLAY ROCKS!!!reply: Its the best book .............., Review: If that's what you think you missed the whole point. Back then if you didn't belive in witches and demons and the devil you didn't believe in God, you cannot have God without the Devil.I loved this play - I performed in it 2 years ago and I had a blast, but before you read it - read about what really happened and the red scare, since i had to do that for research into my characters, I know it benefit me. HAVE FUN!!!!
Rating:  Summary: very interesting Review: If you were accused of being a witch back in the 17 century in Massachusetts then you were one. Very good film about pointing fingers, lying, religion, and cheating. I am actually quite happy I was forced to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Miller is inspired... Review: In this book, not only does Miller define a modern hero, but he also finds distinct parallels between the Salem Witch Trials and the Red Scare. The book shows an array of impressionable characters who will not only spark emotion in you, but will make you think. There is the everlasting struggle between Good and Evil, Personal belief and Broad interpretation, Individual and Society, and most importantly personal judgement. Could a similar circumstance happen again right here in America? Most definitely. Do people allow themselves to be suppressed and deceived? Absolutely. Does Miller allow his readers to see their selves, peers, and beliefs in a new light? Without a doubt. This book is a piece of history in more ways than one.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal agitprop that hurt America Review: It's an entertaining fantasy, but the fact is we now know beyond any doubt (see Venona) there were hundreds of Communist spies at all levels of our government. Every single person McCarthy identified as a Communist was, in fact, a Communist and far from having their lives ruined, most went on to prestigious positions at Leftist-leaning institutions. If anything, McCarthy wasn't zealous enough. Yet to this day, he is reviled by Leftists and their sympathizers, his very name a malediction. Where are the mea culpas from the supporters of I.F. Stone and Walter Duranty, both proven Soviet propagandists complicit in covering up tens of millions of murders? Where is the morality play that teaches us mass starvation of civilians is a terrible weapon and those who cover for mass mega-murderers are no better themselves? It's time for Americans to recognize the truth: McCarthy was a hero, and those in the press and entertainment industries like Arthur Miller that worked to discredit and defame him did a terrible disservice to this great country and committed a horrible atrocity on a patriotic American who was trying to protect his country from the greatest threat it ever faced.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal agitprop that hurt America Review: It's an entertaining fantasy, but the fact is we now know beyond any doubt (see Venona) there were hundreds of Communist spies at all levels of our government. Every single person McCarthy identified as a Communist was, in fact, a Communist and far from having their lives ruined, most went on to prestigious positions at Leftist-leaning institutions. If anything, McCarthy wasn't zealous enough. Yet to this day, he is reviled by Leftists and their sympathizers, his very name a malediction. Where are the mea culpas from the supporters of I.F. Stone and Walter Duranty, both proven Soviet propagandists complicit in covering up tens of millions of murders? Where is the morality play that teaches us mass starvation of civilians is a terrible weapon and those who cover for mass mega-murderers are no better themselves? It's time for Americans to recognize the truth: McCarthy was a hero, and those in the press and entertainment industries like Arthur Miller that worked to discredit and defame him did a terrible disservice to this great country and committed a horrible atrocity on a patriotic American who was trying to protect his country from the greatest threat it ever faced.
Rating:  Summary: Emotional Review: The Crucible is a powerful book. It really shows you the influence of 'the voice of the mob.'
Rating:  Summary: This is a must read play! Review: The Crucible is a very interesting book that I really enjoyed reading, however it is moderately difficult to read because some parts are hard to follow along. The main reason that I enjoyed this book is because Miller brings up many different issues that are often times not written about in other books and plays, such as the way people believe hearsay instead of the truth, and condem those who are innocent. Miller portrays this in such a way that you don't realize that he is actually talking about issues that happen in everyday life, but through the Salem Witch Trials instead. If you are interested in reading about the Salem Witch Trials or how it is easy to get drawn into mallicious rumors this is the book for you.
Rating:  Summary: The movie is a must see also! Review: The Crucible is a wonderfully written book and is a great portrayal of what happened during the Salem Witch Trials. Abigail's character kept the reader wondering what would happen next, or what crazy idea she would have planned in that psychotic, malicious head of hers. Even though it wasn't the easiet book to read, the plot itself kept me interested. This is surely one of the best books I've ever read; it's not only interesting but I also learned a lot about what really happened to "witches" during these times. Were most of these people deluded or simply malicious? It is a question that goes through your mind while reading this book. The characters are pretty entertaining, not to mention Abigail, whose accusations and dramatic scenes will make the reader shake thier heads with disgust and shock. It is definitely a Must-read!!!
Rating:  Summary: L.A. Theatre Works Recording is outstanding! Review: The last time I read "The Crucible" was in high school back in the 1960s. Over the years I had forgotten much of what it was about, however it wasn't until I listened to the excellent production by L.A. Theatre Works that the raw emotions of this gripping story came to life. As a few other reviewers here have suggested, this story works better as a play, not just a high school "textbook." I'd suggest that any students who have to read this book also take the time to listen to this recording. My impression this time is that a merciless, judgmental religion is no true religion. I hope that young readers, or listeners, will realize that this is not the type of religion that Christ intended.