Rating: Summary: Please read Review: I write this review as someone who has loved the ministry of benny Hinn, until recent. The writings in this book would appear to be true, but what I know about Benny Hinn makes me wonder if anything the pastor has said holds any truth. He has gone as far as to clame Christ will appear physically in bodily form at meetings. He has also claimed to speak to kathryn kuhlman in an out of body experience. He has also cursed his enemies openly as well. All of this info is documented, just look on the internet. If you want more info do a search of benny hinn on a search engine. Read with caution. Remember, Christians are to bless those that curse them, and pray for those that spightfully use them. Also jesus warned us that if someone claims that christ is here or there, beliieve them not. For many false prohets and false christ's shall show great signs and wonders to decieve the elect if possible. Matt. 24:23,24
Rating: Summary: Good Morning Holy Spirit ~ Benny Hinn Review: Here lately, I have become highly critical of television preachers who don't devulge the details of how they raise & spend their money, especially Benny Hinn. Benny Hinn's crusades are more organized than a political convention, and he's a master fund raiser. Infact, Pastor Benny is one of the most successful fund raisers in history. I say he's in the business of raising big money and spreading his own celebrity. As far as this book is concerned, it's just too good to be true. In Good Morning Holy Spirit, Benny Hinn claims that he's actually seen God and spoken with him in person. In the bible, God himself says that "no man can see me and live." So Benny Hinn must be a false prophet. There are so many sick people who go to his miricle crusades expecting a miricle, and they sadly leave the crusade still sick & hurting. I could go on & on ranting about this false healing ministry, but I'll keep it short and sweet. Benny Hinn is a false prophet! If you have common sense, then don't support this lying ministry. Support Billy Graham or Pat Roberson.
Rating: Summary: Outstanding For Babes In Christ Review: This book is outstanding especially for those who are babes in Christ and are still being fed milk from the Word and are not ready for the meat. It also shows how good God, the Father, is in that He took an almost impossible situation in the Hinn family and turned it completely around for His Glory and to reveal His power in the Annointing. Considering the fact of Mr. Hinn's heritage, the religious beliefs associated therein, and a house that was divided- God's Glory has again shown through and in this situation, brought the Hinn family into the knowledge of Him and His Son (The Good News). If God can do this for them, think of how much more He can do for you!!!! Regardless of your situation or circumstances. Praise God for this book. I recommend it to new believers who are beginning to know Christ and experiencing the Power of the triune nature of God.
Rating: Summary: The Holy Spirit Is God Review: Benny Hinn gives us what is essentially an autobiography tracing his spiritual development from his youth in the Greek Orthodox Church and in Catholic schools in Jaffa to his discovery of the Holy Spirit as God after his family moved to Toronto.The Holy Spirit is not less equal. Father, Son and Holy Spirit always act in harmony. I believe that Benny could have made this discovery without changing religions. Nevertheless his testimony is very revealing about who he is today as a TV evangelist. Above all his testimony shows the value in faithful study of the bible.
Rating: Summary: Excellent Book! Review: This is an excellent book, and perfect for everyone who wants to know more about the Holy Spirit, maybe its not simple to understand, but it gives you a great desire to know your God.
Rating: Summary: Bad Theololgy at its best Review: Benny Hinn's approach to the topic is unbiblical unbalanced and not worth reading.
Rating: Summary: A remarkable story, pity it has no basis in Scripture. Review: Is sound teaching supported by Biblical truth what you are looking for? Are you seeking a life on which to model your Christian walk? If the answer to either question is . . . . . yes, then steer well clear of this book. This excursion into the literary world fills 177 pages and is an autobiographical testimony of Benny Hinn's life and experience from his formative years as a Christian to the date of writing. The focus being his introduction to, and deepening relationship with, the Holy Spirit. Whilst the book contains numerous scripture references from both Old and New Testaments, it becomes increasingly apparent that they are present only where they lend weight to Hinn's arguments. Old Testament accounts of the way the Spirit operated are used as a model for the believer, the Spirit comes and goes, anoints and removes His anointing. All designed to add weight to flawed arguments the reader is inextricably drawn into Hinn's world, where experience determines 'theology' and the reasoning is invariably a posteriori. The influence of Kathryn Kuhlman is a major factor on his experience and understanding of the Holy Spirit. His 'baptism in the Holy Spirit' is largely orthodox being accompanied by 'speaking in tongues'. This experience, for him at least, is insufficient and so he invents a theology; 'the anointing of the Holy Spirit'. All too often though the scriptures used to back up this teaching speak only about 'the baptism in the Holy Spirit'. The major thrust of the book is to present the Holy Sprit as a person. Nothing wrong with that in itself, but Hinn's 'Trinitarian theology' is all too often stretched to breaking point in order to prove his point. The Father and the Son are constantly 'located' away from the earth, thus allowing the Holy Spirit control over this domain. Some of the reasoning borders on the ludicrous: we have hands and feet, a heart and emotions and since we were created in God's image He too must have hands, feet, a heart and emotions, and so on. The book is riddled with such jargon, rhetoric and 'helpful' illustrations. Unfortunately, they all too often only serve to confuse the issue further. For example: the reason why Jesus didn't heal people was because the Father did not ask the Holy Spirit to request Jesus to do it. There are other astonishing and downright arrogant statements - His relationship with the Holy Spirit is like a parent and a child; only Hinn is the parent. The Holy Spirit begs him for just five more minutes of his company and God rubs his forehead to thank him for spending time in prayer. On one occasion he would have us believe he wept uncontrollably for more than three weeks. The book promises much which through close, though not too close inspection it fails to deliver. Having an experience does not necessarily make your theology sound. Any amount of Christian jargon and obscure illustrations will not make it sound. Lasting fruit comes when we start from the sure ground of the Word of God and proceed forward, rather than starting from an experience and attempting a find a meandering path back to the Word. Using scripture out of context and without application is also fruitless. The book will appeal to the masses of people who make a Christian life of attending conferences, healing rallies and the like, but for those seeking a daily walk with the Lord in humility and truth it's a no go. I gave the book one star since you can't give it zip.
Rating: Summary: Everyone Should Read This Book! Review: I read this book several years ago for the first time, and it changed my life in a way that is diffcult to describe. It's such a little and easy to read book, and yet it's so powerful. Benny Hinn is so annointed that even his books are able to bring the Holy Spirit over you like nothing you have ever felt or experienced. Pastor Hinn teaches you simply, how to love and recieve what you are suppose to have already, a loving relationship with the Lord and His beautiful Holy Spirit.Half way through reading this book, I was on fire for the Lord and telling everyone I saw about it. There was no denying Him any longer. I had butterflies in my stomach from the excitement that I felt 24 hours a day. Then after years of back problems, one day I turned on This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn's TV program, and I took my healing. My life hasn't been the same. It really does happen! Right now my 10 year old daughter is reading the book with me. Don't listen to critics that don't understand or know what they are talking about. Go with your own heart, and read this book for yourself. You will not regret it,and you will be very blessed.
Rating: Summary: Sorry Benny Review: I posted a review (#21) titled Good morning almighty dollar. It was a very negative review about this book. I am here to formally retract my review and remind all readers to never judge anyone prematurely. I do NOT agree with Benny's theology but still sorry I judged him so harshly.
Rating: Summary: He Loves The Lord Review: It's been said that the person with a experience is not at the mercy of someone with an argument. Several years ago, I was struggling with some issues in my life and I began to yearn for God, for a closeness with Him that I had never known. I did not even know for sure what I was seeking. I began to talk to The Holy Spirit, telling Him how much I needed Him. At about that time, I bought this book. I was halfway through it, when one evening, as I sat watching Christian television, and a program that was featuring a full hour of worship music, I had a supernatural encounter with The Holy Spirit and angels that changed me and changed my life forever. A few months later, a friend talked me into attending one of Benny Hinn's Conferences On The Holy Spirit. During those three days, there were many, many things which the Lord did to confirm to me that Benny Hinn is a man of God and is being mightily used of Him. Is he perfect? No. Is he always right, do I always agree with him? No. But after reading hundreds and hundreds of Christian books over the years and listening to as many tapes, I haven't found one single minister/author/teacher that I agree with 100% of the time. I think that's because we're all human. Benny Hinn is a man who is totally in love with the Lord, and gives out that love constantly to others. Sadly, those who criticize him, in books, radio, and here in these reviews, do not exude that same love. We are known by our fruit. Would satan send someone away from a three day conference closer to the Lord, more hungry for and understanding of the Word, more on fire for God, and with more spiritual wisdom and discernment? C'mon folks.