Rating:  Summary: How it Ended Review: A Review by StephenFrodo and Sam are on there way to mount morordor. On there way they meet many evils and survive many great perils. Not known to them is the war going on in the pelader fields where the mighty forces of sauron are waging war with the humans. Bit by bit the forces of sauron are winning and the eye of morordor is growing stronger the forces of good are on the verge of total destruction. This book was a bit of a slow book but don't let that get you down this book has a great storyline fierce battles described areas items and people. There are some hard words but with the surrounding context it is easy to find out what they mean. Everything in this book is well thought out and nobody could match this kind of talent for such a great series. The book it thought overall was too short and it should have been at least 400 pages long and should have had a couple more battles and maybe 1 or 2 more characters to help out and play a major part in the final book. This book was definitely one of the best books I have ever read. I would recommend this book to strong readers and only if you have read the rest of the series and had interest in them. If you want to read this book then do it.
Rating:  Summary: Lord Of The Rings Book Review Review: Return Of The King by J,R,R Tolkien is the third and final book in his trilogy The Lord Of The Rings. It is a good book for kids ten and up. It starts off with Gandalf riding with Merry to Minas Tirith, a city in Middle Earth (Middle Earth is the land were all this happens) but far away Sam, who is a Hobbit from the shire (the shire is a peaceful place were Hobbits live) is trying to make up his mind to save Frodo from Orcs (Orcs are creatures who were mutated by evil) who have captured him. Frodo is another Hobbit from the shire. The other option for Sam is to keep going and destroy the ring of power so that evil will be gone forever. Will the ring be destroyed or will darkness rule, it all depends on two hobbits? Meanwhile back in Minas, Tirith the armies of Mordor have gone to destroy Gondor (the main land of men). Will Aragorn and his company Legalas Greenleaf, the Elf and Gimli, the Dwarf save the day once again and will Arogorn take his place as the rightful king of men? Aragorn is the heir to Gondor and a ranger in Rivendale. I recommend that you should read the first two books first. At the beginning of the trilogy the Hobbits thought they were going on a small journey but in the middle of the trilogy they were gloomy and had hardly any hope and at the end they pushed and resisted evil and they were glad. I learned that if you want something hard enough you can achieve it. At first the book is confusing because it is switching from Frodo and Sam to Aragorn and his companions. What I really liked was the detail he put into the world were the books take place. Books also written by Tolkien: The Silmarilian (the book of the beginning of Middle Earth), The Hobbit (prelude to The Lord of the Rings), The Fellowship of the Ring (book one in the Lord of the Rings trilogy), and The Two Towers (the second book in the Lord of the Rings trilogy).
Rating:  Summary: Too long Review: I would give this book four stars out of five. This is because the book is good with all the twists and turns, you don't know what's going to happen next. But the book is so long that the author spends too much time trying to describe places or towns that the book starts to get boring. I couldn't say that I was surprised at most of the events that happened in this book.He should of put a few random twists and turns. So this book is ok. The book starts in a place called Middle-Earth, a dark lord called Sauron created a ring, which had the power to destroy the world. Now Frodo and Sam have that ring and are on a quest to destroy that ring. This book was created by a man named J.R.R. Tolkien. He was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa in 1892. His father died during his childhood. After school, he joined the army. After that he found his wife and started the Lord of the Ring books.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect finale Review: I guess most of the people reading a review for this book must be LOTR fans; otherwise, why would they have bothered reading the first two? Keeping that in mind, I would say that "Return of the King" might be my favorite of the three. We are introduced to the land of Gondor, the last stronghold against the dark lord Sauron. There is naturally a great battle sequence in this book as the free peoples of the West defend the city of Minas Tirith from the winged Nazgul and Sauron's minions. We are introduced to some new characters, such as Denethor, the aging steward of Gondor, and the King of the Nazgul, who challenges Gandalf to a final dual. I don't want to give too much of the plot away, but I do think it's interesting that the fate of the ring is decided with nearly one hundred pages left in the story. The remaining chapters are devoted to following up on the various characters, and Tolkien does this nicely. He does not leave any loose ends; Aragorn, Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Gimli, Eomer, Faramir, Eowyn, Arwen, Galadriel, Elrond, Bilbo, all of these characters are firmly situated at the end of the story. I also like how Tolkien follows the four hobbits back to the Shire, where they find out that things are not the same. He could have taken them on an amazing adventure and left it at that, but instead he lets them learn from their adventures to the benefit of the Shire. Although the outcome of the story is good, we are left feeling somewhat despondent, since the elves are departing and the "third age" is coming to an end. All in all, this trilogy is simply one of a kind; I don't think I'll ever again enjoy sci-fi or fantasy that doesn't bear the Tolkien label.
Rating:  Summary: This book is awesome! Review: This book is one of the best books I've read in a long time. I love all 3 books of the Lord of the Rings, but this book has to be my favorite. It tells what happens to Frodo at the end of his quest to distroy the one ring of power. It tells what exacly happens to all the characters and I for one was very impressed by the detail. It did get kind of slow in the middle, but that eventually wore off like most books do. I would recomend this book to anyone that enjoys adventure and fantasy. These books are truly one of a kind and J.R.R Tolkien was a genius! ~Laura
Rating:  Summary: A book thats beter than it's movie! Review: J.R.R Tolkien has become my favorite author very quickly. His books are amazing to read, and stimulate my mind. I read this books for a series of school book reports, and enjoyed remembering the beauty of this book. The Retern of the King, being the most exiting book in the series, has a wonderful plot that keeps you in the book to the very last page. In the Retern of the King the last forces of the free people defend themseves from the rising evil in the land of Mordor. Frodo and Sam head off to destroy the ring of power. The race to save the middle earth is on and the question is who will be left in the end? I would recomend this book to people into medival ages and fantacy people.
Rating:  Summary: Five Stars wasn't enough for this book... Review: If you have read the other 2 books in this series, then this book is a must. To begin with, the ending of The Two Towers leaves you hanging so much that you need to go to a bookstore immediatly to find out what happens. Of course, instead of telling what happens to Frodo and Sam first, you hear about Legolas, Aragorn, Pippin, Merry and company. This part of the book is one that you cant skip, otherwise you wont understand the plot. I would give details of what happens, but that is for you to find out! If you haven't read The Two Towers, but have seen the movie, you need to read The Two Towers first. At the end of the movie they leave out about 100 pages of the book. If you haven't read the Fellowship of the Ring, i suggest that you read that also, as it includes many characters that you don't hear about in the movie, and is more fulfilling than the movie is. In all, I suggest that you read this book, and stop questioning whether you should or not. If you haven't read the series, read that first. The Hobbit is a very good book to start off with, so that would be good to read first. Go on, click on the buy it now button!
Rating:  Summary: Darker First Half Soars Review: The journey is now ended. I have finally finished the Lord of the Rings. Savouring the last page of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Return of the King is a bittersweet moment. It is hard to say good-bye to these wonderful characters. The first half of this book was dazzling in its darkness and the entire book was only marred a little by the anticlimatic last hundred pages (excepting the delightful last two chapters set in the Shire, still amounting to four chapters of good-bying.) But that is being too nit-picky for a trilogy that gives such intense pleasure and created such vibrant figures of fantasy. Gandalf and Frodo, particularly, will always live on as they deserve to do.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Book Review: It is a great book is all that I have to say and that you will have a good time in reading this book. I know that I did enjoy it while I was reading it.
Rating:  Summary: A blessing! Review: The Dramatic Climax to the greatest story of this generation. Tolkien has again proved to be a genius as an author. A world created for the sole purpose of showing what true love, friendship, and heart can do. Delightful, inspiring, and even tormenting. The vivid descriptions make you feel like you were there in Middle Earth with Frodo, Sam, and the others from th Fellowship. A must read for people of all ages, and even good for those who just love a good story. you don't have to enjoy fantasy novels to enjoy the lord of the rings.