Rating:  Summary: The most amazing book ever published Review: How could this book get anything less than five stars. It is so spectacular and vast that I don't know how you could not be sucked into the adveture of some of the most likeable heroes and evil villains ever created. The movie was fabulous, but nothing, nothing can compare to the book. The return of the king follows the last adventure of the fellowship of the ring, tells of the destruction of the ring of power, and the return of the king of men. Tolkiens long running devotion to mddle earth is unrivaled by any othor author in the history of literature. Some may say that the book isn't as good as some crappy classic that everyone ends up reading, but it is, by all means the best work ever put onto paper. Never eill a book this spectacular be put out again. Tolkien has created a legacy that will still being read and loved over one hundred years from now. I think it will live on longer than any book in existence. The return of the king is the final book in the trilogy that will never be topped by any fantasy novel. The best book in the best fantsy story ever written. Anyone who thinks Harry Potter is better than this should be shot, and would be if it were up to me, but fortunately for a lot of stupid kids, its not. Jerks. The return of the king expands and improves upon what has always been a fantastic adventure.If you havn't read the book yet, then get into your car right now, and go buy it. You won't regret it. Thats a guarantee.
Rating:  Summary: This Is The Book Of The Century Review: This book is very good. Just like a Laker win! Do you know the muffin man? Well, this book is very intense at some points, and very surprising. It's like "The Book Of The Century" My favorite character Legolas becuase he is swift and is immortal. He is my Hero. This book is soooo good that i would read it again even though it took me almost 3 months to finish it! I Think J.R.R Tolkien is a mastermind, and knows how to get some attention!ps. The Lakers Killed The Sacramento Kings!(3-25-04) -Jamison Junior(a.k.a. i go to Carmenita Hight)-
Rating:  Summary: Average Review: There is no question you will read this book. Like any trilogy, after you read the first 2, you feel obligated to complete the series and read the final one. No matter what I say in this review, nothing will deter you from reading the third of the trio. This review is written for posterity's sake, and in keeping with my practice of reviewing books after I read them. The book is mediocre-good, much like the first one. It's better than the second book and probably not quite as good as the first one. Towards the end of book 5 (the 3rd of the series actually contains Book 5 and Book 6) it seems to me that Tolkein is so far off the deep end that he loses all ability to communicate words in a digestible manner. The writing borders on horrendous, and the reader cannot differentiate one speaker from the next. Everyone speaks in the same voice, with the same grand tones, saying the same trite things. Book 6 is better. It wraps up the series and allows the reader to put the book down satisfied with the series. Without book 6, I don't think that would have been possible. One problem is this. There's no suspense for too many pages. Relatively early in the narrative we see the "return of the king" and the tidy conclusion subsequent to that. After this, there's no suspense, no reason to keep reading. If it weren't for the hijinx in the Shire at the end, this book would have been pretty bland, all in all. I have thought before, and this book again shows me, that Tolkein had a great imagination but was a weak writer. Pages upon pages are devoted to the most mundane of things, while action scenes are over in mere paragraphs. It seems the author wanted to gloss over most of the action, preferring to work with the majesty and pageantry he had created in his mind. If Tolkein could have forgone the written word and found a way to allow people a brief glimpse into his head, Peter Jackson's films would seem mundane in comparison. But the reality is we're dealing with the printed word, and this is not the strongest medium for Tolkein to have chosen. In his time, it was all he had. Now Jackson has taken that and worked wonders with it. I think the movies are a better reflection of what Tolkein would have liked to portray. The books, other than the Hobbit, could have been done better. Still, as I said, you will read it. It's a good enough ending to a classic series. Assuredly, the time it takes to read this book is worth it, even if it does drag a bit. It's a fantasy classic, and you should immerse yourself in it for the sake of the experience.
Rating:  Summary: Toliken's Masterpiece Review: The Lord of the Ring The Return of the King The Random House, 1955, 494, $7.99 J.R.R. Tolkin ISBN 0-345-33973-8 It is being hailed as the greatest fantasy epic of are time. The Lord of the Rings The Return of the King is the last book in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The main characters are Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Gandalf. Pippin, Sam , Merry , and Frodo are hobbits. Legolas is an Elf, Gimli is a Dwarf, Aragorn is a Man, and Gandalf is a Wizard. My favorite part of the book is Pelennor Fields. Frodo is taken to the tower of Cirth Ungol and is saved by Sam. Then they move closer the fires of Mount Doom. While Frodo and Sam are moving towards Mt. Doom the rest of the fellowship is creating a war a a diversion. Will they trick Sauron or will he get the Ring? To find out read this book. I liked this book because my favorite genre has always been fantasies. I feel that the book is well written and has unforgettable characters. The book is special because of it settings. I'm recommending it because it is one of my favorite books of all time. I would rate the book five out of five stars. Any type of person would like this book. Drew O., Grade 6 Bales Intermediate, Friendswood , Texas
Rating:  Summary: THE STUFF OF WHICH THE MOVIES WERE MADE! Review: Don't stop with 5 stars. 10. 20. 100 stars! I love Peter Jackson's movies based on Tolkein's classics but what a tragedy it seems that there are people out there, especially kids, who may assume that Jackson's is final word on the wonderful world of Middle Earth. READ THE BOOK! The story in THE RETURN OF THE KING is tremendous, creative and truly profound. And don't make the mistake of thinking that this book or any of the others from Tolkein are children's books. You will be amazed at the depth of story here. I recognize that everything in the book cannot be translated to film but there are spectacular things in this book that were left out of the movie. Watch the extended version of the movie? Yes, but READ THE BOOK first. Some of my favorite characters and characters essential to the total story were not included. And there are also some unnecessary twists, turns and interpretations taken and made by Jackson and his crew that are established in simplicity and beauty in the book. THE RETURN OF THE KING is an essential sequel to THE TWO TOWERS and is the culmination of the adventures of the The Fellowship, Theoden, and the people of Middle Earth as they continue their quest to overcome the powers of the evil Sauron. But A WORD OF CAUTION: should you read THE RETURN OF THE KING first you won't be able to stop there. The next thing you know you'll be picking up THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING and then wrapping up with THE TWO TOWERS. You won't be able to start with this one and stop there. You may even end up reading this one again in proper sequence. And if you haven't read THE HOBBIT yet you will likely be adding that one to your library as well. The GOOD NEWS is that you will not regret a single moment! I could go on and on. No shame to the movies. Jackson did a terrific job with some of the most complex and beloved stories in history but, if you liked the movies, don't miss the epic stories that await you in reading the books. THE HORSEMAN
Rating:  Summary: Epic Masterpeace Review: I think this book was great,It had such detail and i could actually picture what it looked like in my mind,And they described it so good that when the movie came out it was just as i thought it would look.I would recomend this book to anyone who likes epic storys.
Rating:  Summary: The Fantastic Finale Review: This inspiring story and epic adventure was basically trying to destroy the one ring that ruled them all. What does that mean? Sauron the dark lord crafted three rings that where then given to the elven kings under the sky, seven to the dwarf lords, and nine to the mortal men. He then in secret crafted the one ring that literally controlled the other rings. Sauron wanted to control the world. Amazingly, King Isildur who is Aragorn's ascendant severed the one ring from Sauron's hand. The dark lord was defeated. The one ring could have been destroyed that day, but greed of power drove Isildur. Aragorn didn't want to be like him so he left the throne to the steward of Gondor and rode out with the elven rangers. The great council of Elrond lord of Rivendell decided that Frodo, a hobbit, would be the ring bearer. Soon, they set off on a journey to destroy the one ring and soon discover the great city of Minas Tirith of Gondor. Sauron's hordes and the armies of the Haradrim mass attack the capital city of Minas Tirith. In the nick of time Rohan, an ally of Gondor comes and defends the city. After they defeated the countless hordes, the mixed armies venture to the Black Gates, which is the entrance to Mordor. After the ring gets thrown into the fires of Mount Doom Mordor collapses. Then, Aragorn marries Arwen, an elf; daughter of Elrond and becomes king. He feels it is only right to take the responsibility and become king. That's basically the summary of the entire story of this superb novel. I really enjoyed this book. This book has taught me many ideas and functions of life. For one thing, even the littlest of people can change the world. This sentence helped me achieve everything I do. For instance, like playing basketball. If Frodo can destroy the ring, then how hard is it to do this task? Then, the job won't be that challenging."...We might as well give ourselves up..."said Sam. The characters in the book had a chance to give up and go back, but they didn't. They kept going. Another great moral from this book is never give up. Never give up no matter what the circumstances are. I really liked this book. It was interesting because of all the sophisticated words J.R.R. Tolkien put into this astounding master piece. "Behold the Sun setting in a great fire!" The author uses a prominent amount of metaphors and great invigorating speech. It is really descriptive and in a way it is like a mastery of art floating in mid air. I love the way he writes. It is definitely the best book I have read in my entire life. My favorite part of the book is the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Riders of Rohan arrive in the exact time of the vanquishing at Minas Tirith. The Riders bravely charge into the thousands of orcs and trolls. They stood strong and brave there. Shields were shattered and swords were broken. I liked this part mainly because of the action. It probably had the most action and fighting sequence throughout the entire book. I really enjoyed this book. I would think that this book is the best book I would ever have read in my entire life. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves to read action books.
Rating:  Summary: The Great Conclusion Review: How would you like to grow up as an ordinary person in a world full of danger knowing that you are the true king of the greatest city in all of Middle-earth? Sounds cool, right? Well, to Aragorn it did not. Aragorn was a descendant of the king Isildur. However, he had not taken charge of the kingdom of Gondor because he fears that he will have the same weakness that Isildur had; falling to the temptation of the One Ring. On the other hand, how would you like to be a hobbit, only about three feet tall with all of Middle-earth depending on you to complete a task that was entrusted to you? How would you like to carry a ring that has the power to destroy all of the good things in the world, but at the same time, it has the ability to destroy all of the evil of your world? Also, the only way to destroy this item is to go into the center of the darkest place on Middle-earth and cast the ring into the fires of a volcano. This is what type of a situation Frodo Baggins was in, if he was going to save Middle-earth. Finally, how would you like to be the person that gets to listen (for 18 and a half hours) to the incredible story of how these two characters must face all the evil imaginable and still complete the task that was given to them for the sake of Middle-earth. Trust me; take the easy path and listen to this awesome conclusion to the great conclusion of this series that is hard to put down. Some of the characters of this story were Frodo, Sam, Legolas, and Gimli, Gandalf the White, Merry, and Pippin. The setting was in Middle-earth. The conflict is that as Frodo travels deeper into Mordor, he begins to fade and weaken. At the same time, Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor launches a full scale assault on the last city of men: Gondor. With no king, Gandalf takes command of the city. However, will the crumbling city be able to survive the full blast of Sauron? Will Frodo fall, the Ring be retaken, the Dark Lord of Mordor rise to defeat the slowly dying race of men? Finally, will Aragorn come to the aid of Gondor, and fulfill his duty as the true king? If Frodo and Sam survive, will their home be the same as they left it? Well, you will just have to listen to the awesome conclusion to this exploding series and see.
Rating:  Summary: All Hail to the King Review: To many people, Tolkien's Return of the King is merely a popular movie in the third installation of Peter Jackson's LOTR theatrical trilogy. Although the movie is wicked awesome, the book is the true source of the adventure and drama that makes the series so great. The Return of the King is the final account in which the remnants of the Fellowship battle and journey their way against the impossible odds of Sauron's malevolent forces to end their path in either victory or in the ruin of Middle Earth. Each and every one the characters know full well that they will most likely not make it through or see one another ever again. Yet despite these dubious chances, they continue to fight on for each other and for the world. I highly recommend Return of the King for those of you who are interested in the final stage of the harrowing journey of Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and the other heroes and heroines of Tolkien's tale. If you have already read the first two books, you'll probably not want to quit here anyway. Although the movie covers many of the major ideas in the book, there are numerous differences, slight and profound, that are very fascinating. There is an entire tale of the Hobbits' return to the Shire that you do not want to miss out on, as well as many explanatory and plot developing instances and structures that the movie just could not cover. Actually, the discrepancies between the book and the film rather resemble two different interpretations of the same story. It almost seems as though, if the tale had been true, one legend had passed down two differing branches in oral tradition until the outcome was essentially the same, but with each telling containing slightly different story elements. Nevertheless, I can honestly say that I like both versions, movie and book, very much. I do have one point of caution. Some of the language, names, and references to Middle Earth history and mythology are hard to understand and remember if you have not read The Silmarillion, the essential Middle Earth equivalent to the Old Testament. But even without the knowledge in that book, these elements add a flavor of authenticity and richness that only Tolkien is able to create. Toilsome? Sometimes yes. Worth reading? Definitely yes.
Rating:  Summary: lord of the rings return of the king Review: This book seemed much alike the movie. The author wrote the book in a way that made us feel like we were actually there while the story was being told. If you see the movie, In this book, the sword was put back together and the king was reborn. He was able to find ghosts that the previous king cursed for fleeing from battle and he was able to make a promise to them. He promised that if they fought for him, he would free their souls. So the ghosts took over some orc ships, and pretended to be orcs. When the other orcs came to greet them, the ghosts jumped out and attacked the orcs. With out the ghosts it would not have been a victory. In the mean time, Frodo was going to throw the ring into the mountain and destroy it. But the ring was calling to him and telling him not to. It was telling him to keep it and he could have all the power that he wanted. But Smeagle stole the ring from Frodo and fell into the lava. That was the end of the ring, after this everything was restored and every one was happy. The throne was given back to the rightful person and the hobbits went back to the shire. But, gandalf goes back to the Shire and Brings frodo on another journey that takes you on another adventure. So another serise continues...