Rating:  Summary: The Best! Review: This is and will probably continue to be my favorite boook of all time. It has got everything you could possibly want in a book. It's got betrayal, love, imprisonment, vengance, action, drama, and comedy. But you can read the synopsis for yourself.More important than the plot of the story is that the reader will learn to love Edmond Dantes, the main character. They will admire his strength, his wits, his arrogance, and the way he learnes from his mistakes. The reader will also learn to completely hate Danglars, Villefort, and Fernand. Every single horrible thing that happens to them, the reader will truly believe is justly deserved, even when Edmond believes it's too much. The writing is also wonderful. The reader will practically be transported to France as they read this novel. The word choice is so magnificent and the sentences flow so well that the reader will feel every emotion that the characters do, and will probably even taste the sweet Parisian air in their mouths. I first read the Signet Classic abridged version, and I thought this novel was great, but then I picked up the unabridged Modern Library version and enjoyed it even more. This book will change your life and I would highly suggest that everyone in the world read this book. Move over Shakespeare because you have just been dethrowned.
Rating:  Summary: A way to live Review: Out of all the many books that I have read, I would have to say that "The Count of Monte Cristo" is one of the most personally influential books that I have ever read. I had used to have a terrible temper, but here I saw the value of controling ones rage. Edmond endured a trial by fire and with inventiveness and unwavering steadfastness was able to achieve his goals. His revenge in each was a fitting exactment of justice. I personally love the revenge on Danglers. While the ending was predictable, I think that was the whole point. Revenge certainly is a dish better served cold. Anyone looking for an original story, and one that has obviously insipired many writers of our day. Read "The Count of Monte Cristo", and feel that certain power that only a classic novel can create.
Rating:  Summary: Histoire d'une Revanche Review: "Histoire d'une Revanche" was a book adapted from "The Count of Monte Cristo" and I am obliged to read this for my french class. My teacher showed us part of the movie (in english!) and so far I find it very interesting. Reading it in frecn takes longer for moi beacuse I'm not exactly that good in french and our books are so old and falling apart. It seems a good book to continue readin so I'd recommend people to read it but find an english copy because the french one is out of print.
Rating:  Summary: A sweeping tale of vengeance Review: This is a fantastic book! It helps to have some background in French history (of the Napoleonic era, to be specific) to really understand what's going on. This is the tale of Edmond Dantes, a simple sailor, a good man, who is wrongfully accused of a crime he didn't commit on the day of his wedding, and ends up spending 14 years in jail for it. He finally escapes and through complicated planning and patience, manages to complete his vengeance against those who were responsible for his imprisonment. It's a very complicated book, not an easy read, but worth every minute. A true classic.
Rating:  Summary: The Count of Monte Cristo (Unabridged) Review: Dumas' vivid imagery and word choice bring the story of a manwronged to life. His vengeance and adventures are parelleled bynone. A MUST read for any literate adult or high school through college student.
Rating:  Summary: The Count of Monte Cristo Review: In the story, as written by Alexander Dumas, the reader is entraced into a world of peace, war, honor, nobility, piratery, prison, crimes, and most importatly their vengeance. Dumas' way of revenge and peace finding for the main character is superb and unparelleled. A MUST read for any literate adult or high school-college student.
Rating:  Summary: A Literary Masterpiece and a Must Read! Review: The Count of Monte Cristo is a moving, spectacular piece. It is the greatest novel that I have ever read and I hope others will give it a try. The novel is full of twists and turns, providing for a captivating story, as the reader follows the Count through countless changes and metamorphoses. It is a wonderful, creative story that is, in my books, heralded as one of the greatest of all time. However, as it is a complicated and long story, one should not choose to read the Count if one is looking for an easy read. I read it in my freshman year of high school, for the first time, so I think that the novel is appropriate for many different age levels in all its complexity. The story, in certain editions, comes with a table of characters, which makes the comprehension of the novel simpler, yet I think that it is much more fun to discover on ones own the outcomes in the book. What a wonderful literary classic! Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: AN ALL TIME CLASSIC! Review: I was absolutly intrigued from the very first page. The rapid sequence of events makes it impossible to put the book down. I particullarly favor the part when Edmond is in jail and befriends, and later gains immense knowledge, from the Abe. I was panicked when Dantes attempts to escape (and succeeds) after being hurled into the ocean in place of his dead friend. I love the genius character (Edmond Dantes)that Dumas has created. Dumas' wonderful way with words leads the reader to feel an array of emotions through the coarse of the novel. ~15 yrs.
Rating:  Summary: Alexander Dumas is the Man Review: I have never read a book filled with such great plots of vengeance and justice! I love it! Alexander Dumas is definitely my fave writer! The plot is beyond anyone's imagination! and the characters make you just synch into the scenes...wonderful! And it is not only for adults!
Rating:  Summary: Simply the greatest book ever written! Review: It's difficult to put into words just how fantastic this book is. Edmund Dantes could be the single greatest character in the history of literature. The story of Dantes' unjust imprisonment, escape and carefully planned revenge on his accusors will entertain and amaze every reader. Alexandre Dumas surely created a masterpiece with "Count of Monte Cristo". Don't miss this one.