Rating:  Summary: The teen queen of horror strikes again! Review: I love the way in each book we get to see the world from different set of people. in her first book (in the forests of the night)it was vampire/vampire in her second book (demon in my view) it was human/witch/vampire and in this book it's witch/vampire.This book is about a witch name Sarah Tigress Vida. The strongest line of witches. Daughter to the strongest most ruthless witch Domanique Vida. Sister to the witch who never loses Adianna Vida. Trained by the best. Taught to never feel pain, fear or love. To except death. And above all to hate and kill vampires. Black and White good and Evil. For 17 years she's been able to live by these rules losing control only once... when she was 7 when she found her father dead. Sarah's goal in live is to kill vampires but one vampire especially. His name is Nikolas. Known for carving his name in his prey. But when Sarah meets the 2 new vampires at school the trouble starts. The vampires are both very weak. Too weak to sense thats she's more than a human. But when the boy, Christopher falls in love with her. The side of herself thats she buried, the lonely in need of love side bursts out. But she knows she can't fall in love with him her mother would kill him if she found out. So on the night of the halloween dance she tells him that she is a witch. A Vida. A vampire hunter. He leaves shocked. But later that night when she is out hunting she comes across a party. A party hosted by Nikolas. There she finds out that Christopher is actually Kristopher. Twin brother to Nikolas and at one time a feared hunter. Stunned and bewildered she returns home where she is confronted by her mother who knows everything. Knowing that she will never be able to return to killing vampires without question now that she sees the grays between the black and the white,Sarah runs.. to Nikolas's house determined to fight him to her death. There she finds more than she bargined for... including Kristopher. The ending will shock you!!!
Rating:  Summary: Not too shabby, but not great Review: Yes, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes is a talented writer, but somehow I think her writing lacks personality. Also, as another reviewer said, she lacks originality. I'd recommend this to younger readers looking for a taste of the occult. If you're looking for romance, you're not going to find it here. Although SHATTERED MIRROR *does* have more romance than Atwater-Rhodes's two previous novels, it's nothing spectacular. For example, she needs more description in kissing and falling in love and such. But then again she's just a kid, so she hasn't learned everything there is to know about writing yet. It's worth the read at any rate, even if you only read it once.
Rating:  Summary: More to being a novelist then age . . . . Review: I like the fact that she admires Anne Rice but the thing is her books are too much like Anne Rice's material and other auhors work. She needs more depth in her work and originality. Too much originality can be bad but her ideas have already been used and all she does is put it in different words. You can't relate to any of her characters. There are penty of horror writers with the talent who should be published rather then Amelia. have read unpublished work by many and yet they are very talented but haven't had any luck with publishing. She's just a weapon for Random Houe of "good publicity" and they buy her work because o her age. Just because she is a teen that doesn't make her a good writer. A good writer speaks fom their soul not from other writers point of views. She may be big right now, but wht happens when someone her age gets published? She will be yesterdays news and no longer prased for her "age" when she should be praised for talent. Talent matters and she just doesn't have it, or I haven't seen it yet from her. The only talent she shows is that she can rewrite something by another author making it sound worse. As far as the length of her book I would expect her to write atleast two o three novels a "year" anyone could write that much within one or two months and maybe less. No if she was like anne rice writing a six or seven hundred page with 90,000-130,000 words then I could see why she wries on book a year. I'll just be satisfied the day a writer like Ameia comes out only with more talent and show what it mean to really get in touch with their readers. Amelia needs a lot more voice. Writing isn't something you can just pass on, writing a novel is a challenge for everyone including novelist. I read in one interview of Amelia that she doesn't structure or outline her story, well, it would help a lot Amelia. You could do better if you actually thought the plotline out. Plotting outa story on a piece of paper helps a LOT. I pity you if you are praising her for her age rather then talent. I envy her for the fact there are more writers who deserve her spot with more talent then she carries. I will pray her next book has more taste and voice or I think I may just kill myself.
Rating:  Summary: It's GOOD, Don't Listen to the BAD reviews Review: I thought that Shattered Mirror was just as good as Demon in My View, which seems to be more of the favorite out of the first two. I DON'T regret buying this book. The content of these books are all interesting love stories, and yes, this one was about a vampire and a vampire hunter. So, what? Okay, there was some similarities to Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but there was some differences too. The ending was great, and the twist was much different from Buffy. Anyone saying that she should stop writing about vampires, is just stupid to buy this book. I don't know about the rest of you, but it was pretty clear to me that this little series was ABOUT vamps. I hope that people learn to read the description of the book before buying and I also hope that there are more books by this author. The subject matter is great, why not keep writing about vamps? If you don't like that subject....DON'T READ BOOKS ABOUT IT! And don't critisize them either.
Rating:  Summary: Once agaub Review: Despite the fact that I was dissatisfied by "Forests of the Night," and heartily disliked "Demon in my View," I picked up "Shattered Mirror" and braced myself. I must have a streak of masochism -- or I just have an optimistic hope that Atwater-Rhodes improve. She definitely can, but her books have been getting worse as they've increased in size. Sarah Tigress Vida ("Tigress"?) is a vampire slay... I mean, a vampire HUNTER, who generally stalks around vampire lairs with silver knives (I thought silver was supposed to affect werewolves, not vampires?) and kills vampires when she can. Her mother is Dominique Vida, a character mentioned in "Demon"; her father was killed when she was seven, an event that traumatized her, and her sister Adrianna thinks she's treading into dangerous turf. Sarah has every intention of capturing a particularly vicious vampire named Nikolas, who gets his kicks (and his followers) by carving his name into their arms. Sarah befriends Christopher and Nissa, a pair of young vampires who apparently don't attack humans. Christopher is sweet, writes poetry, and is completely smitten with Sarah (whoa, what a surprise. Anyone else see this coming? Why is it that people of the opposite sexes in this imaginary world either despise each other or fall in love?) Unfortunately, her fellow witches (Adrianna in particular) have a problem with this -- their law forbids it, and Dominique is an ice-cold walking punishment. But as Sarah hunts down Nikolas, she treads a dangerous line between the vampire world, where her love interest still is bound, and the world of the witches where she may become an outcast as she tries to hunt down a ruthless vampire killer. Mary-Sueism strikes again; after dealing with the amoral and unsympathetic Jessica in "Demon," we must deal with gorgeous blond toughie Sarah, who is slightly more sympathetic than Jessica and who thankfully is not a teen vampire author. But the only vulnerability we see in her is never exploited, and we see few insecurities, leaving her a Buffy-clone with little personality. Christopher could have been the most intriguing character of all, but Atwater-Rhodes spends so little time on him that it's hard to see what motivates him except guilt. Oh, and his poetry isn't so good. (He rhymes "light" with "night." I rhyme it with "trite") Nissa is slightly more explanatory, given her anecdotes to Sarah, but sadly we don't see much after that meeting. Adrianna is a typical tattler, and Dominique is a two-dimensional ... well, amazon won't let me use the word. It rhymes with "itch," though. The only truly three-dimensional character is Nikolas, oddly enough. Though initially portrayed as a psychopath, he is a killer but not a monster. These moral question marks are just screaming to be explored in more depth, but she leaves them dangling. The last quarter of the book happens too fast, as does the so-so relationship between Sarah and Christopher (whom she distrusted and then beat up during the course of the book). And one of the twists leaves the reader unsatisfied--didn't we see this event in "Demon"? Has she taken to ripping herself off? Perhaps Atwater-Rhodes' biggest problem is pandering to the basic teen market. Her first book was somewhat unique in that it featured a lead character who stays in the shadows, and no romance. After that, however, she has lapsed into tepid teen romances and lead characters in high-school. (Why the heck would vampires attend a high school?) Another note: All of her lead human/witch characters are teens, the vampires were all changed as teenagers. All of them are gorgeous, or at least charismatic (this charisma often didn't reach the reader) and most of them do act like spoiled teens. And how many 17-year-olds have sapphire Jaguars? Other problems include the fact that Miss Atwater-Rhodes is starting to inject her religion into this: Wicca. This detracts from the mystery of the non-human witches, by grounding them in a very human religion. Miss Atwater-Rhodes has talent, and she has imagination. Her first book displays this. I'll keep hoping that Atwater-Rhodes improves her stories, and creates a lead character like Risika who is not a pale copy of her or Buffy, and a universe populated by intriguing and original species who are carefully shown in the detail they deserve.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: The book "Shattered Mirror" is really great. If you're interested in vampires, witches, demons, ect., you should defiantly read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Two and a half stars Review: I would if I could give it two and a half, but the book as I have noticed from other reviews, yes there are a lot of storylines taken from Buffy and other horror writers, which is what upsets me. I'm kind of offended that she hasn't yet written something, well original, I am hoping she makes an improvement sometimes in the future. Her writing is stronger, it's her creativity is what needs work. The whole Buffy thing just annoys me. It's too unoriginal for my say.
Rating:  Summary: What did I think? Review: It was a good book. It is by far better than the other two. I was pretty surprised at how much she grew. And I do have a message for Amelia, should she come across this - Don't listen to other people who try to set limits for you. Break past their boundaries and do what makes you happy. Whenever someone tries to set a limit for you, it should only inspire you even more. And when someone either passionately loves or passionately hates your books, it means that you have a very controversial, but very good book! And you have "it", the charisma that people like Stephen King, Justin Timberlake, and The Rock have. Don't ever listen to people who tell you that "you can't." They just aren't worth it. I also wonder about the people who put bad reviews on this book. Could it just be envy?
Rating:  Summary: No improvement Review: I think I preferred her last two books even though they were a mediocre rating. I think she's getting way too much publicity because she got published as a teen. I think she should put for characterization and description into her book, it's not very accurate to visualize. It only took me a little over an hour to read. Looking over the other reviews, they are right, she needs something new. The witches and vampires just is plain and boring out there. I admire her for being published at a young age, but her writing really needs an improvement.
Rating:  Summary: An Embarassment Review: I was sadly disappointed and probably the last time I will ever think of buying her book. Next time I will just save the money and borrow it from the library. there's just no improvement in her writing. This is even more unoriginal then her last two books. It reminds me of a rip off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I expected more from her. This is garbage, hopefully her next book will be well over the vampire hunter a la witch by then. It be nice to read something not about witches in every book.