Rating:  Summary: Extremly good Review: I don't want to give away to much of this book because I feel all of it needs to be left unknown until read. But I do want to say a few things.Sarah Vida is a vampire hunter and Christopher Ravena is a vampire. The two become friends against everything their famly's knowledge, belifes, and wishes(kinda Romeo and Juliet). Not only is a fiendship forming but so is a romance. Well that's all Im gonna give away about the story. But I will say that when I read this I felt as if I had some connection to the characters. They are very real.
Rating:  Summary: I love This Book!!!!!!! Review: I love this book. It shows not only the love and loyalty that can exist between siblings no matter what they do, but it shows what lengths a person might go to survive. My favorite charaicter was Nikolas because despite his bad reputation he really is a sweetheart, when you haven`t threatened him or some he cares about. He will do anything to protect the people he cares from physical or emotional help. That is why I give this book 5 star.
Rating:  Summary: Will sate a reader's need for a good read Review: Simple plot: Forbidden love between two young teenagers. Sadly, one's a vampire the other a witch killing vampire.(I guess you can see where the problem starts)Plus the vampire hunter would like nothing better to do that kill her lover's brother. Here's the catch: You might look at this book and say..."dammmit! Love story...between vampires?? Sounds rather....well different." That's exactly what Atwater-Rhodes is all about. Being different. Her sense of style, her writng, her appeal to teenagers weighed by a darkness that will draw adults. Her style may be juvenile for the adult reader, but not her writing. She's got pure talent that will mature with the writer herself. she can spin you and open a window to your mind. You will be thrown back and forth. Plus you need to get a sense of literature. Atwater-Rhodes has a begining page with a poem by the famous W. B. Yeats called "The Two Trees". Great poem that ties with a great novel. The novelist has something that not every author can grasp...and that is having depth. To actually bring the writer's mind into a place that fastpaced, phenomonally unatural, and have earthly morals and feelings as normal human beings have in her own fictious characters is overwhelming. Thought there is a love conflict it's not sappy but stimulating. And no.... nothing about sex....Thank God.
Rating:  Summary: Not all vampires are bad!!! Review: This is the story of a witch named Sarah Vida. In this world witches are vampire hunters. Sarah starts a new school and on her first day she meets two weak vampires. She can sense their aura but they can't sense hers. The two vampires names are Christopher and Nissa. They are brother and sister. Christopher falls in love with Sarah and she doesn't know how to tell him who she is. Sarah's sister Adianna finds out that Sarah is friends with two vampires and threatens to tell their mother. If Sarah's mother finds out she will disown her. That means that Sarah will lose all her powers as a witch. This is one of my favorite books. I don't read very often but I've read this one four times. I've also read every other book by this author. I strongly encourage everyone to read this book and every other book by this author.
Rating:  Summary: Shatered Mirror Review: This book is one in a series of books by Amilia Atwater-Rhodes. It had everything in it that a good book should have, excitment (most of all)a good plot,and great characters! This book is about a a vampier hunter who moves to a new school. She is not suppose to talk or more important befriend ANY vampiers. She mets two vampiers who have next to no power at all! Now she has to face her mom as well as her wrost vampier enemy and wonders if having a vampier as a friend is worth it! I promise you that you will sit at the edge of your seat at least more then 2 times as she fights her wrost enemy! I recomend this book to ages at least 10 and up, personally I don't think that 8 or 9 year olds would like this book...but who knows! I am 12 years old and I don't think that if I had read this book a year before that I would have liked it! I promise you that you will sit at the edge of your seat at least more then 2 times as she fights her worst enemy! ~~enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: i have fallen in love with a vampire Review: Shattered Mirror is a great book. If you want a book that has adventure then this book is the book to read. Shattered mirror takes place in a small town and a small neighborhood. In the beginning Sara had to go to a new school and meet all new people. At first everything was fine, but then she met this boy. His name was Nicholas. Nicholas was a vampire, and since Sara was a vampire hunter she smelled his aura right away. When she realized what he was, she tried to ignore him, but he insisted on being friends with her. She did research on Nicholas and she found out that he hadn't harmed anyone in over 200 years. Because he hadn't hurt anyone in so long, Sara decided that there was no harm in being his friend. But when her mom found out she was mad because she had forbidden her daughter to ever befriend a vampire. What Sara's mom doesn't know is that Sara and Nicholas are not only friends, but they have fallen love. If you want to find out what happens to Sara and Nicholas, and the journey they face then, you should really read this book. " Sara wasn't sure what she wanted to do now that she was a vampire but as Nicholas had said, she had forever." This is my favorite quote in the book because it is so mysterious, and it really brings everything in the book together. I also like this quote because it really makes you want to read the next 2 books. I think that the book shattered mirror is a great book, because Sara, one of the main characters, really fights for what she believes in. What I mean by that is that even though none of her family members agree with her and Nicholas being together she stays with him any ways. I think that if you like fantasy/super natural kinds of books then this is the book for you. Also if you like vampires and creatures like that, then you would really like this book. I would recommend this book to kids about 12 and 13 years old because there are some confusing or hard parts to understand. Also I would recommend it to adults who want a shorter book, that is also a good book. I think this book is important to read because it teaches you to believe in and do what you want, no matter what anyone thinks.
Rating:  Summary: Better and Improved Writing Quality, Except--Boring!!! Review: I was expecting a good book from some of the reviews critics were giving her, but critics normally can't review a book if their life counted on it. I found the critics worshipping her age more then her actual writing ability. I read the book for myself and I am ashamed to even think she has influence upon young writers. Her writing quality is around below average to average. Around a C-. Starting with the synopsis... Sarah Vida is on a journey to slay Nicolas, a "deadly" vampire who marks his victims. Sarah: annoying with her tough girl and "independent" attitude when in actuality she can't take care of herself. Some here have quoted: "Buffy look alike." I agree, she looks very similar to the TV star who portrays the character. Only this one is very weak and stupid when it comes to making decisions. Chris: mainly a poetic wimp that isn't that strong. He is practically a geek boy worshipping over the "hot" girl and it is pathetic. The poems are stupid and Nissa, his sister describes him like an obsessive maniac. Kris: the more vile side of Chris was a killer, not very original, sounds like someone that Buffy was linked to. There is nothing that interesting about him and nothing catches my attention in this one. Nicolas: another "very tough" vampire, are there any vampires in her books that actually have brains? He doesn't even die, it's just like Demon in My View, Aubrey is suppose to kill Jessica and he doesn't. Here, too, she doesn't kill the main objective. Nissa: a wimping a good two shoe vampire. The characters--you don't know much about them. Amelia never explains the reasons behind their actions. WHy are her vampires in high school, I was in high school and it was the last place I wanted to be!!! But of course I graduated... but why high school? Are these vampires that behind in knowledge? Amelia has improved in her writing but lacks many qualities. The book isn't as superficial, but the romance reminds me of Demon... it shows how much Amelia does her research... she doesn't do any. If I were her I would ask others who have been in relationships. She also doesn't get too involved with the Witches. I don't know much about them, and the fighting is poorly done. These vampires don't seem strong when she fights them. Overall I only can give her 2 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Best Yet Review: So far this is the novel i can tell she had taken some time to write. It was great until the conclusion where she used the same ending as Demon only in different words. Her writing had progressed extremely well in this novel and I praise her for it. She took her time until the ending where she rushed. Though I found Sarah to be annoying with her overly confident persona. And it resembles Buffy the Vampire Slayer too much. Those looking for an average written book, this is a recommended pick.
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING TO SAY THE LEAST Review: This book was unbelieveable when you consider how young she is compared to other great successful authors in her genre. I enjoyed this book so much and i think that is sorta saying somthing to me because its hard for me to find a really good vampire story like this one and suprises you at every turn of the page. Sarah Vida is an excellent heroine. This is an amazing story that alot of young readers will enjoy basically becuase it reaches them on certain levels where authors like Anne Rice can't reach because of the age diffrence that Atwater-Rhodes covers. I hope everyone will read this book because to me it as a must have for any teen vampire romance/action fan
Rating:  Summary: The Vida Laws Review: Sarah Vida is the youngest daughter of the Vida family, an ancient group of witches who are vampire hunters. After a violent confrontation with Kaleo (a vampire), she begins school with a broken arm. She meets Christopher and Nissa, vampires who are unaware of the origin of her wound. The brother and sister quickly become friends with Sarah even though it is against Vida law to befriend vampires. At the same time Sarah is on the trail of Nikolas, an extremely old vampire who had killed a member of the Vida family many years ago. She soon finds out the story of Christopher and Nissa as their friendship grows. At night she goes to vampire parties, looking for Nikolas, armed with various knives ready to kill Nikolas at any cost. This book was awesome! There was such inner turmoil, so much tension and many life-or-death situations. Sarah was such a strong person, but still vulnerable. The vampires in this book were really deep and there seemed to be three basic types of vampires: Vicious - They leave their victims dying in the street -Kaleo Gentle - Snack on their victims and let them go afterwards -Nissa Possessive - Blood bond themselves to their victims -Nikolas