Rating:  Summary: Daughters of the Moon Review: Catty is my favorite. I like when she goes into the other world to visit her father. I hoped that he was going to be the monk or at least a good guy. I think Catty is going to have to fight her father in order to save the other Daughters of the Moon. I'm glad she found Kyle. Catty has the best power of all the powers. I wish I could time travel.
Rating:  Summary: Disapponting 11th in Great New Series Review: I enjoyed this book a lot. Wat i dont get is that in all the otha dotm's especially #1, catty always seems brave and troublemaking but wen shes the main character u c her peronality is totally diff. I LOVE KYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!he seems so cool and mysterious. And i do think tianna will turn evil becus wat catty sees on the scroll [no detail;dont wanna give anything away] and i never thought tianna fits in w/ the daughters she seems kinda distant and the fact she had her powers b4 she was a goddess is kinda odd................serena shouldnt spend sooo much time w/ stanton 2 the point wer her frends complain.I would have liked 2 c more of michael and especially collin. u never really c them 2getha bsides in the jimena based books. If u wanna talk boutbooks im me @ chinchillacraze2
Rating:  Summary: Good Book For Catty Lovers Review: I just finished reading The Prophecy and I am half happy with the book and half disappointed. First of all the storyline is that Catty and the other Daughters try to get the Scroll back from the museum before the curse destroys everyone. Then Catty meets her father who unleashes powers she has supressed. Along the way she finds herself falling for Kyle the dangerous bad boy who also paints. But anyways I like the book because it does focus a lot around Catty whom along with Serena is my favorite Daughter. But other things disapoint me. First of all it's always the same person to come and cause suspense and Serena is spending too much time with Stanton. And even if Catty's my favorite Daughter I would like to see more of the other Daughters. Also the book ends with certain cliff hangers. Overall plotwise I like it but add more Daughters and don't leave things too cliffy.
Rating:  Summary: The Prophecy Review: I just got this book yesterday and read it in one night!! It was sooo awesome!! Well, if you haven't read it yet, here are a few tidbits about the book:- Serena seems to have changed: She's so obsessed with Stanton and doesn't really spend time with the Daughters anymore. - Vanessa is a lot more rebellious. She's prepared to do anything to help Catty. - Jimena is feeling so lonely and left-out from her friends. She knows the girls are hiding something from her. She also seems to be having premonitions 'cos she's always there when the Daughters need her and she's always giving Catty advice that eventually turns out to be true. I think she's going to replace Maggie. Plus, Serena can't read her mind anymore. - Catty is falling in love with Kyle, and she's so jealous of her friends 'cos they all have boyfriends. - Tianna broke her collarbone during cheerleading practice,and her powers got messed up. It's funny 'cos things just keep on flying around without her control. Also, Catty is feeling weary about her 'cos in the Scroll, there's a goddess opening the gates of hell that looks EXACTLY like Tianna. Also, there's a strange presence in Tianna's house that kind of gives Catty the feeling that she's being watched. - What happens to Chris is so sad. (*sniff*) okay i suggest you buy the book if you're a real DotM fan like me. =)
Rating:  Summary: I love Catty!!! Review: I love anything about Catty. She's my best one in the series. I like this story and what happens to Vanessa is funny. I liked the Secret Scroll (Catty's first story) and I like in this one that she gets to know her father and also finds out about herself. The ending is sad if you like Chris.
Rating:  Summary: Suspense and Story! More Catty, too. Review: I love the part about Catty and Vanessa and the others when they go to the museum and want to steal the Secret Scroll out of the art museum. They don't want the curse on the scroll to kill anyone more because it already has. They don't have any success. That makes good suspense because you know the police are going to catch them and they'll have to call their parents from jail!!! Also in this book Catty meets her father for the first time. But I don't know if he really is good or bad. I can't decide. Is he another Stanton? I think he is maybe but I don't know so I want to find out and want to know what Serena doing.
Rating:  Summary: The Prophecy Review: I loved it. I mean Catty finally comes to face the past and kick it's arse! She deals with everything her mother told her (her birthmother, not Kendra). I liked the fact that it circled around Catty and it was as if Catty was the only character in the book and it was a monologue. I loved meeting Kyle Ormond( a guy who wanted to meet me), who is one of the main characters of the new series Ewing is writing "Sons of the Dark" which is awesome cause its tied in with DOTM....very cool...and you find out Kyle isn't that ordinary and that's awesome....I just felt bad for chris... Jimena is AWESOME. I know what she is....(Refer back to #10 for more details....) I mean at first one would think "That's Vanessa" but Vanessa is still a daughter so its not her. Their powers are growing bigger and bigger.....and I think #12 may be close to the last one...(It's centered around Tianna, I believe) Anyway read and be well... May the Godess the protect.
Rating:  Summary: Daughters of The Moon TV Series? Review: I think we should try to make it happen, i think these books are so good that they deserve to make a tv series off of this, if we love it so much we should get out there and say something, i personaly think they could make this series a Teen TV series..Girls think about it....And i have to say Jimena is my favorite, i like her with her gangster self....;)
Rating:  Summary: Best book so far!!! Review: OKay I have to say Serena WAS my favorite, but now I would have to say Catty, how could you not? This story had the best plot, and Catty didnt make stupid choices like the girls did in the other books, she actually thinks a bit more clearly. Others said that Catty and Chris should have stayed together, well yeah maybe if he didnt lie, it was doomed anyways. And Kyle, I love him, I thought they were a good match, but then you read Sotd and realize there not together anymore...whatever, maybe theres still hope!! I love this book so much, I am getting sick of the whole Serena and Stanton thing, I used to think they were so exciting and interesting to read about their forbidden love, but now its just getting old, that why I liked Catty and Kyle, and its not like she wasnt sad, she cried over Chris, plus its about time she really has a relationship she complained in the early ones about not having a bf, and she even thought in #11 that she felt left out, since she was the only one without a bf, which I think a lot of people can relate to that out of the loop feeling!!
Rating:  Summary: fun read Review: the prophecy was just another one of the best books i read by the great and talented author Lynne Ewing. this book mainly focuses mostly on Catty and her search for the Secret Scroll and she finally meets face to face with her father, who is a member of the Atrox's Inner Circle. Jimena appears in the book also but she may not be who she appears to be anymore there is a big change coming for her, don't worry its nothing evil or anything its actually good and might help out the Daughters. the battle at the end of the book was really exciting but shocking because of what happens to Chris. Catty didnt like Kyle at first but she is falling for him. (not surprising) anyways enjoy the book cant wait til the becoming comes out. alot of people think Tianna is going to become evil. cant wait til find out bye