Rating:  Summary: My god you people suprise me... Review: Allright so let me get this straight this challenging (to the mind, I'm not illiterate) exciting book is sacrelige? I applaud Jenna H whole heartedly for her good arguments. "What you feed the mind is as important as what you feed the body..." Allright so give your children good christian literature that never challenges them to think for themselves and not believe all that the church tells them. As mentioned in the book, often the church is full of stinking lies. For many years they have been... the crusades... what did they prove? It is possible to kill innocent people? I know that every single religious person out there will hate me after reading this but did you ever consider that maybe god wants you to think for yourselves?
Rating:  Summary: This book was a magnificent wonder of genius. Review: The The Golden Compass and The subtle Knife are my favorite books in the whole world! I felt like a part of the book. The descriptions were vivid and quite imaginitive. The introduction of the "our-worlder" was a great idea with great outcome, Though I wished Lyra was as powerful as she was in The Golden Compass. I am desperatly anxious for the third book. Hana W.
Rating:  Summary: Defense for His Dark Material Series Review: Reader in San Jose, I am surprised at your blindness! Had you taken a second to reflect upon this masterpiece of liturature you could obviously see the truth. You narrate Lyra as a disobedient lyiar, had you ever considered that Lyra was raised with practically no discipline, a father who didn't care about her wellbeing, and a mother with no maternal interest. You describe Lord Asrial as a hero of this book, can you not see that he is portrayed as a neglentic father, powerhunter, and the thief of Lyra's Golden Compass? Will is not a 'ruthless murder' as you put but rather defends himself against assains and in the process acidentaly kills one of them. And as for John Perry, have you never brocken your word before? And if you did, did it help others? I doubt it. You say this book allows any sort of sinful act as long as it serves their purpose. Have you considered that humans since the begining of time have had this same philosiphy, they call it war, death penalty, and terrosism. Even the police work under this code of humanity. The point of this book is not rebelling agaist God. The only one who does this act blasphemy is the madman, Lord Asrial. It merely the story of two children caught up in a war between the Church and science, a war conceled so well the public eye can only see slight movement at times behind a thick screen of secretecy. A war that will only be shown if the Subtle Knife is placed in Lord Asriel's hand. By the way no where does it say that it was made by a human, and there is nothing blasphemous about God being vulrable. Signed, Jenna H. P.S. The one star is only there so you can read my review, if it was possible I'd give the book 6 stars
Rating:  Summary: It is AWESOME!!!! I Loved IT? WHERE'S THE 3RD???? Review: I think this book is a truly Amazing and Awesome book. I don't think it should be published as a fantasy book, because I read it at age 12, and LOVED IT!! I lent it to my friend, and she kept it for a month! I know from reading other reviews that many people are offended by his religious views. My Opinion is that 1) Those are HIS ideas, not not neccessarily yours, and 2) unless I am mistaken, This is not refering to the God we know, but a God in a book that may or may not represent God. I practicaly screamed when Lee Scoresby died, then started crying. I also just sat there when it was over, because the plot and characterization were so intense and Awesome. I can't wait for the 3rd book, and i have just read 114 reviews on Amazon trying to figure out the title of the 3rd book. IF YOU KNOW IT, PLEASE TELL US IN A REVIEW. PLEASE!! If you know Mr. Pullman personally, tell him to finish qickly, because i've been without them for A YEAR! I have read it so many times that it is still in my head. I seriously recommend it to anyone who is mature enough to understand the context and plot sequence. It is a Truly Amazing Book.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: I thought that it was an excellent book and that all the people thought that it was a bad idea for Pullman to question the religion are wrong. Pullman was questioning the followers of it and not God. Whos side were the angels on; Lord Asriel. I think that The Authority is represented as God but God himself is not the one being questioned. Pullman was questioning the church and how its dictatoring ways ruled the world in a cruel way but God, God was not being questioned
Rating:  Summary: How to imperil your soul for a good night's read Review: I wonder how many parents bought this book for their children since its featured in the scholastic book club? I also wonder how many of them knew that it essentially promotes a form of devil worship? Lets take a quick look at the qualities of the major 'hero's' of this book. Lyra: A chronic truant, disobedient to every authority and makes lying a virtue. Asriel: Sacrifices an innocent child to further his ambitious plan, nevertheless considered a great hero for good. (I guess you have to break a few eggs if you want to make an omelet) Will: A ruthless murderer becomes the centerpiece of the master plan. John Parry: Breaks a solemn oath within a few hours of making it, but thats ok since it furthers the grand plan. Every sort of occult practice, divination, consorting with fallen angels, sacrificing fingers, etc. is featured as a great good in this book. It is quite interesting to observe the complete lack of any moral conviction of any of the characters in the Subtle Knife. Any despicable act is justified as long as it serves the master plan. Consistent with this philisophy, as soon as a character has fulfilled her purpose, he or she is killed off since they are no longer needed. Rebellion is featured as a great and noble good. I must confess, the book is a page turner, with dramatic, violent and suspenseful events carefully introduced in every chapter to keep you reading. No doubt that a major purpose of the book is to suck every impressionable youth into its twisted world view. I don't doubt in our decaying society that the 'brand new' idea promoted in this book of rebelling against God will win the Subtle Knife accolades in academic circles. Probably this review alone will sell a few thousand more books. Keep yourself and your children away from this book. Remember what you feed your mind is just as important as what you feed your body. Unless of course you want to buy the whole series and shelf it next to your dog-eared copy of Anton Levy's the Satanic Bible, and the Necronomicon.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT! But then it falls short with the war on God... Review: This book could have been on the level of The Lord of the Rings easily! Then it had to go and destroy everything by bringing in this War on God. This book makes enough Blasphemous points that I feel totally crushed that I even read The Golden Compass because now I am very dissapointed. The worst of all of these thoughts is that God is evil. This book plainly states that! It also caims that God can be killed! Killed by a weapon made with Human hands! This book has been so dissapointing that I can't describe it in words! Another thing that adds to the dissapointment is the fact that in The Golden Compass we are given no clue to the fact that the next book was to have these terrible things in it! If I had gotten that message in the first book I could have been prepared for this dissapointment. Also, this book gives no hint as to wether the next book will show that God is Love and not Hate and Evil, or that He can't be killed by human hands! If it does state these terrible thoughts, you will find The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and the next book will all be in my trash bin...no matter how painfull it will be to see these wonderfull books go...
Rating:  Summary: This is such a great series Review: I loved this book, and I could feel the worlds around me. Phillip Pullman is such a great author and it's no wonder his books got such great reviews.
Rating:  Summary: Excellant! I loved It!! Review: Will adds a good taste to the second novel. I like the idea that Lyra is the second Eve, and I can not wait until the third book is written. I really didn't get why the ballonist seached for Grumman, though. I think Dr. Malone shouldn't have gone into the tent, and Pullman never mentioned her again.
Rating:  Summary: A great comeback......but what's with the ending?? Review: I found that The Subtle Knife was very captivating and a great sequel to The Golden Compass. There was a couple of things I disliked in it though. What happened to Lyra's leadership skills? And why did it end so abruptly? Well, besides those points, The Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife are my favorite books in the whole world and I can't wait for the third book. dOES ANYONE KNOW WHEN #3 COMES OUT OR AT LEAST WHAT IT'S CALLED????