Author Shelley Stoehr, who never seems to flinch at the grit of teenage angst, succeeds again with Tomorrow Wendy, the story of an unforgettable teen named Cary who finds herself obsessed with her boyfriend's sister. As the obsession propels Cary to steal odd bits and pieces from Wendy's room, Cary begins to wonder if, perhaps, she might have a "thing" for Wendy. What's really going on inside Cary's mind? Does she love Danny or his sister? And what would it mean to be gay? Unfortunately, drugs and manic dancing in underage nightclubs cloud Cary's mind even further. The only person who seems to know what she may be feeling is her best friend Rad, who is invisible to everyone else and who talks only in song lyrics. This frank tale of one teen's dangerous spiral through apathy, obsession, and drug-fueled hysteria will certainly be too disturbing for readers under age 14. For older readers, though, Stoehr's novel will completely deglamorize the use of drugs to mask confusion and self-doubt. By the end, even Cary takes fragile first steps toward a cleaner, more realistic way of living.