Rating:  Summary: Amazing plot, exceptional story Review: Compared to the rest of the Tolkien novels, this book might be Tolkien's weakest, but it has it's innocent appeal. Much like the first part to any trilogy, this book sets up what is to come, while following the structure of a complete book. Impressive stylistically, stunning in plot this book starts off slow, but that does not affect the final product.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best Review: Not the best LOTR book, after all, this book is the starter, I am on The Two Towers and I love it! This book is short of The Hobbit by a bit, and The Two Towers by far. Trust me, to enjoy the other parts of the LOTR, read this and The Hobbit first. You won't believe how important it is to read The Hobbit before this, you may be confused. This book is worth the read though, so deal with the boring parts, and just remember, it gets MUCH better!
Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship of the Ring Review: I really liked The Fellowship of the Ring a lot. It is full of beauty,mystery,and terror. I really liked hobbits and elves a lot too. There is so many great characters that it is difficult to choose a favorite one,but I would probaly say I liked the hobbits,the elves,Gandalf,and Aragorn the best.Merry and Pippen are the most engaging hobbits but Frodo is the bravest and most serious. He would have to be my favorite character.Tolkien uses great imagination and description. There is not one dull chapter.Some chapters,like the ones in Lorien are very lovely while others,like in Moria and the barrow downs are terrifying.This is defiantly a great story and I recommend it along with The Hobbit and the other two in the trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: The Daddy of the fantasy novels. Review: Is the best fantasy novel. It starts with this fabulous adventure of Frodo, in his way to the Evil land of Mordor. Indeed, Tolkien is the King of the modern fantasy novels. Great for teens!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Tolkien masterpiece! Review: I have to say this is my favorite of the Lord of the Rings series. If you like fantasy books, you will be delighted with this book. With all its action, you will definitely be experiencing cliffhangers. It has a truckload of different creatures, some good and bad. I recommend you read The Hobbit first so you can get the idea of what went on before the story. Either way, this is a must-read!
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece of Fantasy literature. Review: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien starts up slowly, but then it gets a little more exiting (especially if you are into dungeons and dragons.) This is a very good book out of a series, that you must read (I would recommend you to read the Hobbit first, it will give you an idea of the story and the settings.) But if you start with this book, you will get the story even if you don't read the Hobbit. The Fellowship of the Ring is about an evil ring who by destiny was given to Frodo who is Bilbo's nephew. So a wizard advises Frodo to destroy it in the place it was made. By trying to accomplish this goal Frodo has many adventures and surprises and meets many different people hobbits, humans and elves. Beware there's a lot of strange, made-up words and there is a lot of songs in this book. I think you can just skip them, because for me they don't make any sense and are placed there just to keep you in suspense.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of The Rings 3books"An absoulute Classic!" Review: Forever a classic this one. Gloriously detailed and fully explained along the way, from the villages of Hobbiton to Gondor this is an essential read. Anyone interested in the superb Nintendo64 video game classic "The Legend of Zelda" or George Lucas' epic "Starwars" will feel truly at home. Never before has a fictional world been so detailed and real. Anyone new to the series should read the "Hobbit" first to enjoy and appreciate it more.
Rating:  Summary: It's by Tolkien,it's good! Review: This is a great book! It's the first book in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which is about The one ring which the dark lord Sauron made to control all the rings of power. This is such an incredible book, but it doesn't make any since whatsoever if you don't read The Hobbit (also by Tolkien) first! The Hobbit is a lot more fast-paced (and shorter) for you people who thought the Fellowship of the rings dragged itself out. (which it did for a very good reason,to explain a bit of history that comes in very important later on,if you read the other books)So don't give this book a bad review if you haven't read the book that explains it or haven't even finished the trilogy, it gives this really good book a bad name which is the least it deserves! This is one of the greatest books in the world, and Tolkien is the best author!!!
Rating:  Summary: a decent book, but not decent to be called a "classic" Review: I read Dune and loved it. And one of the reviewers referred to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and said something about it being better than Dune. That's the last time I'm going to listen to a reviewer. This book has an extremely boring introduction that doesn't grip the readers. But motivated by that review, i kept reading, hoping the book will get interesting soon. It didn't. What I want in a book is a interesting characters, with real emotions that you can somewhat relate to. The personality is predetermined by the person's race and completely generic. Halfings: Nervous, somewhat paranoid, and kind. Dwarves: Sturdy, strong, and prideful. Read Dune instead.
Rating:  Summary: Took me years... Review: I used to trust the opinions of others. Not any more. Over a period of years, I tried continually just to make it to the end, and when I finally get there, there's not even a climax!!! There wasn't even a character that I actually liked! People keep saying the next two are better, but after slogging through the most boring document in existance short of the phone book, I think I'll stick with Robert Jordan and Mercedes Lackey.