Rating:  Summary: Boring? Please! This book is THE book! Review: Many people complain about how long it is, bla bla bla. Books are too short, this book is long and perfect. If you find your getting no where, exactly. You arn't! But when you are done, look back and you will feel liek Frodo, a journey that has taken months(really just two weeks) and was so satisfying that you must sing a song. This is not a book, this is the best.
Rating:  Summary: One Ring to Rule Them All Review: Definitely an amazing book. There is no way to describe the entire world JRR Tolkien created from his (huge) imagination. Anyway, try to think about a world, similar to our world in the middle ages, where there is MAGIC. Not these tricks you are used to in real life, but real magic: a kind of power that comes from every living being. People that are really connected to nature, trees that can think and speak ... and everything in this world has a very well defined history: the beginnings, the myths, legends, kings ... everything told in words that reflect the author's sensations about his own dream. Even poetry you'll find in this book.The Fellowship of The Ring, being the fist part of The Lord of the Rings (usually published in three volumes), is the most polemic of Tolkien's works. This book has been read by many people since it appeared in print, and Tolkien himself received lots of letters filled with opinions, critics, and whatsoever. This story is a huge one, and there are people who dislike big stories. The first part of this book is concerned with providing a background to the saga and to make a link with The Hobbit, the previous book in chronology. This way, things seem to be slow and there's almost no action. For those who have read The Hobbit, a very nice and dynamic book, the first part of The Fellowship of the Ring may (but not probably) be boring. In fact, it's almost necessary to read The Hobbit before thinking of reading The Lord of The Rings; otherwise, much of the fun in this book will be lost. However, in the second part (Book II), action comes back, and now we have the characters dealing with a never-ending series of adventures, puzzles, dangers ... In other words, this book is worth the money you're gonna spend on it. But remember: before doing that, read The Hobbit!!!
Rating:  Summary: the best there is. Review: This is the first book in the trilogy; and even as a standalone it's a masterpiece, if any author is to be viewed as a master; as they talk about Mozart, etc. Tolkien is to be for his lifework. The fellowship of the ring is from the beginning to the end a linguistic maze; those who have troubles with beautiful; almost poetic, language; will not appreciate this, but set aside that; and look only at the contains of this work, and you'll realize what a brilliant mind Tolkien had, noticeably is that he took much inspiration from Nordic, Preussic and Greek mythology; which adds to the atmosphere and feeling of this book, everything feels real; authentic, as if it was written in experience, I've read David Eddings, I've read Elizabeth Moon, but they are just mere pale copies compared to J.R.R Tolkien, (not saying they're bad though, just emphasizing on how great Tolkien is). This is a book that really is best experienced alone, in a dark room, with some soft moody music and just enough light to read, be terrified, be amazed, be astounded. To those who have yet to read this, and these books: I am in envy, the first experience of them is incredible, just put a little effort into it, and you will be rewarded times 1000.
Rating:  Summary: I'll be nice... Review: Now maybe because it was too long or I'm not into all this fairy tale kinda stories but I didn't enjoy this book one bit. It was slow and uninteresting in many parts. I had English Honors for Sophmore year...it was the worst experience I've ever had with a book. It had to drag myself to read that book. I think the book is GREAT for fires...right shmi?!? Sorry all you people who did like it. But maybe cause you read the sequels. I think Ill pass. I have nighmares everytime I see that book in the bookstore. MAKE IT STOOOP!
Rating:  Summary: Book of this century...and all centuries Review: The Lord of the Rings...there are precious few in the English-speaking world who have not heard of it spoken in some context of grandeuer, of respect, of hype. To summarise, it DELIVERS. The Fellowship of the Rings may be long and complex, but is the epitome of all that is simple literature. JRR Tolkein uses his remarkable poetic and philological talents to guide us through an entirely distinct universe, and in the fashion of Classical, Norse and Irish legend and mythology envigorates the mind with each twist and turn in the basic struggle against good and evil. With the literary skill of a master seanachaí, he relates the tales of a new quasi-mythology...this book isn't fantasy, to an open-minded reader it is a new level of reality; we may learn as much from the thematic structure of the Lord of the Rings than we do from the innards of a history book. No other novel has delved as deeply into the mind of the author, and none have manifested these ideas as well to the reader. The Fellowship may seem boring to the short attention-span casual reader, but with a little perseverance the rewards are amazing. An leabhair milaois...The book of the millennium.
Rating:  Summary: I've seen both worlds Review: Look, I have heard both sides of the LOTR debate: the Epical adventure + the boring drag. In fact, I have been to both sides. I read the Lord Of The QRings for the first time when I was seven. I loved it. Sure, it took me a month, and sure most of it went over my head. But I loved it (although I hated the actual reading part. Now I have read it sixteen more times, and I can safely say I know where everyone is coming from. Book one, The Fellowship of the Ring, is fantastic in it's own way, but it does become repeditive and a little tedious. It is brilliant, but hard to get into and really live. The second book WITHIN the first novel is amazing. This is where Tolkien starts his action. At first I struggled through the first book, but now I breeze through, knowing there is great stuff ahead. Book two and three are brilliant, if a bit naive and neat for my taste. Tolkien is the origional and the best EVER FANTASY WRITER!!! I can say this confidently as having read most popular fantasy series' and his is the most origional and epical I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: This book is among the best I have ever read... Review: This book is the opening chapter of the epic "Lord of the Rings Trilogy", the best series of books (I believe) ever written. This book sets the foundation more solidly than "The Hobbit" does and begins to unveil Tolkein's modern myth. This book is only rivaled by the other books in the Trilogy and by "The Silmarilion" which was also written by Tolikein.
Rating:  Summary: It was boring then interesting....but mostly boring.... Review: What's to say, tolkien's a very good author in his own way. You don't feel his character's though, you don't care about them much. 500 pages seems really really long in this books. You know how in some books you hardly noticed that you've read 100 pages. Not so here, I swear I looked at the page numbers all of the time and got nowhere. I read the first 200 pages (which were really boring) then got to the interesting part. Unfortunatly the report on it was due the next day so all day I spent reading it page by page until it was finished. Moria was good Rivendell and Elf Land were dragged out quite alot. I give it three because it's very high quality writing. Structurally sound. I just failed to pick it up and soar...if you get my meaning. Don't get me wrong though, the hobbit and the rest of the trilogy are really good.
Rating:  Summary: When does it STOP GETTING BORING?????? Review: okay when i was 12 i read the hobbit and luved it. Then i decided to pick up Fellowship and after about 5 chapters of nothing happening i gave up...2 yrs passed and i decided to try again. Fisrt i got the hobbit again (and enjoyed it again!)then i started Fellowship again, it got boring again but i made myself read on....now i'm on the 150pg and there's been almost NO action and almost NOTHING important happening so i'm gonna give up again...the only reason i give it 3 starz is cuz i hear the next 2 books r real good..but i can't make myslef read the rest of Fellowship...i fall asleep!
Rating:  Summary: BEST FANTASY EVER WRITTEN Review: There is no comparison. No other fantasy saga has anywhere near the level of depth and feeling. And that's all anyone can say. You must, I assure you, read this before you die. It is, I say without irony, another world.