Rating:  Summary: More Melissa and Will! Review: First off, I feel there should have been more Melissa and Will. They had the whole book last time about them, and just drop them off. I htink they should have had Will in the hospital, maybe we would have found out hwy he has shoned Melissa. I know everyone hates them, but Will and Melissa are my favorite characters, they flavor to the series. Ken and Maria was a dissapointment, I love them together. I just hope he doesn't hook up with Melissa, which might actually happen. The Conner thing is getting really old, they need to solve it. I am glad they are fading out the twins, they get dull real fast.
Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: I am not a big fan of Maria but I do think it was wrong that Ken dumped her. Either way the series has gotten more exciting.
Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: I am not a big fan of Maria but I do think it was wrong that Ken dumped her. Either way the series has gotten more exciting.
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: I think it's awesome how FINALLY the series is following another storyline besides Conner and Liz. I mean, I am a total Conner-and-Liz freak, but the whole thing was getting old, ya know? Anyways, this was a great book where Ken is finally REALLY back on the team and he's kind of taking advantage of Maria, and Maria is the only one who sees it. I sympathize with her SO much, because if it wasn't for her, Ken wouldn't have even been on the bench to take over Will's position as quarterback of the team. So he better shape up! =)
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: I though the book was really good. Even better than Nothing Is Forever. I don't want to give anything away though, but I would really recommend reading this book!
Rating:  Summary: Book #21 in SVH Senior Year Series Review: Ken Matthews is "The It Guy" after Will Simmons loses his spot as SVH's quarterback due to a leg injury (which happened in the previous book, "Nothing Is Forever")--and now Ken gets that position back. This whole book felt like Ken had suddenly slipped into Will's shoes--he takes his position, could possibly win his football scholarship, and even sneaks a "consoling" hug with his girlfriend (Melissa Fox). This latter incident has Maria Slater (Ken's girlfriend) feeling extremely insecure, and why not? The reader can feel something brewing between Ken and Melissa, which might develop into more in the next book: "So Not Me" (especially after how this book ends)--not that I think they'd work out; I just like the drama, which makes this series so good.Meanwhile, Elizabeth Wakefield, Tia Ramirez, Andy Marsden, Maria, Evan Plummer, Megan, and Mrs. McDermott plan an intervention concerning Conner's drinking problem. (Big cliffhanger there.) And Jessica Wakefield and Jade Wu are still fighting over Jeremy Aames--the score still being in Jade's favor. "The It Guy" was a good SVHSY book, particularly if you're a Ken fan, since he's more in the spotlight. The two short children's stories by Elizabeth (p 74-8) and Conner (p 140-5) were a nice touch as well, illustrating how each feels their relationship is going, though how they react to their problems is not surprising at all: Liz being the comforter, and Conner being the loner. It'd be nice to see some kind of resolve between these two--good or bad, I don't care; just as long as it's soon.
Rating:  Summary: great book! Review: Like all of the Svh senior year books by francine pascal this one was great! For those of you who are following the series this is a deffinet must read! I don't want to tell you what happens but you have to read it!
Rating:  Summary: The It Guy Review: One of the welcome additions to the series SVH Senior Year.Why?Because the perfect couple Ken and Maria break up and oh no naughty Ken is going after Melissa.But in more depth now:Ken has become the new 'it guy' because after Will went off the field with an injury Ken took over and helped win the game.He is loving all the popularity he is getting but he seems to be choosing football over Maria and Maria is feeling jealous and alone.Conner's friends and family are planning an intervention because they are afraid he's got a drinking problem.Will they succeed or scare him away?Also after Jessica dragged Jeremy to see cheating Jade,Jessica is trying to get back together with Jeremy.But Jade also wants him back.Somehow I don't think these two will be friends after this.They already aren't. This is intertwined with diary-like incerpts and e-mail messages and makes for a quick fun read.If you like this you will definitely like the rest of the series.The books are small and will keep you entertained.If this sounds good I suggest you find a copy.The next one after this is So Not Me.
Rating:  Summary: good book Review: This book is mostly about Ken and Maria. Since Will is out and can't play football Ken is the quarter-back now. So, Ken finally gets what he had wanted for a while. Maria though doesn't like this. She is glad ken is the quarter-back and he is happy,but all these girls want him. Maria is fealing like unwanted sometimes. Will they work it out? You'll have to read the book to find out.
Rating:  Summary: The It Guy Review: This book is mostly about Ken and Maria. Since Will is out and can't play football Ken is the quarter-back now. So, Ken finally gets what he had wanted for a while. Maria though doesn't like this. She is glad ken is the quarter-back and he is happy,but all these girls want him. Maria is fealing like unwanted sometimes. Will they work it out? You'll have to read the book to find out.