Rating:  Summary: Define "Normal" Review: The book Define Normal by Julie Anne Peters was a great book. It was about two teenage girls that by looks are completely opposite. Antonia-very smart and dedicated to school joined the peer counseling program at school to help out other students and so she can go to college a year earlier, she was looking forward to doing this until she found out who she was assigned to counsel, Jazz Luther-a punker, and a drugie. After the first few sessions Antonia was begging to quit but her teacher convinced her to give Jazz a chance. When they started telling the truth and letting out some of their feelings they started to realize that they are not as different as they thought. They start to become friends and realize how good it is to have someone there to lean onto and to always talk to. The main intentions of the book were to not judge someone by how look and not to give up on just on a first impression. I think the author did a great job proving that point. I really recommend this book to others. It is very interesting and almost anyone can enjoy it. It helps remind you not to judge people by the inside and not to always assume and jump to conclusions before you really get to know them.
Rating:  Summary: Normality Has Many Forms Review: The book Define Normal was an awesome book for those who judge people by their covers. This book taught me a lesson I will never forget. I will give this book 4 stars because although it taught me a lesson, the lesson it thought is a very common lesson. When I read a book I want it to have a complicated original lesson, not one I hear over and over again. I thought that the person who learned the biggest lesson of all was the main character named Antonia. She is a smart school girl who almost never takes chances. She is tutoring other kids her age for and extra curricular activity. She ends up tutoring a girl named Jazz who is her opposite. She eventually learns that Jazz is a very nice girl and they become good friends. Jazz is always there for her when she needs it. This book also proves that opposites attract. This book kept my attention and I just couldn't put it down!
Rating:  Summary: the honest reviw Review: The book really teaches you how to learn from one another.It has such diverse characters they are totally opposite yet are so alike.The ending is awesome how you would never imagine how they both can learn from each other.Define"Normal" is hands down the best book i have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: A Fine line between Normal and Abnormal Review: This book definatly jumps off the richtor scales for "normal" Jazz and Tone are AWSOME ;) specially Jazz...as you read this book, they help each other alot, sometimes making you question exactly who the counselor is...and the near-ending has a cool twist to it too...
Rating:  Summary: Different Review: This book shows how opposites really do attract. You may thinkyour friend has to be just like you but that is not true. This alsoshows that there is no true way to be normal.
Rating:  Summary: Define Normal Review: This book was a great book, and it really shows where judging others gets you. I think this is a great book and should be read by all!
Rating:  Summary: Define "Boring" Review: This book was unbeliveably boring and depressing, take my advice.. IT [was weak!]
Rating:  Summary: My Thoughts of "Define "Normal"" Review: This book's title jumped out at me while I was looking for a book in our school library. "Define "Normal", it made me think, what is a good definition of the word "Normal" within the context of the story. I am very glad that I picked this outstanding book. The two main characters in "Define Normal" are Jasmine Luther, "Jazz" and Antonia Dillon. Complete opposites, Antonia and Jazz started a funny relationship, when they ended up being partners in a new peer counseling program at their school. Antonia was a bit hesitant in the beginning of the program because she thought of Jazz as a punker, a druggie, and a gang hanger. Antonia came to find that Jazz is something totally different. Before she does though, Antonia second guesses herself and tries to quit the program. She tells her guidance counselor that helping Jazz was too hard, and that Jazz needed more than her help. As each one of the sessions passes Antonia starts to think that what she's doing is working. Until, something happens within her family and Antonia starts having some problems. Then, Jazz starts to take over things at the sessions and helps Antonia out a little. This book focuses on both of the characters because something happens to both of them towards that end of the story, that changes the relationship between both of them. In the end, this is one of the few books that I finished in a day. There are tons of surprises in this book. Some of which just make you want to read the story, until the very last page, once you open the book up. Some other surprises get you off guard. Either way they keep you reading until there are no more pages left. I would recommend this book to 12-15 year-olds. I would because it starts to talk about things and people that we would see more than once at that age in our school. Also, it can open your eyes to many different topics. I would even recommend this book to 11 year olds but there is some bad language in it. I gave this book five stars. I did because I thought throughout the story the plot stayed strong. Also, after reading a few chapters, it was hard to put down the book because the writer always leaves you wanting to know more and anticipate what happens in the next chapter. This story is told in first-person point of view. I feel as though it was a good choice to use that type of view point. I do because you got to learn more about the character that had some major problems and about how that character thought and felt about some of the things that happened in the story. The author of the story, Julie Anne Peters, has written a great story. This book has definitely made it onto my top 5 list. I can't wait to go out and get another book written by her because after reading this one, I can only hope that the other books can get even better.
Rating:  Summary: Bravo!! Review: This is a great book. Any young adult should read this. You can relate to the characters easily. You don't even have to know what they are going through. When you read this you will feel like you know the characters. You might even relize you have a 'Tone' or 'Jazz' in your school.
Rating:  Summary: "normal"? Review: This was a great book! It's about a girl who's having problems with her family and is invited to do peer counseling with this punker. She and the punker become friends some how and share secrets like real friends. This is a great book because it is for a lot of readers. One of my friends finished ir in a day and usually hates reading. I highly recomend it to anyone 9-12 because smaller kids might not understand it.