Rating:  Summary: Not since the LOTR have I been so excited about a series!!!! Review: Robert Jordan is definately, no doubt about it, the next J.R.R. Tolkien. The world he creates in The Eye of the World slowly but surely becomes just as beloved as Middle Earth. The further into the story I got the more I loved the characters and cared about what happened to them. It did not fully hit me how much I came to care about the characters and their future until I began reading The Great Hunt. I found out that this world and these people mean as much to me as do Tolkien's characters. I never believed another story teller like Mr. Tolkien would spring up during my lifetime, but it has happened. The Eye of the World is the beginning of the legend called Robert Jordan. Read this book, or miss out while the legend lives among us.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst books I have ever read Review: I was forced into reading it. HORRIBLE. If you want something truly original try MAR Barker's Flamesong. It is not the typical quest to save the world like this book. Also recommended Tolkien and Herbert.
Rating:  Summary: Phenomenal! This series is an addiction! Review: I was cruising on Princess Cruises, when I stopped in at a small bookstore in Grand Cayman and picked up this book. I think the book was around 900 pages. I finished it during the next four days of the cruise. But the cruise was spectacular; what I was able to see of it. This book jumped to being my favorite book within less than fifty pages. And the other seven novels have been nothing short of spellbinding. This book is one that stays glued to your hands for hours on end. Your eyes need time to adjust to the surroundings after you put it down. The thing that captures your imagination in this series is the extremely well-created characters. Each character is a totally different personality and as you read these books you really care about what happens to its people. Each person's realistic imagination is superbly portrayed in a way that it is true to say that the plot revolves around the characters; instead of the characters around the plot. The charcters make the story. A refreshing change to the fantasy novels I've read is the circle of heroes that are involved. I love it how each person interprets things through their own eyes instead of one sole hero. It is obvious that Rand is the "main" character, but by an extremely thin line. Another thing that exalts the novels above others is that the characters have real personalities. Everyone isn't best friends. It interesting to see how people can actually not all be pals with each other in a fantasy novel. Each person has there own ideas, minds, and needs, and they don't blindly follow one superheroic character who has all the answers. Nobody's perfect; they all go through troubling times and arguments. The unexpectedness of many events adds a lot of edge-of-your seat action, to the vibrant, creative, writing. One exciting sentence can keep you reading for the rest of the twenty-five page chapter. Also the separation of plot throughout the characters is nice. Even though they all stay together mostly during the first novel, they all branch out over the continent to solve their own problems and fight their own battles. Also the restrictions placed on magic are very different compared to other novels. Magic, or here, the One Power, doesn't solve everyone's problems. The varieties of the sorcery and the creative plot work well together. I really hate when all magic users are old, bearded men in pointy hats. You will embrace this series. After you finish each 900 page book you'll wonder how you read it so fast. This world of the Wheel of Time wraps itself around you. You'll feel sorrow and joy for its characters. For, though they go through miles of sorrow, despair, perilous journeys, and hair-raising events, in the end, they all triumph.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: Modern day Tolkienistic style. Jordan delivers fantasy on an unprecedented scale.This book is a beautiful fast paced epic packed with social commentaries of every kind. If you start the series now, prepare to be hooked forever. There are currently 8 1000 page books in the series!
Rating:  Summary: Rehashing of old themes Review: I read the first book in this series (the eye of the world) and just thought it was laughable. I mean, here we have, for the umpteenth time, a fantasy novel about a Dark Lord (Shadow, Undoer, etc, whatever you want to call it) trying to take over the world. Gee, where have i heard this before? Then we have a plain ordinary guy who is the key to stopping him. Sound familiar? Then we have the Evil Lord breaking into the guy's sleep like Satan stalking some poor sinner and it's oh so tiresome. Moreover, the plot is so contrived. Yes, it's one of those quests (yawn) and at one point, when our hero is about to be taken captive by the minions of the Dark Lord, a bolt of lightning, by fantastic coincidence, strikes the house and saves him. How fortunate! And it goes on and on, not quite so imitative as The Sword of Shannara by T. Brooks (a book that should be banned it's such a copy), but a piece of rehashed junk nonetheless. Needless to say, I didn't bother to read the rest of the series. I could tell by their covers they were cliche anyway. Sayonara Mr. Jordan.
Rating:  Summary: I have no words to describe it!!! Review: In the years I've been reading, I've seen guite a few good authors, such as Melanie Rawn, Terry Brooks, Anne Rice, etc.. You get the point though, but when a friend suggested Robert Jordan's books (he had the whole set in a glass case) I was sceptical. The number of books in the series, and the shear size of them nearly turned me away. However, I took a chance with them, and couldn't bare to set the books down until I was finished, which led me directly to the next in line. I've read all eight books now, I have "The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time". This is a very useful, and insiteful reference guide that all Jordan fans should not be without. In my own personal opinion, Robert Jordan is the best fantasy author yet. I, as well as a large number of my friends, eagerly await his next book to hit the market. I hope you all enjoy his writings as I have.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Read Review: I found this book to be a good read, although, IMHO, it did not rise to the caliber of great epic sci-fi/fantasy novels such as the Foundation Trilogy, or the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. At times, the author's effort to bring out plot developments, or his explanation of past history seemed to be too contrived. But the book kept me rapt; eager to turn the next page to find out what would happen next. I was not displeased to learn that there are eight books in the series, and I will certainly continue reading through the series.
Rating:  Summary: Best book I've read!!! Review: This book is wonderful! It is balnced with action and drama. Jordan has hit a winner. The storyline is great. Through all my years of reading novels this has got to be the best!
Rating:  Summary: jordan taught me how to read Review: i used to hate books...until i discovered the wheel of time. i never thought a book could surpass a good movie, or any movie at all. it's like watching tv under a magnifying glass. i knew how each character felt, a movie couldn't do that.
Rating:  Summary: IT¿S THE GREATEST THING TO EVER HAVE BEEN GRACED BY MY EYES! Review: The Eye of the World By Robert JordanSetting: The setting of the story is Randland. Named by fans after the main character, Rand al'Thor . It also takes place in the kingdom of Andor, inside Randland. Characters: The list of main characters is as follows: Rand, Perrin. Mat Egwene, Nynaeve, Moraine Sedai, Lan, and Lolial. Plot: This is the start of probably the greatest and most complex fantasy series ever. Right now I believe it is the 2nd most popular Fantasy series in the world. It has already been translated to fifteen other languages. This book was by far one of the best of the now going on nine books in the series. It all starts when two mysterious strangers appear in the small hamlet of Emond's Field. Shortly after a fist of Trollocs attacks the town, a ferocious mixture of man and beast that serves the Dark One. That's when everyone finds out the strangers' identities. It's an Aes Sedai and her Warder protector. She reveals a plan by the Shadow to take the lives of three young men. One of these young men is of great importance. So with no other choice left them, Rand, Perrin, and Mat must flee their home or face the chance of not only themselves but also their families being massacred. Later on they will come to realize the importance of themselves and the situation that the world is in that only they can stop. You see the Dark One is breaking free from his prison. He wishes to shatter the Wheel of Time itself. Only the three men from Emond's Field may stand against the tide of evil about to sweep over the world and destroy time itself. To accomplish their goals they must go through hordes of monsters, sorceresses, madness, betrayal, and most of all, the opposite sex. In a world were peoples only hope of salvation lies within three young men humankind shall weep for their salvation. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time. Opinion: I think you know, by know how I feel about this novel. IT'S THE GREATEST THING TO EVER HAVE BEEN GRACED BY MY EYES!!! I think this book, along with the series its in, deserves every praise ever given it and a thousand fold more. Recommendation: I recommend this book to any with the time patience and imagination for BIG fantasy novels. Trust me on this, it's a classic waiting to happen. Troy Brannan age14